What Are The Best Landscape Design Ideas?

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    Many of us harbour the secret desire to someday possess a property that features a tranquil and lovely garden. However, the vast majority of us are clueless in this regard. In this essay, we will discuss the most important aspects of landscape design and how they might be applied. Get on board and take advantage of this in-depth information!

    Your home's architecture plays a role in the design of the landscaping, which in turn lends a unique flavour to the area outside your home. Changing the outward characteristics of a piece of land in order to give it a more alluring and welcoming appearance is both an art and a science.

    In addition to improving the aesthetic appeal of a property, landscaping may also help reduce unwanted environmental factors such as noise and temperature. It may have an impact on the ability of the environment around your house to be heated or cooled.

    It may be challenging for some people to design the perfect landscape, but with the assistance of professionals and by drawing ideas from the landscape that already exists, you can devise a plan for how to maintain and improve the appearance of your yard.

    This essay is broken up into a series of informative sections that will teach you everything you require to know about landscape designs. This article will hopefully answer all of your questions about how to start a garden landscape and how to manage it.

    What’s The Value Of Landscaping?

    A home that has an attractive landscape design can boost the "kerb appeal" of the property and instil the owner with a greater sense of pride in the way their home looks. But that's not the only thing it can accomplish. It is possible for it to have monetary value.

    The value of your home may also increase if you invest in landscaping. A professional landscape design, according to Dr. Leonard Perry, an extension professor at the University of Vermont, can add up to 14 percent to the resale value of a home while also reducing the amount of time it takes to sell the property by six weeks. If you're looking for a high-quality, affordable builder in Melbourne, you're in the right place! Check MJS Construction Group!

    In addition, it can help you save money by decreasing the amount of money you spend on energy throughout the year. During the summer, trees have the ability to shield a house from the sun and give shade. During the winter, when the branches are bare, the sun may be able to shine through.

    what are landscape design ideas for your pool melbourne

    By preventing cold air from entering the house and helping to insulate the foundation, strategically planted shrubs and other types of landscaping can help to reduce the amount of heat that is lost. Absorption can also be provided by properly landscaping the area around the house. This helps avoid water from pooling up around the foundation, which can lead to expensive repairs.

    Landscape Design

    When you first begin, the question that immediately comes to mind is this: how will you separate off and divide your yard in order to make a fascinating modern space? Some people find it comfortable that there are unlimited possibilities, while others find it overwhelming that there are so many options. How can a complete lawn and garden be designed in a way that is both fashionable and functional?

    When you get to this point in the process, don't be afraid to bring in a landscape designer to help you out. Planters, edging, and sculptural components are a few examples of the many additional aspects that you are more than capable of doing on your own. If, on the other hand, you are the do-it-yourself kind and want to tackle the entire thing with the help of friends and family (or if you are searching for ideas to pass on to the professionals), take a look at the photographs below for some inspiration! MJS Construction Group provides a comprehensive selection of duplex build options.

    Incorporate Needled Evergreens for Year-Round Greenery

    Needled evergreens, which are prized for their attractiveness throughout the year, can enliven an otherwise monotonous winter landscape by contributing both texture and colour. Needled evergreens can have needles that are a variety of colours, including blue, green, and even yellow, which can provide a lot of visual interest.

    For instance, the Eastern White Pine is a gorgeous tree that has stunningly attractive needles in shades of bright green. In spite of the fact that some people believe it to be dirty due to the fact that its needles and cones fall off, it is still able to make a bold statement in a desolate winter scene. Spruce and fir trees, with their shorter needles, are another appealing option that blends a variety of green tones and even some blue tones.

    There are various possibilities available in the form of needled evergreen shrubs that you might take into consideration. There are also certain varieties of arborvitae, yews, and cypress that make good choices. Then there are the dwarf varieties of needled trees, which can provide some fantastic vertical ornamental accents. Dwarf forms of needled trees also exist. Dwarf pines, spruces, hemlocks, and cypresses are some of the other trees that can be used.

    Don’t Forget About Broadleaf Evergreen Varieties.

    Evergreens are typically considered of as the needle-bearing variations of evergreens; however, evergreen shrubs also include broadleaf variants such as boxwoods, hollies, certain types of laurels, and rhododendrons. These plants maintain a lush greenery throughout the year and also bloom at various times throughout the year, which gives them a broad variety of interest and attractiveness throughout the year regardless of the season.

