What Makes A Good Tenant?

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    A trustworthy landlord is one who will exert significant effort in order to identify a suitable tenant for the rental property they own. Tenants who have a demonstrated history of being financially responsible and rule-abiding are considered to be qualified. This indicates that they are able to pay their rent on time and will not cause any damage to the property.

    However, a great landlord will have higher standards for their tenants than simply having a good credit score and a spotless criminal history record. There are a number of characteristics that, despite the fact that it can be challenging to screen for them, can make a renter stand out as the ideal tenant in the eyes of their landlord.

    A tenant who is dependable will frequently cut down on the amount of money that must be spent on maintenance, will reduce the amount of wear and tear that occurs, and will take care of the garden and the property as if it were their own. They are more than worth their weight in gold and have the potential to raise a property's overall value.

    On the other hand, problematic tenants can be everyone's worst nightmare. They might be late with their rent payments, create chaos with the neighbors, treat the owner's property as if it were a free hotel room, or make unreasonable demands for an endless stream of expensive repairs. It is important to steer clear of problematic tenants because they can create issues for up to a year before you are able to kick them out of the rental property. If you're looking for a high-quality, affordable builder in Melbourne, you're in the right place! Check MJS Construction Group!

    After making an investment in a rental property, you want to be certain that the tenants will respect and take care of your property as if it were their own. You can save money on costly evictions, non-payments, and potential damage to your property if you make a list of qualities to look for in a tenant and use it when screening potential tenants. As a result, we have compiled a list for you, and the following are the eight questions you need to ask potential tenants before renting to them.

    So, What Makes A Good Tenant?

    A good tenant is able to pay.

    Everyone should know this already. You shouldn't be astonished if a tenant doesn't pay rent if he or she cannot afford to do so. Rent payments should not exceed 30% of the applicant's annual income. That should be one of the stipulations stated in writing for the tenant to be approved for the rental.

    melbourne tenant

    The applicant may be approved if his monthly rent is less than a set proportion of his gross income, but this is no guarantee that he will be able to make the rent payments on time. Perhaps he has too many other commitments or is spending too much money. Again, a candidate's ability to manage money can be gauged by looking at their credit history. When someone gets better at managing his money, his credit should rise naturally.

    A good tenant is creditworthy.

    Tenant creditworthiness can also be expressed by saying that a tenant has a high credit rating. Tenant's credit score reflects his payment history, total debt, and creditworthiness of the companies that extended credit to him. Judgments against him for unpaid rent or damages could be revealed in a thorough report. The report may incorporate these details.

    The application procedure should include checking the applicant's job, rental history, and references. In addition, verification of the applicant's identity via credit and background checks is obligatory. Property managers can easily verify a tenant's credit history with the use of Tenant Verification Service and TenaCheck, two internet services that are readily available to them. (If you hire a property manager, they will examine the applicant's credit and confirm his application.)

    A good tenant is honest.

    Having a dishonest tenant can cause problems in several areas. He can fabricate a story in which he mailed the rent, had his hours reduced, or had no idea why his check bounced, but he can also fabricate a story in which the dishwasher disappeared or his application information was false.

    The only foolproof method of identifying a dishonest applicant is to verify the information the applicant supplies on the application. Ask for a copy of his driver's licence as a starting point. Check to see if his name and application data match what you see there.

    The next step is to contact his boss. There are a surprising number of job applicants whose incomes are significantly lower than they claim to be on their applications. The next logical step is to contact his present landlord, even if it's only his aunt. Maintain contact with the person who made the initial enquiry. Is it true that he has been residing there for an entire year, or has he only been there since being evicted from his former tenancy? Check with his mentioned references to see what they have to say about him.

    A good tenant is clean.

    You want someone who will respect your space and keep it clean, not someone who will let garbage pile up on the patio or leave crumbs in the microwave. If your tenant makes a lot of messes while he's there, he'll probably produce a lot more messes for you to clean up after he leaves. Also, a variety of insects and rodents are attracted to filth, which might lead to an infestation.

    You might want to think twice before passing judgement on an application solely based on his outward look, the condition of his vehicle, or the state of his existing residence. If a landlord turns down a potential tenant purely because of the person's appearance, that may be a violation. Rather than making charges without any evidence, you should point to something concrete, like his credit score or the fact that he lied on his rental application.

    If he can meet all your needs, however, you may want to insert a "cleaning" condition in your lease and explain your expectations for the preservation of the property. You may file for eviction based on a breach of the lease if you fail to keep the property clean as required under the "cleaning" provision.

    A good tenant is drama-free.

