Is Now A Good Time To Renovate?

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    In many cultures throughout history, spring is seen as a time of rebirth and renewal.

    This event denotes the conclusion of the winter season and the beginning of days that are longer and warmer.

    It is also the time of year when homeowners often conduct a comprehensive and in-depth cleaning of their homes as well as an inventory of any projects they want to finish working on in their houses over the coming several months.

    Some projects could be relatively simple, such as painting a room or organising the garage, for example.

    Other projects, on the other hand, may be more involved, such as the renovation of a kitchen or bathroom, an entire house, the addition of a room, or even the creation of an outdoor living space or backyard sanctuary.

    If you fall into the latter category and are considering a more comprehensive renovation project.

    The following is a list of the seven reasons why. Are you looking for construction companies? No need to look any further! You are in good hands with MJS Construction Group.

    Is Now A Good Time To Renovate A Property?

    Family Dynamics

    You are excited about the prospect of making your home more functional, and you realise that in order to do so, you will need to search for the ideal design that will bring out its full potential.

    When it comes to the renovation of a property, certain factors, such as the presence of children, are extremely important.

    You need to be able to picture the layout of your house when all of your children are adults.

    Through taking this step, additional expenditures associated with making changes to the design in the future can be avoided.

    Financial Plan

    Any job that involves remodelling requires an adequate budget. The procedure could need a large investment of both your time and money.

    When it comes to ripping down walls, the sooner you have a budget in place, the sooner you can get started.

    Having insufficient funds for a project does not necessarily mean that you have to abandon the concept altogether.

    If your calculations show that you won't have enough money, the financial gurus at advise you to look into getting a loan.

    You have the ability to negotiate terms that will allow you to pay off the debt in manageable increments on a monthly basis, regardless of whether you are seeking initial or backup finance.

    Suppose you are unsure as to whether or not a loan is something that would be beneficial to you.

    In that case, it is recommended that you consult with knowledgeable lenders who can guide you through the decision-making process before making any choice.

    To ensure that the process is not disrupted in any way, you should create a financial provision for unanticipated costs and remember to place part of that money aside.

    Choose an Architect

    After you've worked out any problems with the budget, the next step is to find an architect who can create a design for the project.

    It's possible that designing a refurbishment will be more difficult than developing something from the ground up.

    Before the architect can write up a blueprint for the house, they will need to spend some time living there.

    During this phase of the project, the designer will be able to formulate ideas on the ways in which the house will function in relation to your position.

    The fact that an architect can handle complex house designs, which you will find difficult to perform alone, is the finest reason to seek the assistance of an architect.

    If you intend to rent out or sell the house in the future, the architect will also provide you with advice on the finest additions and designs that will attract potential buyers or renters.

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    home renovation melbourne

    Renovation Permit

    Prior to beginning the renovation, you are need to get permission from the relevant authority.

    You may require planning permission if your house is in a certain location or has a certain floor plan.

    It is essential to get the process started with actions that do not require authorisation from the planning department.

    In order to prevent problems with the relevant authorities, you will need to pay attention to all of the building regulations.

    In order to resolve any issues that may arise in connection with the progression of the house, you will also need the assistance of a lawyer who can verify the title deeds.

    Renovation Insurance

    If you own a piece of property, that means you are the one who is responsible for maintaining it. Having the necessary insurance coverage for it is an absolute necessity.

    When applying for a loan without proof of insurance, you could sometimes run into some obstacles.

    Before you can get a mortgage for your house, you are required to get your property insured and to obtain a warranty from the companies that provide insurance.

    In the event that you experience a burglary, flooding, or fire while the remodelling is in progress, your insurance providers will make it simple for you to carry on with the project.

    Check to see that the coverage extends to encompass all of the building supplies, the architect, and anyone else who is participating in the renovation.


    Before committing to a timeline for a renovation, there are a number of factors that need to be thought through. You have probably witnessed painting jobs that the weather has hampered.

    You need to do careful planning and schedule the renovation for a time when the weather will be favourable.

    If you are planning to remodel your own home, you should do it during the day when your children are at school to minimise any potential conflicts.

    You might also consider remodelling one room at a time in order to create usable space while you work on the rest of the house.

    When all of the preparations are finished, you can start thinking about when the best time would be to start the renovation.

    Keep in mind that the process of remodelling is not an easy one, and make sure you have a strategy before you begin.

    Your home improvement project is sure to go off without a hitch if you keep the aforementioned facts in mind.

    You Likely Know Exactly What You Want

    Since you've stayed put in your home while this crisis has been going on, it's likely that you've spent a significant amount of time analysing it and considering ways in which you might make it more comfortable for you and your family.

    In certain circumstances, this renovation may be the embodiment of your ideal kitchen or bathroom.

    In other instances, it may be an extension of your family room that you can convert into a cosy home office or gym space. In these scenarios, the space may also be available to you.

    Or perhaps a luxurious bathroom like a day spa, where you can relax and let the pressures of the day melt away.

    Whatever it is that you have in mind for your home, now is the time to discuss the inefficiencies that it now possesses with a reputable remodelling contractor.

    Low-Interest Rates

    There is a good chance that you will want some finance in order to complete any significant home addition or renovation successfully, and the time to take action is now.

    It is a good moment to apply for a loan because interest rates are at levels that are very close to all-time lows.

