Standing desks are an excellent way to eliminate back pain and promote better posture in the workplace. Because they make your workspace more comfortable, they also make it possible for you to raise the amount of work you get done each day.
Because of the potential for becoming disengaged from the work at hand, this is of utmost significance for individuals who spend a significant portion of their day seated at a desk.
Standing desks are an effective solution to this issue because they encourage movement throughout the workday, which in turn helps to improve concentration and boost energy levels.
There is a wide variety of options available on the market today for people who are considering making an investment in a standing desk, and these options can be tailored to meet the requirements of people with any kind of budget.
There is sure to be something suitable for everyone, whether you want one with an adjustable height or one that comes with additional features such as built-in storage drawers and wire management slots.
If you are curious about portable standing desks and would like additional information,
Types of Standing Desks
Standing desks all function according to the same fundamental principle: you are able to work while standing.
Standing at a fixed-height desk does not change the height of the surface.
The height of sit-stand desks can be adjusted, allowing users to choose to either stand or sit at their workspace.
The height of power sit-stand desks can be adjusted at the touch of a button. You can crank or turn a lever to raise manual ones, or you can lift them manually using a handle.
You can purchase a standing desk at any retailer that sells office supplies, electronics, or big-box goods, including online retailers.
A simple desk with a predetermined height will run you less than one hundred dollars, while a nice electric desk can cost more than one thousand dollars.
Treadmill desks take the concept one step further by allowing users to walk while working, but the cost of these desks can easily exceed $1,000.
Remember to Take Breaks
The majority of people believe that standing rather than sitting is better for the body, so they switch to using a standing desk instead of a traditional desk.
They are correct on a fundamental level in that sitting for at least eight hours per day, the majority of which occurs during working hours, is a problem for the nation's public health.
A sedentary lifestyle disrupts the body's ability to break down body fat, slows the metabolism, raises blood sugar and blood pressure levels, and wreaks havoc on the back, neck, and shoulders.
Sedentary lifestyles also increase the risk of developing certain diseases.
Having said that, simply substituting eight hours of standing for sitting will not solve the problem.
The proverb "too much of anything..." is applicable in this situation. It is imperative that people who work at standing desks, especially those who are just starting out, take breaks at regular intervals throughout the day.
Find a way to move your body in some way at regular intervals of thirty minutes, starting with standing.
You don't just stand there motionless like a statue when you're waiting in a long line to get into a concert or a game; instead, your body moves from side to side as you wait.
Within the confines of your confined space, you make an effort to become as relaxed and at ease with yourself as is physically possible.
At work, there is often a tendency to "lock in" and knock out large chunks of work all at once in succession. I won't argue against the possibility that such a mindset is successful.
I am always able to cross the finish line thanks to it. It is essential to make the most of one's concentration once they have attained it because concentration is notoriously difficult to maintain.
At the very least, however, if you stand in one place for long periods of time, you will experience discomfort in your feet all the way up to your spine.
And on a more serious note, if you have varicose veins, standing all day will cause the blood to pool in your legs, forcing it to fight its way through an enlarged cardiovascular system on its way back to your heart.
This is especially problematic for people who already have the condition.
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Benefits of Using a Standing Desk
Reduce Back Pain
Back pain is something that 80 percent of adults will experience at some point in their lives. It is also one of the most common complaints of people who work in offices and spend their days sitting for long periods of time.
Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of using a standing desk on office workers who suffer from chronic back pain.
For example, the "Take-a-Stand Project" in 2011 found that participants who spent an average of 66 minutes of their workday standing experienced a 54% reduction in upper back and neck pain.
The "Take-a-Stand Project" participants saw significant progress in only slightly more than an hour per day. Just think about the benefits that standing could bring you!
Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
More than 60 years' worth of research has been devoted to examining the health advantages of standing.
For instance, a study conducted on bus conductors in 1953 found that those who stood all day had a risk of heart disease-related deaths that was one-half as high as the risk that was associated with seated bus drivers.