    There are also several wonderful broadleaf tree kinds, such as hollies and Southern magnolia, that keep their foliage throughout the winter. There are a wide variety of colours, textures, and green hues to choose from, all of which can contribute a great deal of visual appeal during the colder months of the year as well as the rest of the year.

    Get the Best of Both Worlds With Semi-Evergreens

    The term "semi-evergreen" can apply to either plants that lose their leaves for a short period of time during the winter but swiftly regrow them or plants that just lose a portion of their leaves. For example, several types of Nandina are classified as semi-evergreen because they are able to keep a significant portion of their leaves or even their blossoms for a longer period of time. They are also able to change colours. The Blush PinkTM Nandina, for example, adds a splash of colour that looks stunning as an accent to your winter landscape by becoming pink or even crimson throughout the colder months.

    There are various types of Viburnum that are only partially evergreen, such as Leatherleaf. The name of this shrub comes from the fact that it has a bluish-green hue and a rough texture. There are varieties of Azalea that are only partly deciduous.

    Plants With Fruit Add More Appeal

    Some of the plants that are used for winter landscaping provide berries and other fruit that persists through the winter months. The colour of fruit can range from bright orange to yellow or even crimson. Flowering crabapple trees, such as the Harvest Gold Crabapple, are one possibility among many others. The fact that this specific tree bears bright yellow fruit that can add a splash of colour to a setting is what gives it its one-of-a-kind appeal in terms of aesthetic appeal.

    Holly varieties such as viburnum and coral berry also offer for attractive and colourful selections to choose from. Because winterberry hollies, which belong to the group of shrubs, shed their leaves but hold on to their berries, they provide an absolutely stunning display, particularly when set against the backdrop of evergreens with needles or atop a blanket of snow. Another excellent option is the Winter King Hawthorn, which is a compact tree that bears berries of a brilliant scarlet hue.

    Beautiful Bark Adds Interest

    The bark of certain trees, or even the "bark habits" of those trees, might offer some charm to your winter environment. Plants with bark that peels off in layers, like the Paperbark Maple, have a very distinctive appearance. There is a lot of visual intrigue created when the cinnamon-colored bark on this tree begins to peel because it displays the young bark that is underlying.

    The use of bark that has larger patches is yet another fantastic option to add some colour and texture to your outdoor space. Bark may be highly vivid. The bark of London Plane trees can take on a variety of intriguing colours, including olive, brown, and even white. And the branches of the Yellow Twig Dogwood stand out with their bright yellow colour, but the branches of the Red Twig Dogwood are a brilliant shade of red that can offer a genuine splash of colour to a landscape.

    Incorporate Witch Hazel for the Wow Factor

    It may sound like a misnomer to speak about a plant that flowers in winter, but there is in fact a plant that can provide you with some winter flowers. Even after late winter has set in, witch hazel, which is a flowering shrub, will continue to hold on to its brilliantly yellow blossoms.

    Not only is witch hazel renowned to have a brilliant colour, but it is also recognised to have a nice citrous smell. In fact, it is sometimes referred to as the "Queen of Winter." The gloomy winter days might be made a little more bearable if you include this in your landscaping plans.

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    melbourne landscape design

    Including ornamental grasses in your winter landscaping can be another beneficial addition because they can give texture and even some colour to the scene. When used liberally across the area, warm tones such as bronze, gold, rust, and tan may bring a sense of vitality to your outdoor space. Ornamental grasses can provide a pleasant contrast when they are planted in close proximity to evergreen trees and shrubs.

    An otherwise tranquil landscape might get both visual and auditory dimension with the addition of some tall grasses that rustle in the wind throughout the winter months. Be mindful, however, that if there is an excessive amount of wind, they may separate and blow in different directions. If you choose to keep ornamental grasses standing through the winter, you should be prepared to do some additional cleaning in the spring.

    Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

    When people come up to your house or drive past it, the first thing they see is your front yard. It is the very first thing that visitors who visit your home may notice about you as a homeowner. You are in luck since there are a variety of ways in which you can improve the landscaping in front of your property. Here are some concepts to consider.

