What Are The Tools Used In Landscaping?

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    To design and maintain outdoor areas, professional landscapers make use of both hand tools and power tools, depending on the task at hand.

    Digging implements, weeding implements, trimming implements, and cleanup implements are all examples of tools and equipment used in landscaping.

    Be it that you are just starting out as a landscape maintenance professional or that you are merely compiling a set of tools for your own use, you should familiarise yourself with the tools that are used in the landscaping trade and select the appropriate ones for the task at hand.

    At each level of the design process, a separate landscape design tool is required to be utilised.

    A reliable sales procedure is required in order to locate leads that are qualified.

    In order to successfully close a transaction while delivering a presentation, you will require an eye-catching design.

    On the other hand, in the interim, you will need to measure the sizes of the properties so that you may make precise drawings. After that, you'll realise that you need certain equipment for measuring.

    Because you want the designs you create to be accurate, you can't afford to make any mistakes when you are gathering the site's dimensions.

    Be careful to pick out the landscape design tools that will assist you in completing the project successfully.

    Aerial Imagery

    Utilizing the GIS surveyed terrain data allows you to obtain the property's dimensions without ever having to leave your office chair.

    By using GIS, you can determine the square footage of an area, measure its perimeter, and evaluate the outdoor living space with image detail as fine as three inches per pixel.

    You can do all of these things using your landscape design software.

    Simply entering your customer's address will allow you to gain access to the GIS data and obtain an aerial view of their property and pull up five high-resolution images of the area.

    After that, the software will model the topography in the surrounding area.

    This will not only calculate the measurements that you require, but it will also assist you in identifying any potential constraints that may exist with the project.

    In addition, the resolution of the GIS photos will be greater than that of the free satellite photographs.

    In contrast to the free satellite photos, which have a resolution of 12 to 20 inches per pixel, high-quality GIS images have a resolution of only 3 inches per pixel.

    That translates into the ability to generate exact data on the landscape and track accurate measurements.

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    You may also import vector picture files for free using Google Earth Pro, which can be used to map GIS data.

    In addition, there are features that make use of Google Earth's measuring capabilities in order to compute things like distances and areas.

    A number of landscape architects, such as Scott Cohen, proprietor of Green Scene Landscaping and Pools in Chatsworth, California, are elevating the use of aerial photos to an even higher degree.

    In order to provide his customers with accurate measurements and before-and-after photographs, Cohen employs the utilisation of quad-rotor drones outfitted with gimbals and GoPro cameras.

    He doesn't climb any higher than roughly fifty feet to acquire the shots he wants.

    In addition to that, he looks at the footage being captured by the drone in real-time on a point-of-view screen that is roughly the same size as an iPhone.

    Not only has it proven helpful for designs, but it also contributes to the differentiation of his services from those of his competitors.

    Because drones can cost several thousand dollars, it is essential that the person operating them has previous expertise flying them in order to prevent accidents and damage.


    You can use global positioning system technology (GPS) across your company as a means of monitoring your vehicles and equipment, as well as for calculating property measurements.

    You can collect the site information you need to produce measurements by walking the property with a GPS receiver from a company like Trimble or Garmin.

    This will allow you to create measurements. In addition, you will require GPS software that can read the data, such as ExpertGPS or Maptitude.

    It's possible that you'll need to configure the settings of a GPS receiver before using it on a piece of property.

    Because the precise setup will be determined by the make and model of the GPS receiver you use, you need to make sure that you read the user manual for the device very carefully.

    It is imperative that you have a robust GPS signal, sufficient battery capacity, and a clear sky in order to obtain the most helpful and accurate data.

    You may also measure areas, perimeters, and distances with the help of applications like Measure Map, Planimeter, and GPS Fields Area Measure.

    These apps are available for both iOS and Android.

    The apps generate measurements with the use of GPS location services.

    Laser Measurement

    The technique of laser measurement can be used to a number of different uses, such as the measurement of distances, elevations, clearances, or even remote positions using GPS.

    Laser Technology, Bosch, Opti-Logic, and Johnson are a few examples of brands that are available for laser measurement.

    You won't be restricted by the physical limits that come along with using conventional landscape design tools.

    You can also transfer the data into the CAD programme that you are using, which will make the transition to your design much simpler.

    Long-distance measures and slopes are two areas in which laser measurements can be particularly beneficial.

