How Do I Remodel My Whole House?

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    The restoration of a home is a major undertaking that can get off to a quite easy start. On a Saturday morning while you are pulling back a corner of the carpeting, the thought occurs to you: "Why don't I refinish these hardwood floors?"

    After a period of six months, the simple refurbishing project has resulted in the demolition of walls, the removal of floorboards, and the inactivation of bedrooms.

    On the other hand, the benefit of this is that you can wind up with a lovely house that has been refurbished for a much lower cost than what it would have been to purchase a new home.

    A complete overhaul of the house is an entirely another kettle of fish.

    The removal of the carpet is not the first step, nor should it be the first step.

    Realistic appraisals of the scope of the undertaking, followed by painstakingly detailed planning, have to be the starting point.

    The process of renovating a home can be stressful.

    When renovating every room in your home, there is a lot to keep track of, including the amount of time it takes out of your daily routine, the cost, and the decision of what to renovate first.

    This is in addition to the coordination that is required with interior designers, contractors, and other professionals.

    However, if you take the time to plan and prepare properly, the entire endeavour should go off without a hitch. The purpose of these stages is to assist you in getting the process started.

    They will provide you piece of mind and keep you from making costly mistakes in the future so that you can benefit from their services.

    This article also applies to room remodels and renovations that affect a portion of the house.

    The one and only further step that will be required of you is to select the rooms that require renovation. Planning to build a home? MJS Construction Group brings your building project alive!

    This post was written for you if you are interested in making improvements to your home. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get started with the actions you need to do to get your remodelling started.

    renovation melbourne

    Designer or DIY?

    Many individuals make the decision to collaborate with a designer for all or part of the process of designing their new house.

    We spoke with a professional kitchen designer, but in the end, we chose to figure it out on our own in order to save several thousand dollars.

    Some people might consider such an insane concept, but other people (like me!) really enjoy taking on the creative and strategic aspects of a project.

    If you don't want to be involved in the day-to-day work, you should probably plan to hire a designer to work with your general contractor to make sure that all of the work is carried out in accordance with the plan.

    If you don't want to be involved in the day-to-day work, you should probably plan to hire a designer.

    Scope of Work

    When we were remodelling the whole house, the first thing we had to do was figure out where we should begin. We required a strategy.

    You will need to develop a work scope for the house remodelling project as well as a strategy for what you want to accomplish to the house before you can get started on any of the actual renovation work.

    You're only going to change the flooring and paint, are you? Do you intend to completely remodel the kitchen? Are there any parts of the original materials that you plan to reuse? Will you be tearing down any walls or constructing any new ones?

    Are you considering making major alterations to the floor plan of your kitchen or bathroom? Do you anticipate having to re-route any of the electrical or plumbing lines?

    When we decided to take on our own home remodelling project, we started by analysing the layout of the property and considering how we wanted to use the space, as well as our future requirements and what we would find visually pleasing.

    We have a diverse selection of home builders in Melbourne available here at MJS Construction Group.

    Whole-House Home Remodeling Basics

    Decide to Do It Yourself or Hire Professionals

    You are going to either do the work on your own, or you are going to engage pros to do it for you, or some combination of the two.

    Because you are renovating the entire house, it is quite unlikely that you will be completing all of the work by yourself.

    When it comes to tasks like plumbing and electrical work, even the most do-it-yourself-minded homeowner will need to bring in an expert.

    The term "professional" can refer to a wide variety of workers, from high-priced general contractors to inexpensive sub-contractors and handypeople who can be located by word of mouth or classified ads.

    As a result of not all home improvement projects being created equal, you will need to evaluate each project on an individual basis to determine whether or not you can tackle the home improvement project yourself or not you want to hire professionals.

    It is helpful to be aware, however, that taking on some of the remodelling chores oneself might be one way to cut costs in renovations that are led by contractors.

    When it comes to subcontractors, contractors prefer to work exclusively with their "own people."

    However, if "the other person" is you and the pace of the remodel won't be affected by your piece, he should be willing to compromise (suggestion: save your piece for the last, such as painting the kitchen).

    Formulate a Plan for Funding Your Project

    You probably don't want to know how much money your home renovation project will cost you.

    Therefore, it is necessary to devise a variety of different funding options.

    Your possibilities for finance could range from something as straightforward as sweat equity to as involved as a standard home equity loan.

    Consider the Resale Value

    The vast majority of homeowners in the United States sell their property at least once during their lifetime.