A comparison of 18 studies involving almost 800,000 participants was done sixty years after the initial study on bus conductors, and it came to the same conclusions as the original study.
Compared to an active lifestyle, the researchers found that a sedentary lifestyle was associated with a 90 percent increase in the risk of cardiovascular mortality and a 147 percent increase in the risk of cardiovascular events.
Lower Your Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity
750 additional calories are burned when using a standing desk.
Consuming a greater number of calories than the body needs to maintain its current weight is the root cause of weight gain, as is common knowledge among all of us.
More than 44 percent of people who work in offices report that they have gained weight since starting their current job, and 53 percent of those people say they believe that this is because they spend all day sitting at a desk.
Imagine for a moment that you were able to burn calories while you were working with very little to no additional effort.
By standing throughout the day rather than sitting, you can increase the number of calories you burn by about 50 per hour, which will help you avoid gaining weight.
If you were to stand for three hours each workday, for instance, you would burn 750 calories over the course of a week.
Over a year, this equates to an additional loss of about 30,000 calories, equivalent to about 8 pounds of fat. In terms of the amount of activity that would be required, burning off those 30,000 calories would be the same as running 10 marathons annually.
Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
It is normal for blood sugar levels to rise after eating, but people who experience significant spikes in their blood sugar levels have a much greater likelihood of developing diabetes in the future.
In addition, an increase in blood sugar has been associated with a general feeling of being unwell.
The blood sugar levels of 10 office workers were measured before and after lunch in a study that was conducted in 2013 and found that standing for 185 minutes after lunch lowered blood sugar levels by 43% compared to sitting for the same amount of time.
In addition, the participants wore pedometers, which were then analyzed.
The results showed that there were no significant differences in the participants' physical movements between the two groups. This suggests that standing, as opposed to sitting, was responsible for the observed decrease in blood sugar levels.
Another study found that switching positions every 30 minutes between standing and sitting helped reduce blood sugar spikes by an average of 11.1 per cent.
The participants in this study were overweight office workers.
During the course of the experiment, both eating habits and levels of physical activity were tracked. 6
According to the studies cited above, using a standing desk can help reduce spikes in blood sugar levels as well as the risk of developing diabetes. There is no need to make any additional efforts!
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Improve Mood and Gain Energy
There is a correlation between sitting for long periods of time and an increased risk of psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Therefore, it is logical to assume that standing would boost one's mood and lead to an increase in happiness.
A total of twenty-four office workers participated in the "Take-a-Stand Project" in 2011, during which each of them received a standing desk. Over the course of the study's four weeks, participants reported feeling happier on their own as a result of the average 66-minute reduction in the amount of time they spent sitting.
Boost Your Productivity
The ability to complete routine tasks while standing, such as typing or taking phone calls, is a common concern among people who are considering purchasing a standing desk. In addition, working in an upright position may require some adjustment time at first.
On the other hand, those who work at standing desks have not reported any negative effects on their day-to-day activities.
Productivity and mental alertness are likely to improve as a result of the enhancement of mood and energy, as well as the reduction in pain felt in the back, shoulders, and neck.
When the body is in better shape, it is able to function more efficiently, and it is reasonable to anticipate that this will lead to an increase in productivity.
Tips to Use a Standing Desk Correctly
Alternate Between Sitting and Standing
There is no question that sitting for long periods of time is very detrimental to one's health. Nevertheless, this in no way implies that you should stand up for the entirety of the workday.
According to a number of studies, people who work in jobs that require them to stand for long periods of time, such as bank tellers and production line workers, are more likely to experience lower back pain (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).
Long periods of time spent standing still are thought to have a negative impact on your leg muscles, tendons, and other connective tissue, and may even contribute to the development of varicose veins.
The good news is that one can easily avoid this situation by alternating between sitting and standing at regular intervals.
The research is still in its preliminary stages; however, it appears that a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 for the amount of time spent sitting versus standing is optimal for comfort and energy levels without negatively impacting productivity.
