What Are The Dos And Don’ts For Decorating Your Home?

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    While it's true that everyone's taste is different, there are some universal guidelines you should follow if you'd like to make a good impression on your home's decor.

    If you're looking for a place to start when it comes to interior design, whether updating an old room or starting from scratch with a new one, the checklist of do's, and don't should be useful.

    It's possible to feel excitement and joy while decorating your home, as well as fear and difficulty. You may make many mistakes that would make your home seem strange, awkward, and small.

    Nobody wants something to happen to their property, so it's important to know some basic rules.

    It's easier than you might think to give the idea that your home is sophisticated, roomy, and high-end once you learn the rules and regulations of interior design.

    Don't Over-Theme Spaces

    The majority of us have a preferred period or style that we turn to when deciding how to decorate our own homes.

    Likewise, we all have our preferred eras or periods of design. However, a common mistake is to go overboard with the theme, making the area seem and feel overly cheesy.

    Being overly earnest can make you seem out of place or, more frequently than not, irrelevant.

    Try not to be too literal in your approach to interior design; instead, pull colours, artwork, and furniture from a style you like and use them alongside other components to create a cohesive look.

    It can still have the feel and look you want, even if it isn't transformed into a theme park.

    Keep Your Home Clean!

    Whether it's a collection of old records, photos, or a souvenir from a far-off trip, we all have something we take pride in displaying.

    However, if you combine these items with those you received as presents or acquired during the most recent shopping trip, you may find that the clutter soon takes over your home.

    It not only makes already cramped quarters look even tighter but also provides the impression of more clutter overall.

    To do this, you need to fine-tune your collection and limit the number of items on show at once.

    Finally, if you have an abundance of one-of-a-kind items you cannot bear to part with, you may want to try storing some of them and constantly moving them out over time, much like a gallery does with its artwork.

    Avoid Furniture Sets

    It's easy to make the typical mistake of buying all your new furniture for your sitting room, dining room, and bedroom from a single store.

    Although they are stylistically consistent and complementary, this does not make the collection any less dull or lifeless.

    Do you want your home to look like a shop or catalogue window from the inside?

    The trick is to locate the bed or the large three-seater sofa you admire and then personalise the design by selecting bedside consoles that complement the bed or striking armchairs upholstered in fabric with a bold pattern. It will produce a novel appearance that is all your own.

    Consider Your House's Structure

    Decorate your home such that it flows with the architectural style of your structure.

    Do not try to make a Federation-style house look modern and minimalist if it already has a rich history, but do try to include some of its features.

    The same might be stated about your current location. For example, even though you love the look of coastal homes, putting them in a desert setting isn't a good idea. Instead, you should value the environment you already call home and take design cues from it.

    Don't Decorate with One Colour

    You shouldn't base your design solely on one colour or assign a specific hue to a specific concept. You wouldn't, for instance, paint your house completely blue and yellow if you wanted it to look like a coastal retreat.

    If you're having trouble identifying the colours you're looking for, this may be because you're too focused on one colour or one idea of colour to see the others.

    There's a good chance that one part of your room or house currently "conceals" your ideal colour palette.

    So examine the colours already present in your outfit, accessories, favourite furnishings, books, photos, and anything else you've kept from your younger years to get a sense of your style.

    This might be anything from a fabric swatch to a postcard to a child's toy; the point is that it captures your attention, makes you happy, and sets you on the path to creating your perfect colour scheme by using colours that you enjoy.

    Don't put furniture up against the walls

    Don't cram your furniture against the walls unless you have a small house or apartment. Instead, fill the area with furniture and avoid crowding the walls. It's especially helpful in open-concept layouts since it facilitates easier traffic flow and allows for more flexible furniture placement.

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    Alternate New and Old

    If you like the look of spanking new furniture, don't be afraid to mix in some older pieces like a vintage clock, vintage candlesticks, or even a shelf made of weathered wood. It helps keep the room from feeling boring.

    Mood Board

    Focus on one room at a time instead of making mood boards and space planning for the full house. You can still make out how the various rooms contribute to the concept, but each will need dedicated effort to realise its full potential.