    The days are long gone when homeowners would stick it out until the conclusion of their 30-year mortgage.

    Renovating your home benefits not only you, but also anyone who could acquire it in the future.

    Become Comfortable With Managing Contractors and Work Crews

    In spite of the fact that you have resolved to handle everything on your own, the reality is that you will eventually require the assistance of another person.

    You will need to be familiar with the process of managing work crews.

    If you're looking for a high-quality, affordable builder in Melbourne, you're in the right place! Check MJS Construction Group!

    Develop Plan for Saving on Remodeling Costs

    It appears as though the purpose of house remodelling is to empty your savings account as quickly as possible, what with designers' fees, contractors' commissions, and credit cards from The Home Depot.

    There are, however, tried and true methods by which one can save money on the expenditures of house remodelling, including everything from the kitchen to the bathroom.

    Think Ahead to Permit and Zoning Issues

    It is well known that the approval process for building permits can take a very lengthy time.

    Electrical permits, permits for demolition or fencing, and other permits like these may not take more than a few days to process, but large-scale projects that include zoning, like adding on to a home, may take many weeks or months to process.

    Take Safety and Cleanliness Seriously

    Before sanding down that 80-year-old handrail, it's a good idea to think about things like the possibility of lead-based paint being there.

    When painting the inside of your house, it is just as necessary to take precautions to prevent the creation of a mess as it is to have a strategy to prevent dust from spreading into unworked areas of the house.

    Tips to Maximize Your Whole-House Remodel

    Consider water.

    Do not build additional bathrooms before conducting a thorough inspection of the water supply pipes and determining the capacity of your water heater.

    It's possible that your requirements call for a larger tank than one with slow recovery times.

    This is especially important to keep in mind if you want to replace your existing 50-gallon tank with a new 80-gallon soaking tub.

    Think about installing a separate tank or tankless water heater on the second level of your home. Alternatively, you could go with a larger tank that has a recirculation pump that keeps hot water right at your taps.

    Also, take into consideration the size of the water supply pipes that run down the side of the street.

    If you add a sufficient number of fixtures, the plumbing code may mandate that you upgrade to a supply line that has a greater capacity.

    In addition, if you still make use of galvanised plumbing, now is probably the best time to remove all of it completely.

    Get a suitable gas meter

    A larger gas metre is typically required when there are more gas appliances.

    The majority of service providers for your utilities will require you to calculate the total number of BTUs (British thermal units) that are required by your various home appliances (including your stove, water heater, range, washer-dryer, fireplace, and barbeque) and then size your metre accordingly.

    Or perhaps you have plans to construct a fireplace and a grill in the next few years. You can save money in the long run by increasing the size of the metre you have now and running the pipe to the location where you will need it.

    Deaden the sound.

    Since you have insulated all of the walls with sound insulation, your guests will be glad that they will not be able to hear what is taking place in the powder room.

    However, they will be unable to view the attractive insulation that you have installed in your walls.

    You can select Rockwool insulation, soundboard, or drywall that was developed especially to reduce the amount of sound that travels through wall cavities.

    Sound transmission from one floor or room to another can also be reduced by utilising resilient channels in the ceiling of the building.

    You should also consider installing sound insulation around the walls of your laundry room, media room, and any shared bedrooms.

    Avoid the waterfall noise.

    The sound of waterfalls rushing through the walls of your home is not quite as relaxing as when they are located in your backyard.

    The sound of falling water can be highly noticeable if a plastic waste pipe is installed in the wall, regardless of whether or not the pipe is insulated.

    When the pipes flow into an unfinished basement, this does not present a problem; but, when a second story is added, waste lines must be brought down through one or more walls on the main floor.

    A significant step in making waste pipes undetectable to the human ear is to replace them with ones made of cast iron.

    Weigh the pros and cons of new siding, windows and doors

    A bump-out addition or a second story raises the following question: Keep the windows, doors, and siding that you already have, or replace them with something different? Structural requirements may compel your decision.

    If a significant portion of the siding on your external walls needs to be removed and plywood needs to be tacked on, replacing everything may be more cost-effective.

    On the other hand, if the main level of your home is constructed out of brick, you might want to consider using cement or wood for the siding on your addition.

    The only time window and door matching makes sense is when the existing windows and doors are already in relatively excellent condition or when it would be prohibitively expensive to recreate them.

    Because the decision is specific to each house, you should discuss it with both your builder and your architect before moving forwards.

