Why Do Tenants Leave?

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    Because of the landlords' indifference or bad attitude, tenants sometimes leave their condo before the end of the lease term and break the contract. You could have the best rental property on the market, but if you have poor management and lack of experience, you won't be able to keep good tenants. Find out the most common reasons tenants break their leases and the steps you can take to prevent those reasons from happening. Your property rental business will benefit from your attention to this detail.

    It isn't always easy to find great tenants, so when a landlord does find one, they need to make sure they hang on to them for as long as they can. You won't have to worry about the hassle of finding new tenants for your rental property, and there's a chance that you won't have to suffer through the unsettling void period, either. This is a win-win situation.

    On the other hand, some tenants simply pack up and move out. Although the majority of landlords would argue that there is not much that can be done to avoid being in that situation, we are not so sure. If you are aware of the most prevalent factors that lead tenants to vacate rental properties, you will be able to take preventative measures in certain areas and will be provided with food for thought in others. It is recommended that you look into it.

    Reasons Tenants Leave Your Rentals

    They want to move somewhere cheaper.

    The costs associated with housing, particularly rents, have been on an upward trend for the past five years. Some people have finally reached the point where it would be financially beneficial to move somewhere less expensive, where they could get a lot more for their money if they rented an apartment. It's possible that the local rents have simply reached unsustainable levels; alternatively, it's possible that your particular rents are unsustainable.

    Rents on the market fluctuate over time. Even if you aren't actively looking for new tenants, you should still make it a point to keep up with the latest local trends. It is possible that this will become a problem for you if the rental prices of properties nearby are 30 percent lower than yours. Ensure that your prices are competitive. Make investments in established and developing areas that still have room for expansion.

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    They're afraid of changes in the rental situation.

    It's not uncommon for tenants to vacate a rental unit simply out of fear. It's possible that they are worried about the amount that they believe you will increase the rent to when it comes time to renew the lease. It's possible that they are worried you are going to kick them out of the apartment because they've been late on the rent a few times in the past. Or it's possible that the renters are freaking out because of the strict new property manager that you hired and brought on board.

    Establish unequivocally what is expected. If you want to demonstrate to your tenants that youa caring landlord and not a slumlord, you should solicit feedback from long-term renters who have been loyal to you in the past, connect with them about renewing their leases early, and keep the property in good repair.

    They need more space.

    Many people in today's society are in need of additional space as a result of the growing number of households that include members of multiple generations as well as the growing families of Millennials. After 2008, a lot of people became interested in adopting a minimalist lifestyle, but now, several years later, they are sick of living in such a restricted and confined space. According to the results of a survey conducted by Realtor.com, this is one of the primary reasons why so many more Millennials and Boomers are opting for single-family homes in the suburbs rather than homes in dense urban centers or condos.

    They want to buy a home.

    Many people are deciding to make the transition from renting to homeownership while the market conditions are favorable because, in many regions, the cost of renting is higher than the cost of a mortgage, interest rates are historically low, and credit scores are improving. If you can't stop it, you might as well make the most of the situation. Ensure a high-quality service at the exit. Return deposits and immediately solicit feedback on your service. Nevertheless, try to persuade them to purchase their house from you if at all possible. Your dream home can become a reality when you work with MJS Construction Group, because we offer the finest selection of dual occupancy options.

    They don't like their neighbours.

    No one enjoys having threatening or abusive neighbors, but unfortunately, there are some of them out there. When looking for and vetting potential rental properties, keep this in mind as an important consideration. Additionally, it is essential to maintain open lines of communication and actively pay attention to these complaints. If there are tenants causing problems in the units that are adjacent to yours, it's likely that you won't renew their leases. If they are owned by another landlord, you might want to head off potential problems by getting in touch with that landlord first.

    Nightmare neighbours

    If a tenant has a concern about their neighbors, the landlord may not be able to do much to address the issue, despite the fact that there are a number of different reasons why tenants may find their neighbors to be a source of difficulty.

    Complaints from good tenants living in an HMO you own can be made aware of how their actions or behavior may affect others in the property; therefore, you should broach this topic with them. Neighbors living next door are especially difficult to deal with, but you can make good tenants aware of how their actions or behavior may affect others in the property. If you want to avoid having good tenants leave because of a problem tenant, you should make every effort to address the issue as soon as it arises.