    Some tenants enjoy being the centre of attention. These are the renters who give a long list of excuses for being late on their payments, such as the loss of a job, the divorce of the tenant's spouse, or the death of the tenant's dog. In other words, you are cordially invited to their life celebration, which consists of one difficulty after another.

    It is not nearly as difficult to find such tenants as you might imagine. They will share with you the hardships they have endured on their journey through life. You shouldn't feel obligated to rent to those who have a history of not paying or being evicted.

    A tenant you can count on is one who doesn't make excuses and doesn't pry too much into your personal life. Planning to build a home? MJS Construction Group brings your building project alive!


    A reliable tenant is one who has a consistent income and always pays their rent on time. You can determine if someone is telling the truth about their income by requesting copies of their pay stubs. The ideal situation for a tenant is one in which their monthly income is approximately three times the amount of their monthly rent. You still need to take into account any debts that they may have, regardless of whether or not their income is three times the amount of the rent.

    Look for evidence of the person's financial obligations during the course of a credit check. A high amount of debt suggests that the tenant may have other costly bills to worry about each month, which may make it difficult for the tenant to pay full rent on time and in full every month. In such a scenario, a prospective tenant who carries a manageable amount of debt but whose annual income is not sufficient to cover three times the amount of rent may have a better chance of being able to pay their rent in full and on time.

    Criminal background

    When looking for a good tenant, conducting a background check on the potential tenant is absolutely necessary. You will need the tenant's full name as well as their date of birth in order to run a background check on them. Be sure to verify the prospective tenant's identity by looking at their photo identification and comparing it to the information they gave you. Criminal information is part of the public record; however, because there is no single database that contains criminal records from all 50 states, it may be simpler to hire a tenant screening company to search the criminal databases in your state as well as those from other states and countries.

    how to deal with tenant melbourne


    Stability is an important quality to look for in a tenant because it can be an indicator of whether or not they will be dependable in terms of making timely rent payments and being a long-term leaseholder. You can determine whether or not the tenant's life and income are stable by looking at the tenant's history of previous rentals as well as jobs. It's possible that a red flag will be raised if you change jobs frequently or relocate frequently within a short period of time. A reliable tenant leads a predictable life.

    Good Rental History

    You can get a sense of whether or not the individual has been a reliable tenant in the past by looking at their rental history. Inquire about the previous location of the relocating party as well as the reasons behind their move. You also have the option of asking the tenant for their previous landlords' contact information and calling at least two of them. It is essential to communicate with a minimum of two different landlords because the most recent landlord may provide misleading information in order to coerce the tenant into moving out of their current dwelling. Ask the landlords questions like whether or not the tenants paid their rent on time, whether or not they gave at least a month's notice before moving out, and whether or not they maintained the property.


    Respect is one of the most important qualities in a tenant, and it is one of the best indicators that a person will be a good tenant. A good tenant not only makes on-time payments for the rent and any other bills that are due, but they also take care of any maintenance issues that fall under their purview. They will inform you of any issues that require your attention if they respect you as a landlord and will do so. You will be able to determine whether or not they are respectful tenants by inquiring with their previous landlords about the level of care that they provided for the property.

    Have there been any repercussions? Have there been any complaints from the nearby residents? A tenant who is disrespectful to you may try to take advantage of you in a number of ways, including paying their rent late, making up excuses for any damage they cause, or simply not caring about the property. You will be able to determine whether or not they respect you based on the level of professionalism they displayed when they contacted you about the property. They were supposed to tour the property; did they arrive on time? Were they helpful to you when you were filling out the application? Keep in mind that a tenant who treats the property with respect will shine through in the future as a good tenant.


    If you have your money invested in a residential property, then maintaining that investment is essential. Your investment will be protected if you have a tenant who is responsible, takes care of the property, and maintains a clean living space. The messier the tenant is while renting, the more work you will have to do cleaning up after they vacate the property. Unannounced visits to a tenant's home or accompanying the person as they walk to and inspect their vehicle are two ways to determine whether or not the person is neat and tidy. It is in your best interest to get feedback from the tenants' previous landlords regarding the state of the property both during and after the tenant's tenancy.

    While you are on the lookout for a reliable tenant, you should make it a point to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations that govern landlords and renters. Even though finding a reliable tenant is a top priority, doing so in a way that is not discriminatory is essential. The application that a prospective tenant fills out can serve as your first line of defense in avoiding troublesome renters. Keeping to the application process to the letter will help you avoid taking a loss on the investment property you own.