    Ask your architect and contractor what they would do

    In general, architects and contractors will be primarily concerned with catering to the requirements that you have outlined.

    However, if you ask them what they would do if the house were theirs, you are likely to receive some fascinating and thought-provoking suggestions that you would not have received otherwise.

    Your architect and contractor have observed what functions properly, what may be improved upon, and what could be better left out entirely.

    By asking yourself these kind of questions, you can avoid overpaying on pointless fads and instead direct your finances towards investments that will pay off in the long run.

    Things Not to Do When Remodeling your Home

    Don’t assume you know how to do every home remodelling project

    Not all do-it-yourself home improvement projects are created equal.

    Find out what kinds of skills and experiences you already have under your belt before settling on which of your many home improvement projects to start working on first.

    There are many different home improvement jobs, some of which will require more knowledge than others.

    If you think that the only thing you have to do to replace a lighting fixture is detached the present fixture, you can forget that you also need to cut off the electricity to the circuit where the fixture is located and fulfil certain additional requirements.

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    Don’t enlist friends and family to help you if they aren’t experienced

    Many people who own their own homes consider employing friends and family members or asking them for help as a way to cut costs.

    This could result in costly mistakes, personal injury, or the destruction of critical components of your home.

    While you can rely on family and friends to help move goods and furniture, clean, and do other "chores" around the house, you should limit their involvement in the restoration of your home to those who have prior experience.

    is it cheaper to build out or up?

    Never assume that your budget won’t go over your estimation

    Even though you may have done your research and have a good idea of how much your remodelling project will cost in terms of the materials, labour, and other miscellaneous components, you should still always leave room in your budget for unexpected costs.

    There is a high probability that your remodelling project will be plagued with unforeseen complications that you will not learn about until after the job has already begun.

    When walls are opened up, it's common to find unexpected electrical, structural, or plumbing problems.

    When remodelling older homes, it is common to find mould, leaking pipes, or timber that is decaying or otherwise degrading.

    Keeping this in mind, you should set aside a smaller amount of money in your budget than you believe you will require, just in case.

    Finding the best home builders in Melbourne is a crucial decision that must be made.

    At MJS Construction Group, we have a wide variety of the most best home design constructions for you to look at.

    Don’t assume a weekend remodelling project will only take a weekend

    In the same vein as your finances, time is another resource that has value and must not be undervalued.

    In spite of the fact that many home improvement shows are able to wrap up projects in the period of two to three days, there are specialists hard at work behind the scenes every hour of the day.

    To get an accurate estimate of how much time you will require, you will need to consider a number of factors, the most important of which is your level of experience, as well as whether or not you have the appropriate equipment to carry out the project and assist in the timely completion of the job.

    When organising a schedule, be sure to take into account all of these factors. If you intend to take time off from work, you should schedule an extra day or two on both the beginning and conclusion of your absence, just in case.

    Don’t overlook local building codes and regulations for your area

    Many homeowners operate under the false assumption that any form of house improvement, be it construction or remodelling, is completely legal.

    It is possible that you will need to take into consideration the local construction laws and statutes if you dwell in a certain area.

    Suppose you are digging outside your home for a pool, laying a structural foundation, or installing specified electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or structural components. In that case, you may require a building inspector to assess your work for safety purposes.

    This is especially true if you are adding a pool.

    When homeowners don't know how much it will cost, how long it will take, or what resources are available, the prospect of house restoration might seem discouraging.

    Do some preliminary research on the topic before you rule out the possibility of carrying out a home improvement project. Take your time and don't rush things if you either don't have enough ideas to envisage your makeover or you don't have enough money to pay for the whole job right now.

    Inquire with experienced professionals in the fields of architecture, interior design, landscaping, and construction, as well as specialists in home design.

    They are frequently able to assist you in turning your goal into a reality in phases and at a cost that is more reasonable than you may have realised was an option.

    Your house is a significant financial investment; therefore, you should devote some of your time to learning how to give it a stunning makeover that is distinctively you.


    There are many factors to consider and keep track of while remodelling a home, such as how much time and money will be required and which areas of the house should be worked on first.

    A successful outcome is likely if you put in the time to plan and prepare carefully.

    To begin your home improvement project successfully, you must first define the scope of the work to be done. You should probably intend to engage a designer if you don't want to be involved in the day-to-day job.

    When creating something new, many people opt to work with a designer on at least some of the details.