This means that you should spend one hour standing for every one to two hours that you spend sitting in your office. Make it a point to switch between sitting and standing at regular intervals of 30 to 60 minutes.
Adjust Your Desk and Screen
It is essential to adjust the height of your desk and the position of your computer screen in order to maximize comfort and reduce the likelihood of injury while working.
To begin, adjust the height of your standing desk so that your elbows are just below the surface.
This indicates that your elbows should be positioned in a position that is 90 degrees from the floor.
A person who is approximately 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) tall would have their desk set at approximately 44 inches (111 cm) in height.
The recommendations for the optimal distance from your face to the screen are not black and white, but the general consensus is that it should be between 20 and 28 inches (51 and 71 cm) away.
The distance should be no less than the length of your middle finger, measured from the tip, to your elbow, as a handy reference point.
A small upward tilt of between 10 and 20 degrees should be applied to your screen so that the top of it is at eye level. The idea is that there should never be a time when you need to tilt your head to the side or the back.
Purchase an Anti-Fatigue Mat
In jobs that require extended periods of standing, such as working on a product line or at a counter, anti-fatigue mats are a common piece of equipment that employees will use.
It is said that standing for long periods of time on these mats will reduce the amount of fatigue experienced in your leg muscles.
This increases the flow of blood and decreases the overall amount of discomfort.
When standing for more than two hours per day, using anti-fatigue mats has been shown to reduce feelings of discomfort and tiredness reported by those individuals.
Leg issues and lower back pain are also alleviated with the use of the mats.
If you experience pain in your legs or lower back as a result of standing, anti-fatigue mats may be of great assistance to you. You can get anti-fatigue mats by shopping for them online.
Change Your Keyboard and Mouse Position
Working at a computer for long periods of time can put strain on your wrists. Therefore, whether you're sitting or standing, it's critical to ensure that your wrists are in the best possible position.
When you are standing, the ideal angle will be slightly extended (tilted upwards) compared to when you are sitting.
It has been shown that people who frequently switch between sitting and standing are more likely to experience greater wrist pain and discomfort if they fail to take this difference into consideration.
When you are standing, it is important to protect your wrists by always keeping your keyboard and mouse at the same level as well as keeping your wrists straight when you are typing.
If you find that you still occasionally suffer from sore wrists, you should think about investing in an adjustable keyboard stand and gel mouse pads for maximum support.
Use Arm Supports
Your desk can be outfitted with arm support in the form of plush padding or a flat surface area.
Its construction is aimed at alleviating the strain placed on the wrist by mouse operation.
Numerous studies have shown that using arm supports can significantly lower the risk of developing neck and shoulder problems.
This is a topic that has received a lot of attention from researchers.
Consider getting one of these if you run into issues frequently, particularly on the side of your body that corresponds to your dominant hand.
If You're Going to Stand at Your Desk
It is important to keep in mind that using a standing desk is just like any other "intervention" in that it can have "side effects."
For example, if you suddenly go from sitting all day to standing all day, you run the risk of developing back, leg, or foot pain; it's better to ease into it by starting with 30 to 60 minutes a day and gradually increasing it.
On the other hand, setting a timer to remind you when to stand or sit (as many experts recommend), which can disrupt your concentration, reduce your focus, and reduce your efficiency or creativity, can have the opposite effect.
You might want to try out a few different time intervals before settling on the one that serves your needs the most effectively.
It is also true that certain tasks, particularly those requiring fine motor skills, are more accurately performed while seated. This is especially the case when the task in question involves writing.
Therefore, a standing desk might not be the best solution for everyone who spends a lot of time sitting at work.
What's Next?
Over the past few years, there have been significant shifts in the culture of the workplace. In addition to standing desks, other features include open floor plans, exercise balls that can be inflated to take the place of chairs, and standing desks.
Several of my coworkers have what's called a "treadmill desk," which enables them to use a computer or participate in a video conference while walking on a treadmill at the same time.
Each one of these alterations brings with it a unique set of benefits, in addition to the possibility of a few hazards.