    Open-Reel Measuring Tape

    An open-reel measuring tape can be an effective and time-saving solution when working in confined spaces.

    Simply ensure that you have a notebook and a writing instrument on hand so that you can keep track of the measurement figures.

    It is possible to use this instrument to measure areas such as patios or beds.

    In addition to this, it is an excellent method for gathering accurate data for localised regions.

    Steel tapes will not stretch nearly as much as fibreglass tapes, which means that you will receive a more accurate reading when using the material that is steel.

    tools landscaping melbourne

    Measuring Wheel

    A measuring wheel keeps track of the distance travelled across the terrain by counting the number of times it rotates.

    The pavement is the ideal surface for these wheels because of their consistency.

    They do not perform as well on uneven ground or in places where there is a possibility of bouncing.

    The aforementioned elements may impact the accuracy of the measuring tool.

    Maintain a record of any site impediments or circumstances that may have influenced the accuracy of the measurement.

    Transit Level

    Transit levels are an optical instrument that is fixed on a tripod and comes equipped with a level. They are one of the most expensive equipment that are used in landscape design.

    These levels are useful for accurately measuring angles in the vertical plane. In order to obtain the most precise reading possible from the transit level, here are some helpful hints.

    • Check to see that the levelling screws are not tightened up too much.
    • Instead of lifting the level with the telescope, lift it with the base of the instrument.
    • After the transit level has been attached to the tripod, adjusting the tripod in any way could throw off the readings and affect the precision of the measurements.

    Other Tools & Equipment Used in Landscaping

    The landscaping edger is a specialised instrument that can be used to trim the edges of your garden and other landscaped areas.

    For example, if some of your grasses or plants have become unmanageable and are now covering some areas of your paths or curbs, you may use the edger to cut such plants and grasses back.

    General rules for choosing hand tools

    • Look for tools with wooden or coated metal handles; they'll be durable without being cumbersome.
    • Choose tools with handles made of close-grained wood since this type of wood is the strongest.
    • It's best to stay away from tools with painted handles, as that's usually done to cover up cheap wood.
    • Tool handles made of tubular steel or fibreglass are extremely durable and worth the investment if you can afford it.
    • Tools with long "D" shaped handles are more comfortable to use over time.
    • When shopping, look for models with a seamless build so the head won't ever come off.
    • If you're looking to buy a new tool, it's a good idea to practise using it beforehand. Try it on for size and length to see whether it suits you; if not, pass on it.

    Types of Edgers:

    • Electric – Electic powered tools were, at one time, inefficient. The electric tools of today, by comparison, are by far the best way to go. You will need to spend a little more on some occasions to get the right tool for the job, but things like tune-ups, pernickety equipment, etc. is a thing of the past! This tool is great to use when trimming grasses and flowerbed.
    • Gas-Powered – this is a cordless edger and offer great advantage since you don't have to be careful of wires and plugs. You can use it, thus, even at the farthest corners of your garden.
    • Wheelbarrow – this is a basic tool that most gardeners are using. You can load lots of things here too and from your garden. If there are small tools that you want to bring to the garden, you can load them in this tool to save time. You can also use this to wheel out garbage and plants or grass trimmings.
    • Weed Eater – Your mower is great equipment, but there are areas in your garden where it can't be used. This is where this landscaping tool comes in handy. You can rely on this tool if you w. ant to get rid of those tall grasses. It is also easy to maintain, but you have to replace it once it's all been used up and can no longer extend its string.
    • Shovels – if you need to dig holes for landscape posts; this tool is a great one. You have different options when it comes to blade designs. Choices include a spade, flat, and post hole. 
    • Rototillers – if you need to turn larger soil areas in your garden, this tool is the right one for you.
    • Small trowel – if you need to dig holes for your plants or dig the soil around weeds to cut its roots, this tool will come in handy. You can also use this to loosen up the soil around your plants to avoid hurting the stalks.
    • Pruning Tools – you will need this to prune your bushes and shrubs to maintain the shape or size that you want. You can also use this in removing dead or dry branches.

    When landscaping your garden, you will need a lot of different landscaping tools, but these are only a few of them.

    If you want these instruments to endure for a longer period of time, it is imperative that you store them in a dry environment.

    It is important to clean them well before putting them away in order to prevent the buildup of dirt, which can lead to rust. Planning to build a home?