    Play With Color And Texture

    Your landscaping can get a splash of colour from a variety of sources, such as stones or pavers, pots or planters, and the plants that you choose to grow in them. Consult the colour wheel and give some thought to how you want to feel when you look at the outside of your home before making a decision on a new colour scheme.

    You could find that using cold colours, such as blues, greys, and purples, helps you feel more relaxed and at ease. You may find that having an environment that is filled with warm colours, such as orange, red, and yellow, provides you with a sense of enthusiasm and vitality.

    Complementary colours are those that are found on the colour wheel in the position directly across from one another from each other. For instance, the colours red and green are considered complementary colours, as are the colours orange and blue, yellow and purple, and red and green.

    Experiment with a variety of media to achieve the desired texture. You can accomplish this by combining plants that have assertive, sharp, or spikey characteristics with plants that have delicate, airy, or feathery characteristics. You might also incorporate stone gravel, elegant metal lawn fixtures, or wooden plant beds and benches into the design.

    When experimenting with colour and texture, don't forget to take into consideration the colours and patterns already present in the home. You won't want to get too far away from them if at all possible.

    Get Creative With Greenery

    You may create even more visual interest by filling in barren spaces, adding dimension, and creating a green backdrop for colours to pop from by using plants to offer even more visual appeal. Greenery requires less upkeep than other landscaping. You may increase the amount of shade in your yard as well as the level of seclusion it offers by planting trees and plants.

    Consider shaping your shrubs into topiary forms by performing selective pruning on them to inspire your artistic side. Planting shade plants such as hostas, which can range in colour from dark green to yellows and blues and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, are an excellent option for bare areas that receive a great deal of shade.

    Add Tasteful Decor

    Putting in a few eye-catching ornaments and unique elements in strategic locations around your front yard is all it takes to give it a facelift. The following are some examples of popular lawn decorations:

    • Bench
    • Birdbath
    • Garden statue
    • Small water feature
    • Wagon wheel
    • Windchime
    • Garden pedestal
    • Small windmill
    • Gazing ball
    • Decorative lantern

    Just make sure you don't go too far with this. There is a razor's edge between having good taste and being tacky. Pick one or two decorations from the list, and ensure that they are on the diminutive side of the size spectrum.

    Take Care Of Your Lawn

    It would be a shame if none of these landscaping ideas were implemented, wouldn't you agree? This is something that may occur if you do not properly maintain your lawn. Even if you have the most beautifully landscaped yard on the street, if your grass is diseased, overgrown, or infested with grubs, it will make even the most beautiful landscaping look like a complete disaster.

    Maintaining a healthy lawn should be one of your highest priorities. This includes maintaining a consistent watering schedule, cutting the grass at least once a week, removing weeds, raking leaves, and treating the lawn for grubs.

    This may also need you to clean up after your pet, dispose of litter, and ensure that your children pick up their toys before coming inside for the day.

    Backyard Landscaping Ideas

    Your backyard is an additional space that you can use to enjoy elements of your lifestyle outside. In the same way that there are a number of approaches to designing the layout of your front yard, there are a number of ways in which you can make the landscaping in your backyard more attractive and even make it more functional.

    Make It Functional For Multiple Purposes

    Before you get started on the landscaping in your backyard, sit down and think about how you want to make use of the space. You could utilise it during the summer months for things like bonfires, cookouts, and barbecues, or you could provide your dogs with space to run around and play. You could even decide that you want to put in a swimming pool, a playground, or a trampoline.

    You may be able to put your backyard to use for a variety of activities if it is a sufficiently large space. After you have a few concepts in mind, the next step is to plan out how you can make the most of the available space to fit a maximum number of the aforementioned interests.

    To make the most out of the space you have available, you will need to rearrange the features in a manner that is reminiscent of the game Tetris.

    Upgrade Your Patio

    The addition of a rear patio can provide additional usable area in your yard and is typically high on the wish list of prospective home buyers. Patios have the potential to increase the value of a home for this reason.

    If you already have a patio, you might want to think about enhancing its use by installing a fire pit, a built-in grill, or a pergola. These additions will allow you to make better use of the space. You might also put additional vegetation around around it to make it seem nicer, shield it from some of the sun's rays, and give it more seclusion.

    If you don't already have a deck, you might want to think about constructing one out of pavers, concrete that has been poured and stamped, or wood. Just make sure it doesn't look out of place in your yard. If you only have a tiny yard, you should make your patio more compact so that it doesn't take up the whole area.