    Change of neighbourhood

    Tenants may want to move out of your building if they no longer find the neighbourhood convenient. This is true even if the other tenants aren't to blame. While it would be impossible to name all of the causes for this shift in perspective, is there anything that might be done to sway them back towards their original home?

    Much rides on the specifics of the explanation they provide. You can't really stop them if they decide they want to move across the nation (or the world) to be nearer to family. A change of heart may be sparked by an incentive to stay if, on the other hand, the reasons are more practical.

    However, remember that you shouldn't be aggressive in this scenario. Whether it's a reduction in their monthly rent or an upgrade to the home itself, leave them with the offer you made. The idea is not to have renters who are unhappy in their tenancy, thus resorting to intimidation won't help.

    Change in personal circumstances

    Although this may be a catch-all for the other explanations stated, it is nonetheless a common cause given by tenants for wanting to vacate a rental. This is a common complaint from renters who decide to move out. It might be anything from ending a romantic relationship to...well, you fill in the blanks!

    In this situation, as a landlord, what are your options? Just like old times, basically. Get people talking, analyse the situation carefully, and see if you can figure out a solution. Even if it's rare to happen in this case, you should be open to the possibility if the tenant is satisfactory.

    Even while the explanations vary widely, it's clear that keeping in touch with your tenants is crucial in any case. Maintaining good relations with the tenants of your rental properties is essential to your success as a landlord. Relationships like these might be beneficial in more ways than one.

    Change in finances

    Alterations to a tenant's financial situation can be similar and different at the same time, just like the reasons that were discussed previously. On the one hand, the price of your property might rise to the point where it is unaffordable for tenants, while on the other hand, an improvement in a tenant's financial situation might spark the need for more space to live in.

    The most obvious way to address the concern that the rent is "too expensive" is to engage in rent negotiations. Are you able to afford to accept a slightly lower rent in order to keep these tenants who cause you no problems? When taking this into consideration, make sure you don't overlook the fact that void periods can end up being quite pricey.

    To reiterate, individuals who possess a diversified portfolio of properties have access to a wider range of opportunities. It's possible that you already manage another rental property in your portfolio that would be a better fit for the tenant, whether it's a more expensive or cheaper option depending on their situation. Keeping good tenants under your wing is obviously preferable, and doing so means you'll only need to find occupants for one of your properties rather than both of them. Win-win.

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    State of property

    Oh my goodness. If your tenant tells you this, it means that you have not been carrying out your duties as a landlord to the best of your ability. The good news is that these problems can frequently be easily fixed, and the fact that a good tenant brings them to your attention by threatening to end their tenancy can serve as a much-needed wake-up call that will assist you in improving your overall buy-to-let business. Assuming, of course, that you pay attention to what they have to say.

    Make them an offer to make good on any concerns they have, and implement a regular maintenance program to keep on top of small jobs so that they don't become large problems. Again, having a reputable letting agent manage your property can be helpful in this regard because the periodic inspection visits they perform will uncover problems at an earlier stage and bring them to your attention. MJS Construction Group offers the widest variety of home builder services available in Melbourne, and they can assist you in constructing the home of your dreams.

    dealing with tenant melbourne

    Job Change/Relocation

    A job transfer prompts the relocation of some tenants. They want to find a rental that is affordable for them despite the possibility that their income will change now that they have a new job.

    Tenants may be required to move because of job relocation. If the relocating tenant is interested in renting from you, this is a positive development; however, if one of your current tenants needs to relocate quickly, this is an unfavorable development.

    • If a tenant is moving because of a job relocation, unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to prevent the move. In this scenario, it is necessary for you to make efforts to locate a new tenant who can fill the vacant unit.
    • If a tenant receives a pay increase and is interested in moving into a more upscale rental property as a result of their new job, you may want to consider offering to make some improvements to their apartment in exchange for a marginally higher rent payment.
    • When a tenant's income drops as a result of a job change, you can offer to reduce the tenant's rent or you can offer to let the tenant move into a cheaper apartment if you have another vacancy that is available. You can also offer to let the tenant move into a cheaper apartment if you have another vacancy that is available.