But before we acknowledge that they are superior — or healthy — we ought to withhold judgment until we have the advantage of more experience and, ideally, research that has been carefully designed.
As you experiment with this new way of life, you might discover additional advantages in addition to those listed above.
Enhancements to your physical, metabolic, and mental health can have a multiplicity of effects on your life, many of which you may not even be aware of.
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If you are thinking about switching to a standing desk, the Teeter Sit-Stand Desk is one that we highly recommend.
It is recommended that you gradually increase the amount of time spent standing while working to prevent back pain.
The Teeter Sit-Stand Desk is the ideal solution for making the transition from sitting to standing due to the adjustability of the desktop as well as the inclusion of a seat.
This will give your body time to adjust to the new position and allow you to start reaping the benefits of standing right away.
Standing desks are great because they help you maintain proper posture and reduce the risk of back strain.
They promote continuous mobility throughout the workplace, which has been shown to increase alertness and productivity.
A standing desk is readily available for purchase at any store that stocks office furnishings, electronics, or general wares. The public health crisis that is eight hours or more of sitting every day. Disease risk is also elevated in those who lead sedentary lives.
Constant standing forces the heart to work harder to pump blood to the legs, which can lead to leg swelling and other circulatory problems.
Sitting all day at work can cause serious back problems, and many office workers report suffering from this issue.
As an added bonus, increasing your metabolic rate and decreasing your risk of weight gain and obesity, standing at your desk is a great alternative to sitting all day.
If you stand instead of sitting for much of the day, you can increase the number of calories you burn by roughly 50 per hour, which can help you maintain your weight.
If you stand for three hours every workday, you may expect to burn 750 calories in a week.
A study found that using a standing workstation instead of a traditional desk led to greater productivity and less time spent sitting.
To maximise comfort and energy without compromising productivity, try switching between sitting and standing every few minutes.
While studies are still in their infancy, preliminary findings suggest that a standing-to-sitting ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 is ideal.
Adjusting the height of your desk and the placement of your computer screen can greatly improve your comfort and productivity. Between 20 and 28 inches is the sweet spot for viewing distance.
Studies have indicated that workers who use anti-fatigue mats report less discomfort and weariness while standing.
Research shows that persons who stand and sit frequently report increased wrist pain and discomfort. Protect your wrists by keeping them straight and your keyboard and mouse at the same height whenever you use them while standing.
The Teeter Sit-Stand Desk is an excellent option for anyone thinking about making the transition to a standing desk. Some of my employees have what is known as a "treadmill workstation," which allows them to use a computer or participate in a video conference while walking on a treadmill.
Content Summary
- Standing desks are an excellent way to eliminate back pain and promote better posture in the workplace.
- The majority of people believe that standing rather than sitting is better for the body, so they switch to using a standing desk instead of a traditional desk.
- They are correct on a fundamental level in that sitting for at least eight hours per day, the majority of which occurs during working hours, is a problem for the nation's public health.
- Having said that, simply substituting eight hours of standing for sitting will not solve the problem.
- Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of using a standing desk on office workers who suffer from chronic back pain.
- 750 additional calories are burned when using a standing desk.
- According to the studies cited above, using a standing desk can help reduce spikes in blood sugar levels as well as the risk of developing diabetes.
- A total of twenty-four office workers participated in the "Take-a-Stand Project" in 2011, during which each of them received a standing desk.
- It is essential to adjust the height of your desk and the position of your computer screen in order to maximize comfort and reduce the likelihood of injury while working.
- To begin, adjust the height of your standing desk so that your elbows are just below the surface.
- You can get anti-fatigue mats by shopping for them online.
- When you are standing, it is important to protect your wrists by always keeping your keyboard and mouse at the same level as well as keeping your wrists straight when you are typing.
- It is important to keep in mind that using a standing desk is just like any other "intervention" in that it can have "side effects."
- If you are thinking about switching to a standing desk, the Teeter Sit-Stand Desk is one that we highly recommend.
