Building the house of your dreams is indeed a fantastic experience. After all, you're on the cusp of an exciting new chapter in your life. If you do this, your time there will be both fun and stress-free.
Thus, you would be able to anticipate such difficulties and be well-equipped to handle them.
A home is much more than the sum of its structural parts, which includes but is not limited to the walls and roof.
Learning about the construction process is the greatest way to do your homework and get ready to personalise your new home.
Avoiding future disappointment by erring on the cautious side is always a good idea.
Here's some good news: we've already done the legwork for you, and we've broken the process down into nine manageable steps, from getting in touch with construction agencies to actually starting construction on your home.
To Not Plan Is to Plan to Fail
Before you can pour the first batch of concrete, you'll need to wrap up the planning and prep work. There is no way around this.
Due to the sheer volume of information involved in a project, we will be simplification some of the more technical aspects.
After deciding on a site and purchasing the land, the next steps are to create a budget and draw up a floor plan for the house.
This is the perfect opportunity to take stock of your needs and wants.
You should think about things like a future expansion for a pool or double garage, or even if you just want to wake up with the sun in your face, and incorporate such considerations into the design of the space now, instead of trying or retrofitting it later.
Another scenario is if you enjoy the sun's warmth on your face first thing in the morning.
Additionally, it would be best if you dealt with site preparation and zoning regulation.
You should make sure that local zoning laws won't be broken throughout the building of your new home in the state. Check this list of Melbourne builder services to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.
The Process of Digging Holes and Laying Concrete
We need to begin looking for some big rigs to come inside and start shaping the landscape now.
If, however, your land already has homes on it and you don't want to make any major changes, you can skip this step altogether.
Once the dust and filth are gone, you'll have a clear view of the home's inside.
The duration of this process, which can range from one to four weeks, is not dependent on the complexity of a house's plan or on whether the construction of one component inhibits access to other regions, therefore it is usually relatively uncomplicated.
At this stage, the footings are anchored into the ground to serve as structural rails for the house's floor plan. It's the bottom of the pyramid and it acts like the base of an under the wall.
In the footings, a mould is cut into the earth, and concrete or a similar substance is poured into it. It must be high enough to deflect rain and snow from the building.
Holes are drilled in the concrete, utilities and electricity lines are laid, as well as the concrete is patched and sealed.
Having a solid foundation is required by the law in Australia, as stated by the country's Building Code.
Not only do they keep the home from sinking into soft ground, but they also act as a foundation.
Foundations need the expert planning of structural engineers to protect against termites and water damage.
Ventilation for the subfloor areas and waterproofing which extends about 100 mm below the height of the soil both necessitate foundation implementations.
Waterproofing is a crucial step since excavation and backfill create many walls.
It is inevitable that the foundation will settle below ground once construction has commenced and the surrounding soil has been replenished past a certain height.
To prevent moisture from rising from a porous base, a waterproofing membrane seals water both above and below the surface.
This project includes two different waterproofing alternatives, both of which can be installed just at the level of a foundational membrane, and their respective names are Cosmofin and Wolfin.
German engineering ensures the long-lasting quality of both of these waterproofing sheet membrane materials, which have been a staple in Australia for over two decades.
Furthermore, they provide the highest standard of safety for all waterproofing uses.
Storage Spaces Like Cellars, Basements, and Garages
Keep in mind that construction below the water table may be indicated by rooms that are sunken or partially flooded. Here, we employ a process called "below ground tanking," wherein we set up a series of pumps to drain the water to the surface while the building is being constructed.
This procedure extends beyond the first phase of construction when the foundation is laid and continues until the final phase when the space is enclosed by walls.
After that, it creates a highly effective enclosing layer for the area between the membrane and the soil.
Submerged regions are protected against water leakage once the pumps are removed and also the soil is backfilled, allowing its membrane reject any further moisture that might be present.
Additional Planning
Now is the time to initiate the process of buying a utility line if any installations are to be performed within the house.
It takes time and consent to set up essential infrastructure like water, sewage, power, wifi, gas, etc.
Your builder or contractor will handle this, but you should double-check that they have temporary electrical service installed before work begins.