    It's possible to use the term "professional" to describe a wide range of individuals, from high-priced general contractors to low-priced subcontractors.

    To help keep expenses down during contractor-led renovations, it's good to know that doing some of the work yourself is an option.

    It can take a long time for building permits to be approved.

    The approval process for a major endeavour, such as a home addition, can take many months.

    Checking the water pipes and figuring out how much water can be stored in the water heater should come before adding any more bathrooms.

    When there are more gas appliances, the gas metre needs to be able to accommodate that. It is possible to lessen the amount of noise that travels through the ceiling from one room to another by installing resilient channels.

    Changing up the old plastic pipes with cast iron ones is a major step towards making the waste system completely inaudible to the human ear.

    Seek the advice of your architect and builder. Don't think you can do any and all home improvement tasks by yourself.

    If you're not sure which of your numerous home renovation projects to tackle first, it could help to take stock of your existing abilities and experiences.

    If the current windows and doors are in good shape, then replacing them with a matching set is a good idea.

    Your renovation is likely to be beset by problems that you hadn't anticipated. Choosing the most reliable Melbourne home builders is an important task.

    Here at MJS Construction Group, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive portfolio of the industry's finest new house designs.

    Schedule creation should take into account the aforementioned considerations.

    A construction inspector may be needed if you are installing certain electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or structural components, digging outside your home for a pool, or establishing a structural foundation.

    Content Summary

    • The process of renovating a home can be stressful.
    • This post was written for you if you are interested in making improvements to your home.
    • If you don't want to be involved in the day-to-day work, you should probably plan to hire a designer to work with your general contractor to make sure that all of the work is carried out in accordance with the plan.
    • You will need to develop a work scope for the house remodelling project as well as a strategy for what you want to accomplish to the house before you can get started on any of the actual renovation work.
    • It is well known that the approval process for building permits can take a very lengthy time.
    • Think about installing a separate tank or tankless water heater on the second level of your home.
    • Get a suitable gas meter.
    • A larger gas metre is typically required when there are more gas appliances.
    • You can save money in the long run by increasing the size of the metre you have now and running the pipe to the location where you will need it.
    • Deaden the sound.
    • Since you have insulated all of the walls with sound insulation, your guests will be glad that they will not be able to hear what is taking place in the powder room.
    • A bump-out addition or a second story raises the following question: Keep the windows, doors, and siding that you already have, or replace them with something different?
    • Ask your architect and contractor what they would do.
    • Many people who own their own homes consider employing friends and family members or asking them for help as a way to cut costs.
    • While you can rely on family and friends to help move goods and furniture, clean, and do other "chores" around the house, you should limit their involvement in the restoration of your home to those who have prior experience.
    • Even though you may have done your research and have a good idea of how much your remodelling project will cost in terms of the materials, labour, and other miscellaneous components, you should still always leave room in your budget for unexpected costs.
    • Finding the best home builders in Melbourne is a crucial decision that must be made.
    • To get an accurate estimate of how much time you will require, you will need to consider a number of factors, the most important of which is your level of experience, as well as whether or not you have the appropriate equipment to carry out the project and assist in the timely completion of the job.
    • Do some preliminary research on the topic before you rule out the possibility of carrying out a home improvement project.

    FAQs About Remodelling A House

    • Build a Detailed Home Improvement Project Plan. 
    • Set a Project Budget. 
    • Hire Contractors. 
    • Build a Timeline. 
    • Pack Up and Prepare for Your Home Renovation. 
    • Ask Your Contractor Plenty of Questions. 
    • Plan for Problems When Renovating. 
    • Complete Structural Projects First.

    Generally, most renovations will follow this order of work:

    • Strip out and remove.
    • Structural work – floors, ceilings, walls.
    • First fix work – plumbing, heating wiring.
    • Plastering, flooring.
    • Second fix work – plumbing, heating, wiring.
    • Bathroom, kitchen fit-out.
    • Decoration.


    If you need to choose which room to remodel first, you'll want to choose the room that will recoup the remodelling costs and create actual equity. Experts agree that choosing to remodel your kitchen or bathroom first is traditionally the smartest move.

    Once a new hardwood floor is finished, you'll have to wait at least 30 days before laying anything like a protective painter's tarp on top of them, or you'll risk “suffocating” the finish.

    Whether it's a full home addition or remodelling a room in your home, there are five distinct stages you can expect to go through planning, budgeting, demolition, construction and cleanup.

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