    A number of tenants will move because of a change in the status of their relationship. It's possible that a divorce or marriage has altered their financial situation, or perhaps they simply want to begin life anew. People who are going through a breakup of their relationship, such as a divorce or separation, may be looking to downsize their living space, while people who are getting married may be looking to move into a larger home.

    • You can avoid having a vacancy by advertising any rentals that are currently available. Give out incentives, such as a free spot to park their car.

    Renter's Market

    Many renters relocate when the market becomes a renter's market, meaning there are more units available than there is a demand for units, so the tenant may be able to get a larger apartment or one with better amenities, for a lower price.

    • You can try to avoid a vacancy by lowering the rent paid by the current tenant in order to keep the unit occupied.
    • Provide Upgrades Instead of lowering the monthly rent, you could provide upgrades to the apartment, such as granite countertops or a brand new vehicle.

    Here Are Seven Tips On How To Keep Your Best Tenants Longer:

    Address Maintenance Concerns Quickly

    Keeping a good relationship with your tenant is crucial, especially if you want to ask for a lease renewal. If you perform routine inspections and take other preventative actions for your property, your tenant may be more receptive to your proposal.

    Unresolved maintenance issues are one of the biggest sources of frustration for tenants. You need to show them that you're invested in making their home a nice place to be. This may be a major consideration for your tenant as they think about renewing their lease. Tenants who have been there for a while may appreciate small gestures that don't cost the landlord anything but go a long way towards making them feel valued, such as having a professional cleaning service come in and deep clean the carpets.

    When the time comes to turn over the unit, you'll save time and effort by staying on top of routine maintenance and fixing any issues as soon as they pop up. Regular inspections of the property's state are essential for staying on top of any maintenance issues that arise (even if the renter hasn't yet noticed them) and for preventing minor repairs from becoming major catastrophes in the future.

    Be A Good Landlord

    One must never overlook the importance of the human factor while dealing with tenants. Tenants are more likely to want to stay in your rental home if you project an image of friendliness and cooperation. The importance of this cannot be overstated if you want people to continue sending you money on a regular basis.

    In addition to being prompt with your replies, you should also make it easy for the renter to get in touch with you. Tenant-landlord relationships benefit from open lines of communication since they allow for the resolution of any issues that may occur. If the other renters treat the tenant with kindness and consideration, they will feel much more at home there.

    For instance, if maintenance is required, you may want to schedule it for when the tenants are at work to minimise disruptions. For this reason, a high-quality tenant will stay in a space for a longer period of time if it seems more like home. By showing tenants that you're willing to work with them, you increase the likelihood that they'll treat you and your property with the respect you deserve.

    Know What Amenities Tenants Want

    Broadband Internet has lots of bandwidth. Wide-open layouts. Beautiful scenery for some outdoor time. One's capacity to meet the needs of the rental market can be greatly enhanced by learning what amenities today's tenants want.

    Many tenants, especially those from younger generations like Gen Z and Millennials, base their decision to stay in a given apartment on the accessibility of various forms of entertainment and leisure. In spite of the fact that you are the property owner, you still want your tenant to feel at home in the rental unit. You can assist develop a more customised atmosphere in a variety of ways, and doing so may encourage your tenants to remain at your property for a longer amount of time.

    Considering and providing the amenities that tenants value most may help you attract better long-term tenants and encourage current ones to renew their lease. If your rental property is located in close proximity to a university, for instance, prospective tenants may be on the lookout for features like secure bike storage and quiet study areas. Hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, and central air conditioning are just a few examples of high-impact upgrades that can transform a house into a cosy haven for its inhabitants. Putting money into these upgrades could help you attract new tenants and keep the ones you already have around for a longer time.

    Be Proactive With Lease Renewal

    If you're interested in renewing your tenant's lease, it's important that you let them know as soon as possible. This article will help you make a decision about home building construction.  Here at MJS Construction Group, we’re committed.

    • At least three months before to the lease's expiration, contact the renter to see if they're interested in extending the agreement.
    • They may be more likely to start planning ahead of time if they know you're aware of their intentions as early as possible.
    • In the event that the tenant decides to depart the premises, you will have some time to begin marketing the unit before it is fully empty. Finding a replacement lessee means you can skip a month of rent without penalty.