When most people think of the house being built, the first thing that comes to mind is the frame.
If the house's footings and foundations provide a horizontal reference plan, then the frames are the principal aid in erecting the building's vertical walls.
Framing refers to the structural framework and form of a wooden wall that a carpenter constructs. Construction of the floors, roof, entrances, and windows will all begin with the framing phase.
If you choose not to have kids, you should put a lot of attention into finding a good job.
Due to the significance of this position, you should only consider hiring a carpenter who comes well recommended, is well worth the money, and with whom you feel comfortable consulting and working closely.
Once your travel companions have been selected, you can move forwards with the planning process.
Timber from the floor will be lined through an area shared with a wall, and afterwards built up to resemble the walls, both in terms of shape and height.
The metal strapping used to secure the wooden frames ensures that they will be sturdy enough to support the weight of the roof once it is built.
After that, the windows and doors are boarded up.
There will be no actual wall construction at this stage, but you'll be able to walk freely throughout the area and get a feel for how it will appear when finished.
That unfavourable climate that has afflicted this phase of construction has been the biggest challenge, but thankfully, it will no longer be an issue.
The "Drying In" technique is a crucial step in making a frame. At this point, construction can continue regardless of whether or not it is raining outdoors. If you're looking for a high-quality, affordable builder in Melbourne, you're in the right place! Check MJS Construction Group!
Framing the Roof
This phase entails erecting the primary timber framework upon which the roof shingles will be laid. If you pick a flat roof rather a pitched one, you'll also need to waterproof the roof's substrate.
Waterproofing the roof is essentially the same method as waterproofing the ground. However, it must be discussed in a way that is unique from the rest of the framing procedure.
Projex Group's waterproofing solutions are made to withstand the effects of sunlight, so they can be left uncovered after installation or used as a base for other finishes. You may buy both Wolfin or Cosmofin already set up and running.
In addition to the membrane, the "full waterproofing solution" also includes factory-bonded PVC profiles, prefabricated internal and external corners, detail strips, adhesives, and the welding solvent.
Components With Slots And Covers
This is the final major task to finish before moving on to the inside.
As a rudimentary wall covering, oriented strand boards (OSB) are put into the voids between the timbers.
As an added bonus, this also provides structural support for the house's interior and external walls.
For the sake of efficiency and convenience, your carpenter will likely instal your doors and windows now. After these were installed, sealed, and completed, the house was protected from the elements and was ready for the inside work to begin.
It is recommended that you start making purchases and planning ahead for internal initiatives around this time. Give your team enough time to complete cabinets, installation, pipes, and work surfaces ahead of schedule, and they'll be ready to begin working with the actual model specifications and seamlessly integrate them into construction.
External Appearance Intended for Display
Now that the house's framework is complete, you can begin designing the outside to match your vision. Once again, this is where whatever exterior siding material you pick (brick, stucco, etc.) will be installed.
Once exterior siding is up, your house will finally look like it has a chance of becoming a habitable structure. However, the exterior still needs some work done to it before it's ready for prime time.
Soffits, tiling or slating any architectural overhangs, and decorative friezes are just a few examples of the series of easy improvements that make up the bulk of the work.
After the roof has been tiled or shingled, it needs to be flashed using sheet metal or lead to prevent further seepage or leakage. It's going to take both of these to get where you need to go.
Balconies and terraces can add a lot of value to a property, so it's important to consider where they'll go and if you'll even use them. It is recommended to lay waterproof membranes directly onto the substrate before screeding the falls or tiling a balcony.
It doesn't matter if the balcony's substrate is made of concrete, wood, fibre-cement sheeting, steel, or any other material; this is true in all cases.
Once your roof looks like a roof and your walls look like walls, you can start adding mass within.
Utilities Inside
Keep in mind that unless there are several exceptional circumstances, you can save time by executing the external work indicated throughout step three concurrently with step 4 and any additional internal design.
Unless a confluence of exceptional circumstances is at play, this is the case.
Channels And Pipes
The first places you should start covering are those on the inside for which we were responsible when we were in charge of building the groundwork.