    Avoid Duplicate Accessories

    You should avoid buying matching accents if you want your home to have a cohesive look. Instead, there should be some size, form, hue, and pattern variation.

    Instead, let your creativity run wild by arranging the square pillows around a larger pillow and filling the vases with a wide range of sizes, shapes, and materials. Once again, it's crucial to keep your routines interesting.

    Don't Rush!

    There is zero justification to feel rushed into completing all of the decors in one session. The best locations have been shaped over many years.

    Avoid Hanging Small Art on a Large Wall.

    One of the worst mistakes you can make while designing your home's interior is hanging the wrong artwork. If you have a small wall, choose easier to hang artwork. Larger paintings, photographs, etc., look better when hung on uncluttered walls.

    On the other hand, displaying a little work of art on a massive wall will give the illusion of greater scale because of all the negative space around it.

    It will seem ludicrous and out of proportion. Similarly, a space can look much smaller than if a massive item is hung on a wall just a few feet wide.

    Hang curtains high and wide

    Drapes and curtains require a trained eye and hand to hang correctly.

    Your home's appearance, inside and out, can be drastically altered by where you decide to hang your curtains. For example, you can trick the eye into thinking a space is bigger by hanging drapes higher up on the wall.

    When hanging them, leave as much room as possible between each one.

    With the drapes drawn back all the way, they shouldn't cover the bottom of the window frame. To the eye, the room will appear wider and larger as a result.

    Avoid Decorating with Too-Small Area Rugs

    That dimension of the area rugs you use could have the same consequence on the room's appearance as the way you hang the curtains for your home can significantly impact whether the space appears larger or smaller.

    Therefore, you should never choose a too-small carpet for the space it will occupy.

    Your rugs' edges should either float a few inches under the furniture or stretch a few inches or feet past the pieces. In any case, this is the right approach to arranging your rugs. Anything in the room that is physically smaller than the room itself will make it look even smaller.

    Mix Textures

    If you want to keep your home's design seeming new and intriguing, try switching up the textures you choose. It may be heavy or light, for instance, or it could be plush or fluffy or woven or leather or sequinned or any number of other things.

    Again, a curious look is what the audience is left with instead of apathy. It is recommended, however, to include as many different textures as possible.

    Minimise Your Furniture

    It would be best to exercise caution when decorating your home with decorative items lest they become an eyesore. Sometimes we get obsessed with embellishing something so that it doesn't look boring, which becomes a cluttered mess.

    No matter where you turn, you will find a hidden stash of decorative items. You can make your home appear more lovely and larger by remembering to keep things simple.

    Avoid Symmetry

    Avoid making everything perfectly symmetrical to add visual interest to your interior design.

    For instance, both sides of a room don't need to have the same decor.

    This is, I understand, very typical and maybe alluring, but it's also boring. Instead, you could think about rearranging the room's furnishings and artwork so that nothing is in the exact centre.

    This will ensure that the area remains appealing to the eye.

    Clean up first.

    If you have planned big or even little renovations, you should complete them before bringing any furniture into your property. For example, should we knock down that wall in the middle of the house? Will a newer tub or shower in the bathroom be required?

    Is it time for a significant kitchen renovation? If so, then prioritise those responsibilities. Thanks to the neutral colour palette, you'll have plenty of room to get things done because of the spacious layout, and you'll have an easier time visualising how the finished product will flow with the rest of your home. Planning to build a home? MJS Construction Group brings your building project alive!

    Limit Room Attendance

    There's always the urge to "close in" spacious rooms with lots of furniture to make them feel cosier and warmer than they are.

    It would be best if you resisted the urge to alter the area and enjoy its natural state. For example, large rooms should not be decorated in a way that makes the eye wander around the space in search of something to focus on; instead, they should be furnished and decorated with eye-catching artwork & furniture that grabs attention.

    Both in works of art and in the design for interior spaces like homes, the use of negative space may have a profound effect on the viewer.

    Get Window Coverings That Fit Your Space

    Blackout blinds are a great way to keep the light out of your bedroom or media room while maintaining complete privacy. A good investment for these rooms would be blackout curtains.

    However, its living room, sunroom, or kitchen may benefit more from window treatments designed to let in lots of natural light and retain a clear view of the outside.