    There are other methods you might use to persuade your present tenant to sign a lease extension. You should consider keeping the rent the same (or lowering it) for the upcoming year if they choose to renew their lease. If they seem unsure about remaining, you should ask what it would take to keep them. And this is just one more reason why tenants and landlords should get along well. A tenant is more likely to be honest about which incentives are most important to them if you are able to have an open dialogue with them.

    A tenant may request a reduction in rent or changes to the property's upkeep system. If possible, try to negotiate a contract in which you can both come out ahead. In some cases, giving in to a tenant's request may end up costing you less than evicting them and starting over with a new tenant. Bear this in mind.

    tenant melbourne

    Encourage A Longer Lease

    Consider approaching the tenant with a reduced rent offer in exchange for a longer lease term. Consider extending the lease to a full year if they keep renewing it every six months. If they routinely choose to renew the lease each year, offering a lease extension at a reduced rate may be a good option. It may be worthwhile to postpone possible gains from rent increases in order to retain a renter who pays on time and is reliable. You should examine the financial viability of each alternative by calculating the differences in rental income.

    Treat Tenants Fairly

    In order to avoid giving the impression that they are picking on their tenants, landlords should be well-versed in both state and federal housing regulations and work to enforce them. Tenants of any race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical ability should be treated equally and fairly. Additionally, this includes not charging extortionate rent and listening to resident complaints. While you have the freedom to set your own rates, doing so may put you at risk of a discrimination claim if it causes you to charge more to persons who are legally shielded from such increases.

    Enforce Rules Without Going Overboard

    Property requirements, such as those regarding security deposits for pets, waterbeds, and clogged toilets, must be documented in writing prior to the signing of a lease. As a next step, pointing out the repercussions of disobeying these guidelines is in everyone's best interest. After reading this, your tenant will have a better grasp of what is expected of them as a tenant and what they are responsible for on your end.

    If your long-term tenant begins to repeatedly violate the guidelines you've set for the rental property, it's best to have a conversation with them before taking any more action. You may be hearing complaints from neighbours, but you should make it a top priority to talk to your renters and obtain their side of the story before making any assumptions.

    Check state and federal housing laws, but know that a few basic principles underpin any reasonable landlord's policies.

    • Protect the safety and well-being of your renters at all costs.
    • Must be rationally related to the function it was designed to serve.
    • Must be written clearly enough so the renter can understand it.
    • Rules must be implemented uniformly and fairly for all renters.
    • should not be made to get around a landlord's responsibilities in the law.

    By consistently and equitably enforcing the rules and having a clear policy outlining what happens when they are ignored, you can manage your tenants' expectations, help them feel safer, and dismiss tenants who breach the rules and don't pay their rent.

    Ineffective communication is at the root of most of the problems mentioned above. Making sure the landlord, tenant, and rental property are all on the same page in terms of communication is a great way to streamline the renting and investing process. Maintaining a healthy line of communication necessitates that you respond quickly to communications and double-check that your contact information is correct. Using this strategy, you can guarantee that the property will remain occupied, the renter will be satisfied, and all work will be completed on time.


    Even if a landlord has the nicest rental property available, they won't be able to keep decent tenants if they are inexperienced and can't manage the property well. Learn the most frequent causes of tenant default and what you can do to stop them from happening. Since there are now more people living in each home, many people today require more room. Both Gen Y and Gen Z are increasingly choosing detached houses in the suburbs over apartments or townhouses in the city. The MJS Construction Team has the best variety of two-family houses available.

    Tenants that are a nuisance in the units next to yours are not likely to have their leases renewed. Tenants who are generally good can be made aware of how their activities or behaviours might influence others in a housing community that you own. Numerous factors can contribute to a tenant's negative experience with a neighbour. This is a popular justification for vacating a rental home. The best strategy to deal with complaints that the rent is "too high" is to negotiate with the landlord.