Now that the outside exterior covering has been completed and the drying-in procedure has concluded, the structure is safe from the effects of the environment and the weather.
What follows is a quick checklist of things to think about at this time (including components like a power that your contractors should really be subcontracting regardless):
- Fixed electrical installations.
- Telephone lines.
- TV Channels (if separate).
- Wiring for the World Wide Web.
- Pipes and drains.
- Basically any sort of security apparatus that you'd like to set up.
After a quick (and required) safety check, you can set these up in the future.
You are not actually making the connections between the cables and the various services & appliances; rather, you are merely establishing the groundwork in the form of wires.
Insulation batts must be put in the stud bays before drywall and plasterboard could be fitted.
You don't need a significant amount of time or expertise to complete this task, but you should do it as quickly as possible.
Consider whether or not roof insulation and ventilation could help you save money on monthly energy bills and avoid leaks.
Interior Display Case
After the insulation is in, you may secure the plasterboard, or drywall, as it is known in the United States. You can now get started with this if you have been researching tutorials.
Plasterboard, which is glued directly to a timber framework that makes up most of the wall, is what you'd regard to be a genuine interior wall.
When this is installed, the walls are functionally complete; all that remains to do is add finishing touches and instal the remaining fittings, such as doors and windows.
The next step is to decide whether or not you want to prime the plasterboard now in preparation for painting later.
This will depend on the fact that you plan to use painted trim or wood trim.
If there aren't any other major surfaces to worry about, it's best to get this done right away.
To illustrate, once you've taped up the windows and doors, you can be a little careless with the coverage because you won't need to worry about putting primer just on floor trim.
This is because, once you've taped up the windows and doors, you won't have to worry about primer dripping onto the floor trim.
When priming, imperfections in the plasterboard will show through the dry primer, allowing you to repair them before they dry. An additional advantage of priming at this time is this.
You can skip this step if the trim around your windows and doors does not need to be painted. Considering a new project? Then MJS Construction Group builders Melbourne is the answer.
Interior Trim
Your search for fixed utilities, worktops, and cabinetry should be complete at this point. After you've attached these to your floor plan, you can go on to the next step of your interior decoration: putting up the rest of your materials.
Now is also a good time to think of finishing any necessary painting or even other installation of trim, since leaving it unattended for too long might cause warping.
Final Utilities
After the major installation including fixtures and flooring has been finished, you can engage a plumber to finish the pipes in those areas. There will be room for bathrooms, a portion of the kitchen, and the laundry room here.
After the plumber has completed the initial setup, the electrician may come in and power everything that has been installed.
Once this is done, the electrician will plug in the remaining utilities including the air conditioner, lights, outlets, and appliances.
Water Retention Facilities
If you want a water tank or similar facility to retain water on your land, it must be waterproofed to prevent water from leaking out and creating flooding.
Wolfin and Cosmofin's waterproofing solutions are well suited for speedy installation because most tanks are composed of concrete and concrete-filled blockwork.
These options, which come in the form of pre-formed sheet membranes on a roll, provide a more effective protection method and can be used for the long term.
Unlike liquid membranes, the Wolfin or Cosmofin Sheet Membranes waterproof solutions can be installed immediately and put to use without any waiting for curing.
When compared to liquid membranes, this is a major advantage.
Because they do not re-emulsify when confronted with water, these items can be used in permanent immersion.
Put in some effort to clean up and disinfect
The primary framework of the house is complete, and we offer our sincere appreciation. It's starting to look like a home, or at least somewhere people could live, and from here on out, you can perform most of the interior design work yourself or hire an expert.
There will be a lot of trash that has to be hauled away, holes that have to be filled with dirt, worn paths that must be spruced up, and landscaping that needs to be finished once a house is built.
As the subsequent phases in the procedure require a relatively blank slate, it is recommended that you perform all of this first.
For instance, mentioning that installing an inside carpet is the next logical step but being unable to do so due to the presence of debris and dust from of the installation process is a good illustration.
Finished Building
While there are still a few stray tasks to complete, the construction project is clearly coming to a close.
You will invariably begin work on the driveway now instead of earlier in the process because it is difficult to build one until the massive flow of construction equipment reduces to a trickle.
