Be aware of this fact as you continue to sit there: sitting for extended periods of time is associated with an early death. And in the event that this does not take place, you can bet your bottom dollar that conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer will begin to make your life a living hell. The research is the one making that claim, not us. However, this does not in any way imply that a comfortable chair, with its sloping arms and curved back, is inherently harmful. On the contrary, chairs with straight backs can be just as hazardous. However, the fact of the matter is that chairs have been around since the time of the Ancient Egyptians (which is probably why King Tut passed away at such a young age, although you shouldn't quote us on that one).
Sitting for extended periods of time, whether it be on the seat at the university, the sofa in your living room, the bench in the park, or the seat in your office cubicle, can have a negative impact on your health. Period. In addition, sitting for extended periods of time can place additional stress on the spine, which can lead to the persistent back pain that so many of us (about 80 percent of Americans) are all too familiar with.
The jury is in, and standing desks win when it comes to improving posture and can also help reduce the chances of back pain, along with a variety of other medical issues that are the direct result of sitting on your behind for an extended period of time. Hovering above the rest of your colleagues (or other family members) while you work can seem strange to many people, but the verdict is in: standing desks win when it comes to improving posture and can also help reduce the chances of back pain.
Congratulations are in order for you if you already work at a standing desk. You are probably ahead of the curve and are interested in health and fitness. In light of the fact that sitting for extended periods of time has been shown to increase the risk of a number of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels, it is recommended that you remain standing whenever possible. There is, however, a catch when it comes to the utilization of standing desks as well. Just like with anything else in life, doing too much of a good thing can be detrimental to your health, and the same is true for things that are used in an inappropriate manner. But the real score is, what should be the correct height for standing desk?
Many people don't give much thought to the concept of a standing desk because its primary function is to facilitate standing while one works. You make the investment in a standing desk, and then you relocate your laptop, notepad (coffee mug), and other essential work items from the kitchen to their new home in the office. You're done. But as it turns out, it's not quite as straightforward as that.
In spite of the fact that standing desks are a boon for people who have been forced to spend long hours working either at home or in the office, there are certain things that you need to take into consideration in order to make the most of the benefits that come with using a standing desk. Getting the right height for your standing desk should be your first priority when setting up your workspace.
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You get to choose the height, which is one of the best things about using an adjustable standing desk, whether it's in the office or your hobby office desk at home. This is true whether you use the desk for work or for your hobby. Due to the fact that every human body is unique, ergonomics is not an exact science; therefore, you are responsible for determining the ideal height of your standing desk for yourself. You are able to adjust the height of the tabletop on a height-adjustable standing desk so that it is at the precise level that is most comfortable for your legs, back, shoulders, arms, neck, and eyes depending on the task at hand and the position in which you are working.
Getting the Height Right
Before you can enjoy the advantages of working at a standing desk, you must first ensure that your desk is at the appropriate height. As a general rule of thumb, the most comfortable height for a standing desk, one that virtually anyone can use, is elbow level. There are a few exceptions to this rule when it comes to the height of a standing desk, which has essentially become the standard. In general, the height of your desk should be at or slightly above elbow level. This means that while your elbows are positioned so that they form an angle of 90 degrees with the floor, you should measure the distance from the floor to the bottom of your elbows. The height of the desk ought to be built to this specification.
In addition, when you stand upright, make sure that your chest is lifted and that your shoulders are straight and back, just as you would when you stand at attention during your physical therapy sessions. In addition, your forearms should always be resting flat on the surface of the desk, which means that they should be parallel to the floor and the desk at all times. To ensure that the ergonomics of the standing desk work for you and not against you, you need to keep in mind just a few of the tips that have been presented here.
Start by adjusting the height of your standing desk so that it is approximately elbow height. This will ensure that the height of your standing desk is correct. This essentially means that your elbows should be at a right angle to the ground. For instance, a person who is average height (five feet and eleven inches), the standing desk needs to be at a height of 44 inches.
If you are one of the fortunate individuals who is using the Seiffen Laminated Standing Desk, then adjusting the height of your standing desk to the ideal level ought to be a piece of cake for you. Maintain a sitting-to-standing ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 for optimal results. This means that for every hour that you spend sitting, you should spend the same amount of time standing.
When standing at your desk, the height of your desktop is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not you will experience unnecessary back and neck pain and whether or not you will reap all of the benefits that standing has to offer. In most cases, the ideal height of the desk is somewhere around the level of the user's elbows. But before we get into that, let's take a closer look at what that actually means.
Holding your arms out in front of you in a posture similar to how you will stand when using the desk will help you stand taller. It is important to ensure that the forearms are perpendicular to the ground.