    Design Your Dream Garden

    The ideal garden is one that reflects who you are as a person and gives you the opportunity to take care of things that are important to you. Your garden's purpose does not necessarily need to be to demonstrate that you have a green thumb. Gardens can be relaxing and enjoyable at the same time. They can assist you in lowering your expenses and safeguarding your property.

    They can also act as a refuge for wildlife, encourage the spread of pollen, and help to save resources. When you are planning your garden, here are some things to consider including:

    • Flower garden. One of the most popular types of gardens, flower gardens are filled with colourful florals that require regular tending. These gardens can attract birds, bees and other insects, provide free sources of lovely summer flower bouquets and make your yard smell fresh and flowery while adding pops of colour.
    • Fruit and vegetable garden. These gardens allow you to grow your produce, which saves you money at the grocery store. With a fruit and vegetable garden, you won’t have to worry about salmonella outbreaks or harmful pesticides getting into your body from your produce. Just beware of hungry animals who’ll use your garden as their produce aisle, too.
    • Herb garden. This type of garden can also save you money because herbs can be pricey at the grocery store, and you often have to buy a bunch when you only need a pinch. Herbs aren’t just easy to grow; they also make your yard smell good, and your food taste even better.
    • Butterfly garden. One of the most beautiful types of gardens, butterfly gardens are filled with vivid florals and colourful butterflies. These gardens are meant to be a sanctuary for butterflies, offering a place to feed, rest and lay eggs. These spaces require plenty of sunlight and plants that provide shelter, water and food for butterflies and caterpillars.
    • Water garden. Also known as aquatic gardens, water gardens typically contain a water feature that houses various types of aquatic plants. These gardens require a water source, like a pond, pool or fountain and floating, submerged or marginal plants. Water gardens often include fish, snails or turtles.
    • Fairy garden. These playful gardens bring magic for all ages and require little maintenance once completed. Made to house fairies, these gardens are filled with small plants, gnomes, fairies and tiny homes for them to live in. They often include moss, sea glass or stones, and small, glittery accessories. These are great gardens for small spaces.
    • Rain garden. This type of garden is effective in diverting water from your home. It helps collect water runoff and filter it back into the ground. This type of garden consists of layers of mulch and soil and native plants that tolerate water and are used to the local soil. Your yard should slope away from your home and into the rain garden, located at least 10 feet away from the house.

    You will need to consider your space and whether or not it is suitable for the type of garden you want for your home, and this will depend on the type of garden you decide to have at your residence. Where exactly is the piece of land that has been purchased? How much sunlight does it get? How much space do you have available? I'm curious about the composition of the soil there. See our list of available builder services melbourne to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.

    Create A Backyard Getaway

    Make the most of your backyard by transforming a storage shed or another outbuilding into a relaxing retreat. By giving the exterior of a tiny structure a new coat of paint and giving the interior of the structure a little bit of interior decoration, one can employ a little structure in a variety of different ways.

    Make place for a game room, meditation area, artist's studio, or reading nook in your home. You can get a shed kit or a prefabricated shed at a store that specialises in home remodelling or on the internet if you do not already have a structure in place.

    Landscape Lighting

    In the evening, the effect that lighting has on the focal point of the landscape architecture design that you have created can be rather spectacular.

    When you have finished planning your backyard and are well on your way to putting your landscape architecture into action, you will want everyone to recognise the effort that you have put into making your backyard a beautiful space from an aesthetic standpoint.

    Lighting your landscape will make it possible for you, your friends, and your family to enjoy the outdoors at any time of day or night, and the lighting itself can be a beautiful addition to the aesthetic design of your backyard. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways in which you can enhance your backyard by installing landscape lighting.