    Strong financial stability

    You'll need tenants who are able to make their rent payments on time. When you work with a property manager, they will be aware of the necessary steps that need to be taken to ensure that a prospective tenant has the financial ability to pay the rent. A person should be considered employed if they have been working at their current job for at least three months, as this is the general rule. In order to demonstrate financial stability, a person who is self-employed should have three tax returns filed and completed. There are some exceptions to this rule, but if it applies to your situation, you will need prospective tenants to provide additional evidence of their income.

    Pride in appearance

    Decorating and furnishing the home is almost considered a national pastime in Australia, but not all tenants will behave respectfully toward one another. A good tenant will want to make your home feel like their castle and will want to be able to take pride in it when they have guests over, such as when they have their family and friends over. It is obvious that this can be difficult to determine from a rental application alone. When a potential tenant visits a rental property, it is important to evaluate their personality in order to make a decision about whether or not to rent to them. Their demeanor will give you a lot of hints about how they will treat your property if you observe them closely enough. Do they give off the impression of being dependable, presentable, and approachable? If a potential tenant places a high level of importance on their personal appearance, there is a good chance that they will also treat your property with the utmost care.

    Rental history and positive references

    A solid rental history is comprised of a few different factors. Were they prompt with their rent payments? How many times have they rented a property in the past, and for how long have they stayed in each property? Were there any rowdy parties there? How well did they communicate with one another? You or your property manager will want to speak to their previous landlords, real estate agents, and personal references to get a comprehensive understanding of the tenant's personality and behavior.

    We haven't been able to list all of the qualities that should be present in the tenant that you choose to rent your property to because there are so many. You will be in a much better position to make the choice that is best for both your property and your future if you have a wish list of must-haves, are a good judge of character, and follow the appropriate tenant screening process.

    Good References

    Doing your due diligence and calling previous landlords and personal references are important when deciding whether or not you’ve found a good tenant. Past landlords have nothing to lose by speaking about their old tenants, and if a landlord speaks highly or positively of them, that person is probably going to be a good renter. Speaking to employers, friends, and other personal references is a great way to gain insight into who this person is outside of being a tenant.

    Long Term Plans to Live in Unit

    Although a lease for one year is a good place to begin, the ideal situation would be for a tenant to rent the property for as many years as possible. It is not always simple to determine whether or not a tenant will want to extend the initial terms of the lease, but some people do express long term plans. When someone appears to be more dedicated to living in a rental property for a number of years, it is more likely that they will be just as invested in the property's care and maintenance as you are.

    They Ask You Questions, Too

    During the renting process, it is essential to make certain that you have asked all of the appropriate questions and covered all of your bases; however, you should not forget that your prospective renter should also want to know about you. If you only have one job, a good tenant will want to know your history as a landlord, how much time you devote to your rentals, and a variety of other things. Also, they will want to know how much time you spend on your rentals. It is to your advantage if they are interested in learning as much as they can about you as a landlord. Explore our selection of reputable home builders in Melbourne to find the perfect one for your ideal home.

    There is no one way to determine whether or not you have found the ideal tenant, but having tenants with these characteristics can be good indicators. If you take the time to read through all of the application materials, investigate the applicant's personal and financial history, and pay attention to the applicant's mannerisms and character traits, you will have no trouble finding a reliable tenant. Check this list of Melbourne builder services to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.

    Tenants who take pride in their homes and are always prompt in paying their rent. That is, at its core, what each and every one of us desires. Everything beyond that is typically a matter of opinion, and it frequently depends on the kind of landlord you currently are or aspire to be. The majority of landlords, with the help of time and experience, eventually come up with a model for what constitutes an ideal tenant.

    The irony of the situation is that landlords don't know whether they have a good tenant until the final inspection has been completed, the security deposit has been handled in a fair manner, and the tenant has moved out. The reason for this is that many otherwise cordial landlord-tenant relationships degenerate into a shitshow at the very last minute, when it is time to evaluate the tenant's damages and handle the security deposit.

    After all, it’s so damn easy to unknowingly get lumbered with a landlord that will do everything within his power to claw back every last penny by claiming compensation for every trivial and unjustifiable bullshit blemish, or on the flip-side, a tenant that’s willing to kill before taking any responsibility, despite how bogus the circumstances.


    A reliable tenant can save a lot of money on repairs. They will treat the garden and the property as it was their own. A reliable tenant always pays their rent on time and doesn't cause any repairs to be needed. The applicant's monthly rent payment should not exceed 30 percent of their annual gross income. Ideally, a person's credit score would climb as a natural byproduct of improved financial management.