Aside from this, landscaping is another project that would benefit greatly from the beginning right now.
Again, this process will take a long time to be settled in unless you choose to use pre-grown plants or rolled-out grass.
Therefore, starting as soon as feasible will save you time in the long run.
It's also a great opportunity to spend any extra cash on niceties for your home, making it feel more like a "residence" to you and your loved ones. For instance, putting up a louvred and sliding roof on the balcony can make the space more functional while also increasing the property's value.
Waterproofing Houses
We have been stressing the need of making sure the building is airtight from the beginning of the project to the end. This, however, does not diminish the need of reapplying to waterproof as you approach the project's finish.
Waterproofing the interior properly and protecting the outside from elements are both essential if you want to keep your property in good functioning order and trouble-free. Proper waterproofing methods can protect furniture and other valuables from water damage.
A few examples of important areas that should have their coverings weatherproof are roofs, walls, terraces, foundation pillars, baths, restrooms, kitchens, and laundries.
These are only some of the major components that need to be waterproofed.
FAQs About Building A House
The average cost to build a house in Australia in 2018 was $313,800. However, depending on its location and other factors, the price of an average-sized house can range from $271,000 to $1,124,550.
Usually, 20% of the full value of the house is a good amount to aim for as a deposit. You can still get a loan if you have a smaller deposit, but you may need to take out Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) which adds an additional cost to your loan. It'll also take longer to pay off.
The average cost to build a 4 bedroom house is $1,900 m2 to $3,900+ m2, depending on the level of finish, materials and labour. Builders and architects often use a per square metre (m2) figure to cost a project, including a 4 bedroom house like yours.
All costs include stamp duty. The cost of building includes land purchase, and assumes a first home owner concession on stamp duty where applicable. According to our figures, Perth is the only major Australian city where buying could be cheaper than building.
Yes, you can build your own home in Australia if you want to cut cost and save money. You'll have to do an owner builder course if you're working on a project which costs over $12,000. Owner builder duties include: Supervise other contractors working under you.
It takes a lot of work and planning to construct the home of your dreams.
Beginning with contacting relevant agencies all the way through to the start of construction, we've broken the process down into nine manageable steps.
Prepare to make your new house a home by familiarising yourself with the building process. You can finally see what the inside of the house looks like once the dust and dirt have been removed.
The floors of a house are supported by footings set firmly in the ground.
The base of the pyramid serves as a foundation for the space beneath the wall.
Content Summary
- Building the house of your dreams is indeed a fantastic experience.
- Learning about the construction process is the most incredible way to do your homework and get ready to personalise your new home.
- Before you can pour the first batch of concrete, you'll need to wrap up the planning and prep work.
- After deciding on a site and purchasing the land, the next steps are to create a budget and draw up a floor plan for the house.
- This is the perfect opportunity to take stock of your needs and wants.
- Additionally, you must deal with site preparation and zoning regulation.
- You should ensure that local zoning laws won't be broken throughout the building of your new home in the state.
- We need to begin looking for some big rigs to come inside and start shaping the landscape now.
- The duration of this process, which can range from one to four weeks, is not dependent on the complexity of a house's plan or on whether the construction of one component inhibits access to other regions, therefore, it is usually relatively uncomplicated.
- It must be high enough to deflect rain and snow from the building.
- Having a solid foundation is required by the law in Australia, as stated by the country's Building Code.
- Not only do they keep the home from sinking into soft ground, but they also act as a foundation.
- Foundations need the expert planning of structural engineers to protect against termites and water damage.
- Ventilation for the subfloor areas and waterproofing which extends about 100 mm below the height of the soil, both necessitate foundation implementations.
- The foundation will inevitably settle below ground once construction has commenced and the surrounding soil has been replenished past a certain height.
- To prevent moisture from rising from a porous base, a waterproofing membrane seals water both above and below the surface.
- This project includes two different waterproofing alternatives, both of which can be installed just at the level of a foundational membrane, and their respective names are Cosmofin and Wolfin.
- German engineering ensures the long-lasting quality of both of these waterproofing sheet membrane materials, which have been a staple in Australia for over two decades.