    • Bring the light. Make your garden walk more visible by lighting it up. Leave some room between lights so that the visitor's gaze is naturally directed in a forwards direction, illuminating the path. There's no need for blinding spotlights, but visitors need to know where they stand so they don't tromp over your yard.
    • You can combine and match everything you like. Install bistro lights on your deck, but lanterns along your outdoor walkways. Alternating the shape of the lights on your deck or patio can also make for some unique accents.
    • Using coloured lights to decorate your deck or patio is a fun way to spice up your outdoor space without making it look like Christmas in July. These vintage light bulbs are just one example of the variety of filament shapes available in bulbs.
    • Place lights behind the pieces of furniture. For a dreamy effect that won't keep your guests or little children up at night, try putting lights under your patio furniture to let it glow softly at night.
    • Give the spotlight to something. You may make a fountain or sculpture the focal point of your garden by lighting it from behind or within. You may make some really interesting shadows by adjusting the lighting on a sculpture that catches your eye.
    • Put on some moonlight. If you want your garden to look like it's lit up by the moon, try using a cool blue light shade. A business employs lights with lower temperatures to make outer space look completely alien.
    • Building a fire in a fireplace or fire pit is a great idea. Even in the heat of July, gathering around a fire for s'mores and scary tales is a fun way to end the day. You can even prepare pizza in a wood-fired oven!
    • Rather than relying just on overhead lighting, outfit the pergola with lamps as well. Lighting can greatly contribute to the mood of a room, and one easy method to add drama and mystery is to instal floor lights that climb the wall until they reach the ceiling fixtures.
    • If you have a waterfall in your water garden, lighting it at night will provide a sense of vitality and motion to your garden. Having everyone congregate by the pool while it is illuminated from behind produces a festive mood immediately.

    How To Execute Your Landscape Design

    There are several aspects of landscaping that can be completed in a do-it-yourself manner. These aspects include: However, certain undertakings require the assistance of trained professionals. You will need to employ professionals for any projects that need extensive excavating, permits, specialised tools and equipment, and much prior knowledge.

    Landscaping can be a straightforward home improvement job that, in addition to increasing the value of your property, can also boost the aesthetic appeal of your property and become a cherished passion for you and your family. There are a few do-it-yourself projects that you can take on that will make a significant difference, even though larger jobs might need the assistance of a professional.

    Engage your imaginative side and think about the ways in which you may make the landscaping in your front yard and backyard into something that you will adore for many years to come.

    Choose a Company that Values Design for All the Seasons

    An interesting winter landscape doesn’t happen by chance. It’s thanks to the knowledge and skill of a landscape design professional who knows a lot about winter landscape plants and their best placement.

    Check out these great winter landscaping design ideas and plants for Northern Virginia. For instance, are some of these winter landscape plants placed near a window or other areas where they can be regularly viewed? Does the landscape design incorporate a good mix of plants so that the landscape is well-balanced? A thoughtful approach to landscaping means thinking about what your landscape is going to look like all year round, not just during the blooming season. Achieving this comes down to the landscape company that you choose.

    There is no reason why you have to let Old Man Winter get you down. By looking beyond the average landscape company, which is only thinking about your landscape during the flowering season, you can have a yard that has year-round appeal. Your wise choice means you’ll get more than just the standard treatment of a landscape that’s only impressive a few months out of the year.

    If you’re looking for a landscape company that will help you with winter landscape ideas, then we are here to help. There is absolutely no reason a winter landscape has to be boring. By working together on a great design, you can have an appealing landscape all year long.


    If you put money on landscaping, you may see a return on your investment in the form of a higher house value. A home's resale value might increase by as much as 14 percent if it has a professionally designed landscape. There is a six-week reduction in the time it takes to sell the house once landscaping is completed. Needled evergreens, which are regarded for their beauty all year round, can be included into a landscape to break up the monotony of winter. Landscaping the yard correctly might also help with absorption.

    For those looking to construct a duplex, MJS Construction Group offers a wide variety of design and construction choices. Needless evergreen shrubs provide a wide range of options. Other trees such as dwarf pines, spruces, hemlocks, and cypress can be planted. Plants that fall into the semi-evergreen category shed their leaves for a brief period each year but quickly grow them back. Some of the plants used for winter landscaping are those that bear fruit all winter long.

    Some Viburnum species, including Leatherleaf, are solely deciduous in colder climates. The bark of a London Plane tree can be a number of different colours, including olive green, brown, and even white. Another great addition to your winter landscape is decorative grasses. The use of warm colours like bronze, gold, rust, and tan in your outdoor environment can enliven it. Contrasting nicely with evergreen trees and shrubs, ornamental grasses are a great addition to any garden.