    Tenant's credit score is a reflection of his payment history, overall debt, and the trustworthiness of the organisations who have provided him credit. A good tenant will not leave trash on the patio or crumbs in the microwave, and will instead respect your property and keep it tidy. If you fail to keep the property clean as required under the "cleaning" condition, you may be subject to eviction. A renter that can be counted on to pay their rent on time and have a steady income is considered to be a trustworthy tenant. Demanding copies of someone's pay stubs is a good way to verify that they aren't lying about their income.

    It is crucial to investigate the tenant's background before letting them move in. A tenant's stability is an excellent indicator of their dependability, making it a must-have trait. Red flags may be raised if you often switch jobs or move within a short time frame. A good tenant should respect the property and the people who own it. A reliable tenant always pays their rent and other bills on schedule and maintains the property.

    When tenants are messy during their tenancy, it can be a major hassle to clean up when they move out. Filling out an application is your first line of defence against having to deal with a difficult tenant. If you strictly adhere to the application process, you will be less likely to incur a loss on your investment property. A responsible tenant will treat your property as if it were their own and will take great care of it. There are many parts to a successful rental track record.

    Did they pay their rent on time? Can you tell me the number of times they've rented a home before? Have there been any wild celebrations? How effective is their dialogue between them? These are only some of the characteristics of an ideal tenant.

    Tenants that are serious about renting from you will ask you questions about your rental experience and other factors. It's possible that having tenants with these traits is an indication that they'll be excellent renters. Browse our list of recommended Melbourne home builders to identify the one who can best realise your dream home.

    Content Summary

    • You can save money on costly evictions, non-payments, and potential damage to your property if you make a list of qualities to look for in a tenant and use it when screening potential tenants.
    • A good tenant is creditworthy.
    • If you hire a property manager, they will examine the applicant's credit and confirm his application.
    • The next step is to contact his boss.
    • The next logical step is to contact his present landlord, even if it's only his aunt.
    • A good tenant is clean.
    • You may file for eviction based on a breach of the lease if you fail to keep the property clean as required under the "cleaning" provision.
    • Look for evidence of the person's financial obligations during the course of a credit check.
    • When looking for a good tenant, conducting a background check on the potential tenant is absolutely necessary.
    • You will need the tenant's full name as well as their date of birth in order to run a background check on them.
    • You can determine whether or not the tenant's life and income are stable by looking at the tenant's history of previous rentals as well as jobs.
    • A reliable tenant leads a predictable life.
    • You can get a sense of whether or not the individual has been a reliable tenant in the past by looking at their rental history.
    • You also have the option of asking the tenant for their previous landlords' contact information and calling at least two of them.
    • Keep in mind that a tenant who treats the property with respect will shine through in the future as a good tenant.
    • Your investment will be protected if you have a tenant who is responsible, takes care of the property, and maintains a clean living space.
    • It is in your best interest to get feedback from the tenants' previous landlords regarding the state of the property both during and after the tenant's tenancy.
    • While you are on the lookout for a reliable tenant, you should make it a point to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations that govern landlords and renters.
    • A solid rental history is comprised of a few different factors.
    • You or your property manager will want to speak to their previous landlords, real estate agents, and personal references to get a comprehensive understanding of the tenant's personality and behavior.
    • It is to your advantage if they are interested in learning as much as they can about you as a landlord.
    • Explore our selection of reputable home builders in Melbourne to find the perfect one for your ideal home.

    FAQs About Tenant

    A tenant without a written contract is still entitled to all the statutory rights a regular tenant with a contract is, including water, heating, a safe environment etc. In a similar vein, the tenant is still obligated to pay rent on time and take reasonable care of the property.

    A legitimate reason for a late rent payment, such as recent illness or injury, may help your situation if you talk with the landlord, but poor excuses such as holidays, spending too much money, or having other bills to pay are not likely to create any sympathy.

    The most polite way to ask for payment is to ask before anyone is late! When you send a reminder a few days before the rent is due, you can be very polite. Sending a reminder about an upcoming payment rather than a request for a late payment is always going to be a more welcome message.

    What options do I have if a tenant won't vacate the premises? Eviction proceedings could be initiated in the event that the tenant does not comply with the legal grounds and continues to refuse to vacate the property. Both failure to pay rent and refusal to move outpost at the end of the lease period are acceptable reasons to petition the court for eviction.

    Include any pertinent information such as how long your tenants have rented from you and any personal connection you may have to them in your description of the nature of your relationship with them. Other landlords want reassurance that you've known your tenants for an adequate amount of time before allowing them to rent from you.

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