They ought to be able to put their feet up on the surface of the desk. Because of this, you need to take your measurement from the ground up to the underside of your forearms. Find a desk that can be adjusted to that height or one that is already that height.
One more thing to think about is the footwear that you have planned for the event. The vast majority of us own multiple pairs of footwear, each of which has the potential to be utilized while we are seated at our workstations. Keeping this in mind, it is important to take the height measurement while the shoes are being worn. More information about the standing desk can be found here.
If you buy a standing desk that can be adjusted to different heights, you need to make sure that you set it to a position that is comfortable for you to work at. There are a lot of different options, and many of them have programmable height buttons, which allow you to save the optimal height for sitting, standing, or even for multiple users.
A method that is quick and easy to adjust to the appropriate height is one that is analogous to the way that you measure. Maintain a good posture by standing erect with your shoulders rotated ever-so-slightly back and your arms held out in front of you with your elbows parallel to the ground.
Optimal Standing Desk Height
You are able to work either seated or standing if you have a standing desk with an adjustable height. Regardless, you should adjust the height of the monitor in relation to your head and the line of sight, as well as the height of the keyboard, to ensure that your arms and wrists are in the correct positions. The optimal viewing distance for a computer monitor is between 20 and 28 inches from the center of the screen to the center of the user's face. Your back should be straight, your elbows should hang loosely at your sides, and they should be bent at an angle that is slightly greater than 90 degrees. Your wrists should be supported in such a way that your fingers hang down onto the keyboard just a little bit.
Assuming that you will be seated, the first thing you need to do is adjust the height of your chair so that it is comfortable for your legs. You can adjust the height of the adjustable height standing desk to the appropriate level so that you can work comfortably whether you are seated or standing. For example, a man who is six feet tall and sits down should have the keyboard approximately 23 to 27 inches off the ground. On the basis of this, you can elevate the monitor to the appropriate height by using a monitor arm that is adjustable or even books.
Optimal Work Table Height
The appropriate height can vary depending on the kind of work you do. You might want the surface to be higher if you'll be doing work that requires you to get up close and personal, such as constructing models or examining a collection, because this will bring it nearer to your line of sight and eliminate the need to bend over. If the work involves more handiwork, such as knitting, and you want to give your arms some support, the height of the adjustable worktable should be roughly the same as that of a computer desk. If you want to use your work desk for heavier work, like woodworking, a lower table is better because it will be more stable and it will allow you to put your body above the work so that you can use your weight when it is necessary.
In each of these activities, you will need to conduct a body analysis in order to determine the optimal height for you. This will enable you to keep a healthy posture, reduce the number of unsettling repetitive motions, and provide adequate support for your limbs.
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An adjustable standing desk is the ideal tool for determining the height that is most comfortable for your body from an ergonomic standpoint. No matter what you intend to use the desk for, you should be familiar with the fundamentals of ergonomics and know how to properly adjust your standing desk in order to reap the maximum number of positive health effects. Take a look at this helpful reference.
Monitor Height
In order to achieve a comfortable and productive standing position, monitor height is another factor that must be taken into consideration. The monitor ought not to be placed too close to your face, nor ought it to be placed too far away from you either.
As a general rule of thumb, the distance between you and the monitor should be approximately equal to the length of an arm. In most cases, this will be about 2 feet in length, give or take.
It is recommended that the height of the monitor be measured from the top of the screen down. The top should be at an angle that is just a hair lower than eye level, and it should never be higher than eye level.
Setting up an ergonomic workstation would not be complete without adjusting all of the features of the workstation, including the height of the monitor. This is something that should go without saying. It is important to make sure that the height of the monitor is not too low or too high, as this could cause you to tilt your head, which will result in more stress being placed on your neck, back muscles, and shoulders. This is true whether you are using a desktop computer or a laptop. You should also make sure that the screen is not too far or too close to you. If it is, this could make it difficult to work in a comfortable position, and it will put a lot of strain on your eyesight, which could lead to hazy vision and headaches.
Always make sure that the height of the screen does not require you to tilt your head while you are working. This will make your work much more comfortable. Alternately, you can position your eyes so that they are aligned with the top two to three inches of the screen. In addition, the distance between yourself and the screen of the computer shouldn't be any closer than the length of your middle finger to your elbow.
If you need to wear bifocals while working at your standing desk, you will want to adjust the height of the monitor so that it is an inch or two lower than it is currently.
You want to position the monitor so that you never have to tilt your head forward or backward to look at it. A slight upward tilt applied to the monitor is one method that can be utilized to improve this aspect.