    You could discover that the use of cool colours like blues, greys, and purples aids in relaxation and calm. It's possible that being surrounded by warm colours like orange, red, and yellow will make you feel more energised and enthusiastic. To improve the aesthetics and practicality of your backyard landscaping, you can do a number of things. The lawn's condition should be one of your top concerns. Potential buyers may be interested in your property in part because of the extra space a patio in the back could give them to use the yard.

    The perfect garden is one that embodies your unique personality and allows you to tend to the things that matter to you. We can find both relaxation and pleasure in gardens. They can help you save money and keep your belongings safe. Flower gardens and butterfly sanctuaries are two of the most common forms of landscaped outdoor spaces. Growing your own fruits and vegetables in a garden can help you save money on your weekly food bill.

    A completed fairy garden is a fun place to play and relax, and it requires very little upkeep. Water that would otherwise drain away from a house can be effectively redirected by installing a rain garden. In this piece, we will go over some of the ways in which landscape lighting can improve your outside space. Light up your garden path so that it is safer to stroll on at night. Deck and patio lighting can be further personalised by switching up the fixture's form.

    Decorating your deck or patio with coloured lights is a great way to add some flair to your outdoor living area. Many landscaping tasks are manageable by the average homeowner. However, there are a variety of tasks that are best left to experts. Investing in landscaping is a fantastic option for increasing your home's kerb appeal. Taking a considered approach to landscaping entails planning for the landscape's appearance throughout the entire year. We are here to help if you are seeking for a landscape business that can assist you with planning a winter landscape.

    Content Summary

    • In this essay, we will discuss the most important aspects of landscape design and how they might be applied.
    • This essay is broken up into a series of informative sections that will teach you everything you require to know about landscape designs.
    • The value of your home may also increase if you invest in landscaping.
    • Absorption can also be provided by properly landscaping the area around the house.
    • When you get to this point in the process, don't be afraid to bring in a landscape designer to help you out.
    • There are various possibilities available in the form of needled evergreen shrubs that you might take into consideration.
    • Holly varieties such as viburnum and coral berry also offer for attractive and colourful selections to choose from.
    • Including ornamental grasses in your winter landscaping can be another beneficial addition because they can give texture and even some colour to the scene.
    • Experiment with a variety of media to achieve the desired texture.
    • When experimenting with colour and texture, don't forget to take into consideration the colours and patterns already present in the home.
    • You may increase the amount of shade in your yard as well as the level of seclusion it offers by planting trees and plants.
    • Before you get started on the landscaping in your backyard, sit down and think about how you want to make use of the space.
    • These additions will allow you to make better use of the space.
    • Just make sure it doesn't look out of place in your yard.
    • When you are planning your garden, here are some things to consider including:
    • Butterfly garden.
    • One of the most beautiful types of gardens, butterfly gardens are filled with vivid florals and colourful butterflies.
    • In this article, we will discuss some of the ways in which you can enhance your backyard by installing landscape lighting.
    • Using coloured lights to decorate your deck or patio is a fun way to spice up your outdoor space without making it look like Christmas in July.
    • Place lights behind the pieces of furniture.
    • Put on some moonlight.
    • Building a fire in a fireplace or fire pit is a great idea.
    • If you have a waterfall in your water garden, lighting it at night will provide a sense of vitality and motion to your garden.
    • If you're looking for a landscape company that will help you with winter landscape ideas, then we are here to help.
    • By working together on a great design, you can have an appealing landscape all year long.

    FAQs About Landscape Design Ideas

    An aesthetic landscape design incorporates five key elements: line, form, texture, colour and scale. The perfect balance of these design features appeals to the eye and brings harmony to a space.

    The principles of landscape design include the elements of unity, scale, balance, simplicity, variety, emphasis, and sequence as they apply to line, form, texture, and colour. These elements are interconnected.

    Design elements include colour, texture, scale, line, and more. Using design elements in your plan is what makes a natural garden attractive. This natural landscape in the San Gabriel Mountains shows how colour, texture, and line interact to form a beautiful scene.

    Three principles of garden design apply to the overall "feel" of the landscape: namely, proportion, transition and unity. Landscape plants should be arranged to conform to these principles.

    The landscape design principles are proportion, order, repetition and unity. Proportion refers to the size of an object to other objects in the landscape. It's important to think about the proportion between plants and hardscapes.

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