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    Short-handled Hand Tools

    If you need to operate in confined spaces, such as along a fence line, you may need to swap out your long-handled tools for their short-handled counterparts.

    Because of the increased space requirement when working with long-handled instruments.

    Following are some suggestions to help landscapers choose the appropriate hand tools with short handles.


    The trowel will be your most used hand tool for landscaping, followed by the shovel.

    As an added bonus, it may be used to plant seedlings and conduct some light digging in addition to pulling weeds and old stalks out of the ground.

    If you're working in a border full of delicate plants, you'll want to be extra careful not to damage the roots of the plants you intend to save.

    Trowels with stainless steel blades are rust-resistant, and the polished surfaces are simpler to maintain.


    There is little doubt that the secateurs will quickly become your second-most-used short-handled hand tool, right behind the trowel. To name a few uses, these shears can be used for pruning, cutting branches, twigs, and bamboo up to 1 cm in thickness, and taking cuttings for propagation.

    The bypass technique necessitates one set of secateurs, whereas the anvil technique calls for a different set of shears.

    Bypass secateurs, which contain two blades that link together to form one, are great for use on living plants because of the clean cut they produce.

    It is possible to destroy the blades by using them on dead vegetation; the dead vegetation will flex and break between the two blades.

    When dealing with dead and dried-out vegetation, anvil secateurs, which provide a crushing motion that is significantly more effective when cutting twigs and stalks, are the pruning shears to employ.

    Hand rake

    Using a hand rake, you may clean the spaces in your garden between plants of debris like dead leaves without harming the plants' delicate roots and crowns.

    You should buy this essential tool instead of wasting time trying to fit your leaf rake into a space it won't fit in.

    Japanese gardening knife (or hori-hori)

    This Japanese hand tool is so versatile that every gardener should have one in their arsenal.

    It can be used in place of a trowel to dig holes, but its true value lies in its ability to plant bulbs and pluck weeds.

    The sharp end of the saw blade is ideal for getting into tight spaces, while the rounded end is ideal for slicing through roots and dividing up smaller perennials.

    With the hori hori, you can easily plant bulbs by poking the tool into the ground to the desired depth (using the ruler as a guide), twisting the blade to loosen the soil, and then dropping the bulb into the prepared hole.

    Hand cultivator

    These handheld garden forks have angled prongs that are great for turning soil, mixing in fertiliser, and digging huge weeds without creating too much disruption in beds that are already packed with plants.

    The Essential Landscaping Power Tools

    Even the most essential landscaping tasks, like keeping the grass mowed or constructing a topiary, can be challenging without collecting the necessary power equipment.

    We have included some of our favourite choices for landscaping power equipment below.


    During your time as a landscaper, the lawnmower will most likely become your most often used motorised instrument.

    You should choose a gasoline-powered ride-on mower with a cutting width of at least 30 inches, as you will be maintaining several large lawns.

    Anything less than that is not going to be as effective, and will have to be replaced much sooner due to wear and tear.

    An expensive high-end lawn mower may seem unnecessary, but considering how often you'll be using it, it's not a place to skimp.

    Grass trimmer

    If there is a section in your lawn that is too thick with grass or weeds for your mower to cut through, a lawn trimmer will make quick work of the problem.

    In addition, if you use this equipment, you can trim the grass precisely to the border of the steps and the trees.

    Leaf blower

    If you own a landscaping service, investing in a leaf blower will help you save endless hours of labour compared to using a rake to collect leaves from a large lawn.

    You'll need a lot of juice to get decent results out of an electric one, so go with a gas-powered type instead.


    Tillers, another type of power equipment, are essential for any landscaper's toolkit. With a high-quality model, you may quickly and easily create new flower beds or dig over the ones you already have.

    When compared to many large and expensive rear-tine machines, our Mantis tillers' front-tine design, using our revolutionary serpentine tines, is far more effective at breaking down soil and hard clay.

    Because of the serpentine curvature of our front tine design, this is achievable. Moreover, for weeding and shallow cultivation, you may easily change the direction of our tines.

    Our Deluxe XP tiller, powered by a 35cc four-stroke Subaru engine, features four serpentine tines that make it easy to create and maintain flower beds, making it the ideal choice for a landscaper.

    Lawn aerator

    When you aerate a lawn, the soil becomes less compacted, allowing more water, oxygen, and nutrients to reach the plant roots.