If you tilt your monitor back 10 to 20 degrees, you should be able to view it without straining your neck or back, and you won't even have to tilt your head backwards.
Dual monitors are the subject of our final point of consideration. The placement of the monitors is determined in large part by the frequency and intensity of your use of each display.
If you use both monitors equally or simultaneously, then you should position them so that they are adjacent to one another and at an angle so that they face you.
The height should still be just a hair lower than the level of the eyes. If you use one of the monitors a significant amount more than the other, you should position the monitor that you use the most in front of you while positioning the other monitor to the side.
Keyboard and Mouse Height
You might believe that the height of your desktop and the height of your keyboard are the same thing, but this is not always the case.
The time has come for you to turn your attention to other components of your standing desk now that you have determined the ideal height for the desk itself. Because you will most likely spend a significant amount of time using your computer, it is in your best interest to ensure that the keyboard is properly configured. You will be able to correctly configure the keyboard if you begin by positioning it and the mouse so that they are in close proximity to one another on the standing desk and then check to see that they are both the same distance away from you. It is of the utmost importance to check that you are able to reach all of the keys on the keyboard while maintaining a comfortable 90-degree angle with your elbows.
Once you begin typing, it is imperative that you maintain a straight wrist position. You can easily accomplish this by adjusting the position of the keyboard tray in accordance with your posture.
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The height of the keyboard tray on many standing desks is adjustable in relation to the overall height of the desktop. In this scenario, the measurements will need to be recalculated to account for the change.
When the arms are held out in a parallel position from the floor, the keyboard should be at a comfortable height for the user. It is appropriate for the mouse to be placed on this surface.
You apply the exact same method that you did when measuring the height of the desktop to the task of determining the height of this surface. The downside to this is that the height of your desktop won't be the same after you make the adjustment.
Steps to Finding the Ideal Standing Desk Height
- Maintaining proper posture requires you to stand with your feet hip-width apart, your chest lifted, and your shoulders drawn back and then down in a relaxed manner. Imagine that you are gently tucking your shoulder blades into your back pockets.
- Place Your Arms in Position Raise your arms to your sides and bend your elbows so that your forearms are parallel with the ground.
- Take a measurement and make a mental note of how far down your elbow your elbow tip is from the ground. That is the ideal height for working at a standing desk.
Adjustable standing desks are the best option for this, but there are other ways to ensure that you have the appropriate height as long as you purchase a desk that is tailored to your specific needs.
If you already have a desk and want to convert it into a standing desk, there are many different options available to you, and some of them are adjustable as well.
In the off chance that all of that wasn't enough, you also get a wide variety of color options to choose from. Because you can choose from up to three distinct color options for this ergonomic standing desk, it is simple to find the color that is ideally suited to complement the aesthetic of your current office or living space. However, the feature that truly differentiates this electric height-adjustable desk from the competition is its simplicity of operation, which makes adjusting to different working heights a breeze.
First, you should check to see if the heights of the monitor and the keyboard are appropriate. If you don't already have a desk, stand up and measure to the underside of your arm. If that's the height you want your desk to be, look for one that has an adjustable height. Because there is such a wide variety of options, you should not have any trouble finding one that is appropriate for your height in addition to satisfying your preferences in terms of style and design. This is a wonderful post to read.
Be sure to take the measurements while standing on the same flooring and wearing the same footwear as when you are working at your desk. Remember to factor in the compressed height of your standing desk mat if you use one. If you work at a desk that allows you to stand, this is an important consideration. Adjusting the height of your desk so that it is suitable for your new footwear should be done whenever you change your footwear. Make sure that when you are standing completely upright, the surface of your desk is at the same height as your elbows.
Last but not least, you shouldn't be afraid to take consistent brakes when you're standing. It is essential to look for a standing desk that can be easily converted from a seated to a standing position in a short amount of time in order to make it simple to keep good posture while working.
A person's health can suffer from too much sitting. This in no way suggests that a rounded chair, with its sloping arms and back, is intrinsically dangerous. When it comes to preventing back discomfort and enhancing posture, standing desks come out on top. As a first step in arranging your office, you should determine the optimal height at which to use a standing desk. Excessive sitting has been linked to an increased danger of developing diabetes, high cholesterol, and excessive weight gain.
People who spend many hours at their workstations, whether at home or at the job, will find standing desks to be a godsend. One of the advantages of a height-adjustable standing desk is that you may customise the height to suit your needs. With your elbows at a 90-degree angle, your desk is the ideal height for prolonged periods of standing. Remembering only a handful of the guidelines can help you make the most of the standing desk's ergonomic features. It's recommended that you stand for an hour for every hour spent sitting.