Standing Desk FAQs
According to a study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, it's not clear that standing instead of sitting at a desk all day burns a significant number of calories. The study found that standing burned 88 calories an hour, not much more than the 80 calories burned while sitting. Walking burned 210 calories an hour.
Many studies have been clear that those long hours of sitting are linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer, and shorter life. So it makes sense that standing would counteract these risks. Unfortunately, however, studies have not yet been done to either prove or disprove these assumptions.
According to Alpa Patel, PhD, American Cancer Society strategic director, Cancer Prevention Study 3, "Sitting time research is still in its infancy, and we are trying to understand whether it's the total amount that you sit or how frequently you break up those bouts of sitting that are related to disease risk. While we continue to learn what is driving this relationship, it's clear that cutting down on the time you spend sitting is good for your health."
Some studies have shown that after eating, blood sugar returns to normal faster in people who have spent more time standing than sitting that day. And many people who use standing desks say it's helped them with shoulder and back pain.
But it's also true that standing for long periods may cause back, leg, or foot pain, instead of relieving it. So experts advise that if you try a standing desk, start slowly (stand for just 30 minutes to an hour a day) and increase gradually.
Is it ok to stand all day? The evidence says no standing all day is not ok and has its health risks.
Despite the proven benefits of standing desks, it seems you can also stand for too long. Ask anyone who is on their feet all day for work, and most will tell you it isn't easy. Too much standing can cause lower back pain and problems with leg muscles, tendons and varicose veins.
In 2017, the Ergonomics journal published a study that found that standing for long periods causes discomfort and reduces reaction times. In addition, the small sample of participants reported mental state deterioration after two hours of standing. However, standing seemed to help with creative problem-solving. Physically, participants reported muscle fatigue and leg swelling.
If you find it tiring or painful to stand, an anti-fatigue mat can help. The mat encourages you to make regular small leg movements to improve blood flow and reduce discomfort. Some mats are designed for muscle stimulation, while others are soft for comfort. Whichever type of mat you choose, its lightweight material makes it easy to move in and out of place multiple times per day. A good anti-fatigue can keep you moving around naturally and give you options to place your feet in different positions, helping you to burn more calories and shift around to find comfortable positions.
For office staff who have the choice of standing or sitting to work, they should do both. The optimal situation is to alternate between sitting and standing throughout a workday. Research shows the ideal ratio is to spend one hour standing for every one to two hours of sitting.
A height-adjustable sit-stand desk lets you do just that. Most quality sit-stand desks have electric controls or gas lifts to make it possible for workers to adjust the height of their desks multiple times each day. High-performance gas lifts and push-button electronics move the desk to the right height quickly and easily. Within seconds, the desk height is changed, an anti-fatigue mat or chair is rolled into place, and the worker is ready to start their task.
So, like most things, moderation is key. For example, don't spend the entire day sitting or standing but switch it up regularly and remember to take short breaks to walk around.
Dubbed "the new smoking", sitting for too long increases your risk of developing chronic health problems. For example, sitting and lying down too much can cause high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
Many full-time workers spend eight hours sitting at their desks, then drive home to sit on the couch all evening before retiring to bed to lie down for another eight hours. It all adds up to a sedentary lifestyle and health problems.
An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that people who sit at work for eight hours a day had a risk of dying similar to smoking and obesity. The data from 1 million people in the studies found you need to do between 60 and 75 minutes of moderately intense physical activity to counter the effects of too much sitting.
Because it draws attention to the pelvic region, the legs-apart stance that a man adopts frequently conveys a message of dominance. It provides a platform for men to showcase their manhood while simultaneously demonstrating their cohesion as a unit by carrying out the same actions. Therefore, adopt this stance whenever you need a confidence boost or even just to give the impression that you are confident.
Despite existing for hundreds of years, standing desks are now part of the latest fad on office productivity and well-being. Because they believe that standing desks promote better health and higher productivity, many office executives are rushing to replace their traditional equipment. The reason for this rush is that traditional equipment has been around for a long time.