    Success as a landlord depends on your ability to keep a positive relationship with your tenants. Tenant threats to vacate can be a useful wake-up call that prompts essential changes in your buy-to-let operations. For this reason, it can be useful to hire a reliable rental agency to handle the management of your property. There isn't a more comprehensive set of home building services than the ones provided by MJS Construction Group in Melbourne. If your renter loses their job and their income declines, you can reduce their rent.

    If you have another vacant unit, you can also suggest that the tenant relocate into another unit because it is more affordable. After a breakup, a person's priorities may shift, and they may decide to reduce their home. Tenants are often very frustrated since their maintenance requests aren't being addressed. You should demonstrate your dedication to improving their quality of life by taking steps to enhance their living environment. Tenants are more likely to renew their lease if they perceive the landlord to be approachable and open to working with them.

    The availability of nearby entertainment and amusements is an important consideration for many renters. There are several ways in which you can contribute to creating a more personalised environment. Home renovations with a big impact can make a property a much cosier place to live. Landlords have a responsibility to be aware of and adhere to applicable local, state, and federal housing laws. All tenants should be treated fairly and equitably regardless of their colour, religion, sexual orientation, or physical ability.

    To keep a stable tenant who pays on time, it may be wise to forego future rent increases. You should talk to your tenant if they keep breaking the rules you put out for your rental property. Most issues that arise between tenants and landlords may be traced back to a breakdown in communication.

    Content Summary

    • Find out the most common reasons tenants break their leases and the steps you can take to prevent those reasons from happening.
    • It's not uncommon for tenants to vacate a rental unit simply out of fear.
    • Establish unequivocally what is expected.
    • If you want to demonstrate to your tenants that youa caring landlord and not a slumlord, you should solicit feedback from long-term renters who have been loyal to you in the past, connect with them about renewing their leases early, and keep the property in good repair.
    • Even while the explanations vary widely, it's clear that keeping in touch with your tenants is crucial in any case.
    • Maintaining good relations with the tenants of your rental properties is essential to your success as a landlord.
    • If your tenant tells you this, it means that you have not been carrying out your duties as a landlord to the best of your ability.
    • The good news is that these problems can frequently be easily fixed, and the fact that a good tenant brings them to your attention by threatening to end their tenancy can serve as a much-needed wake-up call that will assist you in improving your overall buy-to-let business.
    • Tenants may be required to move because of job relocation.
    • You can try to avoid a vacancy by lowering the rent paid by the current tenant in order to keep the unit occupied.
    • You need to show them that you're invested in making their home a nice place to be.
    • By showing tenants that you're willing to work with them, you increase the likelihood that they'll treat you and your property with the respect you deserve.
    • In spite of the fact that you are the property owner, you still want your tenant to feel at home in the rental unit.
    • A tenant may request a reduction in rent or changes to the property's upkeep system.
    • In some cases, giving in to a tenant's request may end up costing you less than evicting them and starting over with a new tenant.
    • Consider approaching the tenant with a reduced rent offer in exchange for a longer lease term.
    • If your long-term tenant begins to repeatedly violate the guidelines you've set for the rental property, it's best to have a conversation with them before taking any more action.
    • Protect the safety and well-being of your renters at all costs.
    • Making sure the landlord, tenant, and rental property are all on the same page in terms of communication is a great way to streamline the renting and investing process.
    • Maintaining a healthy line of communication necessitates that you respond quickly to communications and double-check that your contact information is correct.

    FAQs About Tenants

    According to the poll, the majority of landlords would prefer a couple with no children, with 29% of landlords stating they would prefer to rent to that demographic.

    The process of eviction is a legal one that has to be carried out through the courts and requires the assistance of a lawyer. It is against the law for a landlord to evict a tenant without first following the appropriate legal procedures. If there is a written lease agreement in place, the landlord may decide to terminate the lease if the tenant violates any of the terms or conditions of the lease.

    Often non-payment of rent, rent agreement violation, property damage and illegal activity are key grounds for a tenant eviction.

    If you feel that a tenant is violating health and safety conditions and causing damage to themselves, other people, and to the property, then you can tell them how to clean, and how often they should clean their home.

    The first step to take in evicting your tenant is to have your lawyer serve him with a notice to quit, if he is already 6 months in arrears of rent or according to your agreement with him. The notice to quit is a statutory requirement for the termination of all forms of periodic tenancies.

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