To achieve maximum productivity, aim for a 1:1 or 1:2 sitting-to-standing ratio. The best option is to look for a desk that can be modified to your desired height, or one that is already that height. The ideal distance from the centre of a computer monitor to the user's face is between 20 and 28 inches. A man of average height (about 6 feet) should place his keyboard between 23 and 27 inches from the floor when seated. The correct height varies with the tasks you perform.
Building models or analysing a collection could benefit from a more elevated platform. In order to maintain stability and elevate your body above the task, a lower table is preferable. You should adjust the monitor's height so that you won't have to squint while working. One way to achieve more ergonomic desk posture is to tilt the display slightly upward. Adjusting the height of the display is essential if you need to use bifocals while working at a standing desk.
Many modern standing workstations allow you to customise the height of the keyboard tray in relation to the rest of the desk. Be sure your elbows are at a comfortable 90-degree angle and you can reach all of the keys on the keyboard. Measuring from the inside of your elbow to the floor will give you the perfect height for a standing desk. This ergonomic standing desk comes in a range of colours, so you can pick one that complements your home or workplace decor. Measure to the inside of your armpit if you don't have a workstation.
Find a desk that can be adjusted to that height if that's how high you prefer to work at your workstation. If you utilise a standing desk mat, the folded height of the mat needs to be taken into account.
Content Summary
- Be aware of this fact as you continue to sit there: sitting for extended periods of time is associated with an early death.
- On the contrary, chairs with straight backs can be just as hazardous.
- The jury is in, and standing desks win when it comes to improving posture and can also help reduce the chances of back pain, along with a variety of other medical issues that are the direct result of sitting on your behind for an extended period of time.
- Congratulations are in order for you if you already work at a standing desk.
- Getting the right height for your standing desk should be your first priority when setting up your workspace.
- Before you can enjoy the advantages of working at a standing desk, you must first ensure that your desk is at the appropriate height.
- In general, the height of your desk should be at or slightly above elbow level.
- Start by adjusting the height of your standing desk so that it is approximately elbow height.
- This will ensure that the height of your standing desk is correct.
- In most cases, the ideal height of the desk is somewhere around the level of the user's elbows.
- You are able to work either seated or standing if you have a standing desk with an adjustable height.
- Regardless, you should adjust the height of the monitor in relation to your head and the line of sight, as well as the height of the keyboard, to ensure that your arms and wrists are in the correct positions.
- You can adjust the height of the adjustable height standing desk to the appropriate level so that you can work comfortably whether you are seated or standing.
- An adjustable standing desk is the ideal tool for determining the height that is most comfortable for your body from an ergonomic standpoint.
- It is recommended that the height of the monitor be measured from the top of the screen down.
- Setting up an ergonomic workstation would not be complete without adjusting all of the features of the workstation, including the height of the monitor.
- Always make sure that the height of the screen does not require you to tilt your head while you are working.
- You might believe that the height of your desktop and the height of your keyboard are the same thing, but this is not always the case.
- You can easily accomplish this by adjusting the position of the keyboard tray in accordance with your posture.
- The height of the keyboard tray on many standing desks is adjustable in relation to the overall height of the desktop.
- That is the ideal height for working at a standing desk.
- If that's the height you want your desk to be, look for one that has an adjustable height.
- Be sure to take the measurements while standing on the same flooring and wearing the same footwear as when you are working at your desk.
- Adjusting the height of your desk so that it is suitable for your new footwear should be done whenever you change your footwear.
FAQs About Standing Desk
Besides less sitting time, standing at work has other benefits: More calories burned: One study showed that standing sheds 88 calories an hour, compared to 80 calories for sitting. Less back pain: Sitting for long periods of time tightens your muscles and can hurt your lower back, especially if you have bad posture.
While the new study suggests that a standing desk is unlikely to help with weight loss or avoiding weight gain, there may be other benefits of a standing desk. And standing, rather than sitting, may reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain.
The results show that standing burned an extra 0.15 calories per minute, on average, compared with sitting. Men burned an extra 0.2 calories per minute while standing, which was twice as much as women, who burned an extra 0.1 calories.
Research shows the ideal ratio is to spend one hour standing for every one to two hours of sitting. A height adjustable sit stand desk lets you do just that. Most quality sit stand desks have electric controls or gas lifts to make it possible for workers to adjust the height of their desk multiple times each day.
Those who used standing desks during the studies reported an improvement of up to 32% in their lower back and neck pain after using the desk for a period of several weeks. Set your desk and your monitor at an appropriate height for your back and neck to achieve the correct posture.