    This will increase the odds that the grass will develop to its fullest capacity and look as nice as possible.

    Although manual aerators may be purchased, a power tool is preferable for a professional landscaping business.

    There are standalone models, but if you already own a Mantis tiller, you can use the lawn aerator attachment to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

    Your storage space won't be affected nearly as much as if you kept a lawn aerator machine in a separate building.

    Lawn edger

    Lawns benefit from aeration because it loosens the soil below the grass, allowing more water, oxygen, and nutrients to reach the plant roots.

    This will stimulate maximum grass growth, resulting in the most aesthetically pleasing lawn possible.

    Even if you can get your hands on a manual aerator, you really should just use a power tool if you're doing any professional landscaping.

    Although there are alternatives to the Mantis tiller, the lawn aerator attachment is the best option if you already own a tiller. A lawn aerator attached to this will require much less space.


    A chainsaw is an essential piece of power equipment to prune larger shrubs and trees than can be accomplished with hand tools.

    It's important to select a model that is lightweight and easy to operate, as you'll quickly come to regret your purchase if you try to use it up a ladder and find that it's too cumbersome to handle.

    Pole pruner

    You can perform tree surgery risk-free and straightforwardly with the help of a pole pruner, another wonderful instrument.

    A pole saw allows you to trim a tree's branches without resorting to unsafe methods like climbing a ladder.

    Hedge trimmer

    Topiary job may be done more efficiently with the help of a hedge trimmer, which is crucial if the hedges your clients have engaged you to maintain are to remain in perfect condition.

    You should buy a lightweight and easily manoeuvrable hedge trimmer because you will be using it for long periods of time and must keep careful control of it even when you are tired.

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    Garden shredder

    If you have a garden shredder, you may be able to turn your yard's garbage into usable mulch.

    With the help of this powered machinery, you can efficiently transform yard waste into mulch and tree limbs into wood chips for your garden. If you do this, you'll produce less garbage, which will save you cash.


    Since your clients' gardens will remain dormant over the winter, your workload will naturally diminish during that time.

    If you schedule all of your tree surgery jobs for the winter, you can probably keep making money.

    Offering to remove snow from people's walkways and driveways is another great way to boost your wintertime earnings.

    A Mantis snow thrower can make quick work of this problem, as it can remove several metres of fresh snow in only a few minutes.

    General rules for choosing power tools

    • Buy the best you can afford, but don't get a tool with add-ons and accessories that you don't need. These tools will only be heavier and more difficult to use.
    • Buy your power tools from an established nationwide or international brand, so spare parts will always be easy to source.
    • If you're buying electric, get tools that all use the same battery, so you don't need to lug around several different spare batteries and chargers.
    • If you have the option to wait it out, try to get the best deal on your power tools in a sale.
    • When buying your power tools, make sure you know exactly what is and isn't included in the price, and that you buy any essentials that don't come as part of the initial price. Be aware of this when writing up your budget as well.

    melbourne landscaping tools

    All professional landscapers need to have these hand and power tools on hand.

    Because of their frequent use, it's wise to invest in the best models you can afford whenever possible.

    In addition, investing a little more upfront in high-quality instruments that won't require replacing anytime soon will save you a lot of money in the long run of your enterprise.

    Instead of buying low-quality copies of each tool on this list because you don't have enough money to buy the best versions, you'd be better off starting with a modest collection of high-quality essentials and building from there.

    If you follow these guidelines, you may get your hands on the finest hand tools and power tools money can buy. It's important not to skimp on these essential purchases because they will serve as the backbone of your company for years to come.


    Professional landscapers utilise both hand tools and power tools to develop and maintain outdoor spaces.

    Different landscape design tools are needed for the various stages of planning.

    Choose carefully from the landscape design resources available so you can do the job well.

    With the help of aerial photographs, precise information about the landscape can be compiled, and precise measurements may be kept track of.

    GIS images will have higher resolution than publicly available satellite imagery.

    Distance and area calculations can be made with the use of Google Earth's built-in measuring tools.

    Apps like Measure Map, Planimeter, and GPS Fields Area Measure can help you calculate areas, perimeters, and distances.

    Accurate readings can only be obtained under ideal conditions, which include a clear sky, plenty of battery life, and a strong GPS connection.