    Avoid Overmatching

    Although having a set of match furniture is ideal, most individuals cannot afford it.

    If you're looking for a new furniture piece but are worried that it won't go in with your current decor, don't let that stop you from acquiring it.

    A vintage sofa, cabinet, rocker, or table can serve as a conversation piece despite being from a different era or perhaps a different century from any rest of your furniture. This holds regardless of when the information was initially obtained.

    Divide Larger Rooms Using Rugs

    Rugs on the carpet or hardwood floors are a great way to visually divide a space into several zones, which is especially useful in homes with open floor plans.

    This is especially the case with multi-story residences. For instance, a rug placed under a breakfast table or nook can serve as a visual barrier between the eating area and the remainder of the kitchen.

    Another benefit of using an area rug is that it may be used to visually separate the various zones in your living room, such as those occupied by your chair, side table, nightstands, and television stand.

    Avoid Theme Strictness

    Avoid antiques and reproductions that are too specialised for one place if you would not want your home to feel like a hotel. Avoid overdoing it with décor that features ships, crabs, or palm trees if your home is near the water.

    Instead of depending on a central theme to dominate various focal points of each room in your home, let the natural surroundings and your style and décor do the talking.

    Never Hesitate to Spend More

    If you've done more than a few moves in your life, you know that every piece of furniture has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Spending a little more on a sofa, a dining room table, or a special piece of art is a great investment because these items will get a lot of usages and stand out in your homes.

    No rule says you have to fill your home with expensive decor, but adding a few well-placed luxury items may make a big impact.

    Make Sure There are Plenty of Seating Choices

    Having enough seating for family, guests, and party guests are one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of house furnishing.

    Make sure you have plenty of seating and maybe even an extra table in your living room so guests will feel comfortable and at home when they come over for special events like dinner parties or holiday get-togethers like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

    A sectional sofa is a fantastic space-saver and seating solution for many guests when joined with a loveseat or two narrow chairs. The effect is even more dramatic when the sectional sofa is added to the mix.

    Observe Details

    A terrific approach to make your house feel more like a home is to decorate it with pictures, artwork, memories, souvenirs, and other personal objects that you, your family, and your friends have created.

    Putting your stamp on every room in the house makes it feel like a home to visitors and reminds you of pleasant times spent there with your loved ones.

    Test Paint Colours

    It's important to take time and ensure you enjoy your chosen colour before painting an entire room.

    Whatever colour you see in the store will look very different when you paint your wall since the lighting in big-box hardware stores is much harsher and more artificial than what you have at home.

    Instead, you should buy various samples and assess them individually to discover which shade works best with the purpose and style of each specific space.


    As a set of rules, these recommendations may seem unreasonable. However, remember that since it is your home, the final say in how it is furnished and decorated rests with you.

    It's helpful to keep a few pointers in mind when you imagine the interior design of a place. Still, it's important to ensure that you and your loved ones can appreciate the layout.

    You're the ones who will be compelled to live there, after all. So enjoy the freedom to explore your creative side, and remember that you can always change the style of a room later if you don't like how it turns out the first time. See our list of available builder services melbourne to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.

    FAQs About Decorating A Home

    For decorating, the Rule of Three means objects look better in a group of three. The easiest way to follow the Rule of Three is to display a matching set of décor—three different sizes of the same type of object.

    From Ceiling to Wall Painting - Decorating in the Right Order
    • Step one: start with ceiling paint.
    • Step two: wall painting.
    • Step three: windows, doors and skirting board paint. The last steps in your guide to decorating include the windows, door frames and skirting boards.

    The average cost to build a 4 bedroom house is $1,900 m2 to $3,900+ m2, depending on the level of finish, materials and labour. Builders and architects often use a per square metre (m2) figure to cost a project, including a 4 bedroom house like yours.

    Now that you've broken down your decorating plan to one room at a time, take the same concept and focus on finding the most important piece in the room. The biggest piece in the room is usually the most important and most expensive.

    Having a place to put coats, such as a coat rack or a closet, and a place for shoes, such as a storage bench, are great ways to keep these items out of view and the entryway free of clutter.

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