    Angles in the vertical plane can be measured precisely with the help of the transit levels, a specialised instrument. It's crucial to do some research before purchasing a new edger for your yard.

    Listed below are some of the most useful items for your garden, from wheelbarrows to weed eaters.

    When landscaping, the trowel will be your go-to hand tool more so than the shovel.

    Because of the precision of the cut they make, bypass secateurs are ideal for use on living plants.

    A border of fragile plants requires particular caution when working in the area. Several standard landscaping power equipment are a necessity for any serious gardener.

    In order to save many hours of work, investing in a leaf blower is a wise decision. In order to obtain good results from an electric one, you'll need to supply it with a lot of power. Instead, opt for a gas-powered model.

    Every professional landscaper needs a tiller.

    A chainsaw is a necessary piece of power equipment for removing bigger branches from shrubs and trees.

    It just takes a few minutes for a Mantis snowthrower to clear away several metres of new snow. Your yard waste could be transformed into valuable mulch if you have a garden shredder.

    These are essential equipment for any professional landscaper.

    Because of how often you'll be using them, it's smart to splurge on the highest quality options available.

    These investments are crucial to the success of your business and should not be scrimped on.

    Content Summary

    • Be careful to pick out the landscape design tools that will assist you in completing the project successfully.
    • You can do all of these things using the landscape design software you have.
    • You can collect the site information you need to produce measurements by walking the property with a GPS receiver from a company like Trimble or Garmin.
    • In order to obtain the most precise reading possible from the transit level, here are some helpful hints.
    • Instead of lifting the level with the telescope, lift it with the base of the instrument.
    • If you need to operate in confined spaces, such as along a fence line, you may need to swap out your long-handled tools for their short-handled counterparts.
    • Because of the increased space requirement when working with long-handled instruments.
    • Following are some suggestions to help landscapers choose the appropriate hand tools with short handles.
    • Even the most essential landscaping tasks, like keeping the grass mowed or constructing topiary, can be challenging without a collection of the necessary power equipment.
    • We have included some of our favourite choices for landscaping power equipment below.
    • If there is a section in your lawn that is too thick with grass or weeds for your mower to cut through, a lawn trimmer will make quick work of the problem.
    • If you own a landscaping service, investing in a leaf blower will help you save endless hours of labour compared to using a rake to collect leaves from a large lawn.
    • Although manual aerators may be purchased, a power tool is preferable for a professional landscaping business.
    • A chainsaw is an essential piece of power equipment to prune larger shrubs and trees than can be accomplished with hand tools.
    • You can perform tree surgery risk-free and straightforwardly with the help of a pole pruner, another wonderful instrument.
    • If you have a garden shredder, you may be able to turn your yard's garbage into usable mulch.
    • If you schedule all of your tree surgery jobs for the winter, you can probably keep making money.
    • General rules for choosing power tools Buy the best you can afford, but don't get a tool with add-ons and accessories that you don't need.
    • Buy your power tools from an established nationwide or international brand, so spare parts will always be easy to source.
    • If you have the option to wait it out, try to get the best deal on your power tools in a sale.

    FAQs About Tools Used In Landscaping

    Shovels. Rakes (Steel and Leaf) Push brooms. Pruners/hedge shears.

    5 Basic Gardening Tools Everyone Should Have

    • Tough Love Gloves. Great gardeners always have a little dirt under their fingernails, but they also know the importance of strong gardening gloves to save them from blisters, calluses, thorns and scratches. 
    • Short-Handled Shovel. 
    • Wheelbarrow. 
    • Garden Sprayer. 
    • Garden Rakes.

    7 Best Types of Equipment for Landscaping

    • Skid Steer Loaders. 
    • Compact Track and Multi-Terrain Loaders. 
    • Backhoe Loaders. 
    • Wheel Loaders and Compact Wheel Loaders. 
    • Telehandlers. 
    • Small and Mini Hydraulic Excavators. 
    • Dozers.

    Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers landscape or maintain property grounds. They mow lawns; trim hedges, shrubs, and trees; grow and plant new vegetation, and rake leaves. Workers may also maintain and repair equipment, remove debris, compost, and pull weeds.

    Hand Trowel. A hand trowel is a small tool essential for planting, transplanting and potting. Look for one with a sturdy connection between the blade and handle and a comfortable grip on the handle to avoid hand fatigue and give you optimal control.

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