    Simply said, arranging finance for any home improvement project in the present will allow you to make your money go much further and provide you with a greater variety of possibilities to select from in the future.

    Prepare Now to Beat the Rush

    After the local economies have been brought back online in their entirety, there will undoubtedly be a considerable "catch up" phase that each of us will need to budget for.

    There is a good chance that the volume of work will increase, as will the number of applications for permits submitted to municipalities and the number of loan requests submitted to financial institutions.

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    When we finally get everything back in order, we won't be able to begin any renovation or expansion for quite some time because of all of these concerns.

    Because of this, now is the best moment to take action in order to beat the rush that is likely to follow, and we are here to assist you. We are still making significant progress on the design plans at this time.

    Lesser Demand Means Faster Completed Work

    You can make this work to your advantage beyond merely avoiding the rush by taking advantage of the fact that there is less demand for remodelling and expansions right now.

    This is a continuation of the point made above. If you take action right now, you can also anticipate the completion of your project coming about more quickly.

    Because there are less tasks in the queue overall, we are able to do work more rapidly, which means that you will be able to enjoy your remodel or addition sooner than you would have been able to if the springtime activity had been the same as it is now.

    Any renovation or expansion is going to cause some level of chaos and discomfort. A reduction in such can have a beneficial effect on your project.

    Bad Reasons to Renovate Your Home

    You’re Trying to Be Trendy

    If you find yourself enamoured of a trend you've seen on websites and in design publications, there's a good chance you'll grow tired of it within the next year.

    Choose only those projects for the redesign that will have a lasting charm, and keep the trendy touches for the decorations and furniture that are easily altered.

    To put it another way, even if ultra violet is the Color of the Year according to Pantone, you shouldn't hire a painter to paint your entire house in that colour.

    Explore our selection of reputable home builders in Melbourne to choose the perfect one for your ideal home.

    You Want the Biggest, Fanciest House Around

    Even while you can boost the value of your property by increasing its square footage or installing unique features, you might have a difficult time selling it if you renovate it too much.


    The majority of buyers are not interested in purchasing a home that is priced noticeably higher than the average home in the neighbourhood.

    Consider the asking prices of other houses in the neighbourhood comparable to yours, and work to raise the value of your home so that it is within 10 percent of the average.

    You’re Set on a Project Despite Its Low ROI

    If adding a new bathroom will make your home more liveable and comfortable for you and your family, it may be worthwhile to undertake projects with a low return on investment, such as those.

    However, a large number of cosmetic adjustments, such as switching out a great set of kitchen cabinetry for another, are not likely to have a high return on investment (ROI) if the house is sold, and hence may not be worth the expense.

    Your Finances Are Tight

    Because the costs of renovations frequently end up being higher than originally anticipated, you should put off beginning the project until you have 15 to 20 per cent more money saved than the amount the contractor has bid.

    As soon as work begins on the project, it is impossible to predict what money-draining nightmares may be hiding behind the walls.

    These may include unanticipated damage caused by pests or building code violations.

    The New Design Is Too Custom

    It is less important to consider the resale value of your "forever" house, but if you are in a starter home or anywhere in the middle, it is a good idea to think about what purchasers in the future will be looking for in a home.

    The value of your home could decline as a result of eccentric or excessive customisation, such as the addition of vividly coloured tiles or vintage appliances, for example.

    This could cause your home to languish on the market.

    It’s Bad for the Environment

    Remodeling is sometimes an extremely wasteful endeavour. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, there was a total generation of 534 million tonnes of trash from construction and demolition activities in 2014.

    If you decide to go through with a renovation, you might want to talk to a LEED consultant about making the project as environmentally friendly as possible.

    Donate any items you can to reuse centres such as the one that serves your community run by Habitat for Humanity.

    It’s Not the Ideal Season

    Before beginning a renovation job, take into consideration the time of year.

    Because contractors typically search for work during the off-season, winter is an excellent time to perform interior renovations if you are interested in reducing the cost of the project.

    When it comes to undertakings that take place outside, the prevailing weather conditions are likely to be the deciding factor. Prepare ahead of time and confer with your contractor to determine the most efficient sequence of events.

    Rethink Your Reno

    After you've gone through this slideshow, you should pause for a second and consider whether or not a home remodelling is something you'd be able to accomplish reasonably.

    There are a lot of things that could make a person want to give their house a facelift, but taking into account the money and time it would take, it is possible that this is not the best time for you to do so.

    melbourne renovation melbourne home renovation

    How Will You Pay For Your Renovations?

    Some home improvements might rack up far higher costs than others.

    There is no reason to put off starting a low-cost project because of the current state of the economy because you can pay for it in cash and it won't make much of a mark in your savings account.

    If you are considering such a project, read on. now is a good time to begin a time-consuming restoration project, given that you are likely going to be cooped up in your home anyway in an effort to separate yourself from the outside world.

    On the other hand, you might wish to postpone a more significant and pricey makeover for a little while longer.

    To start, if you intend to pay for the project with cash, handing over a substantial portion of that cash at this time would not be the smartest thing to do given the current financial climate.

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    What’s The Right Move For You?

    If you have a lot of money stashed away in savings and are able to afford your home improvement project while still having enough money in the bank to cover your costs for at least six months, then it's possible that it's safe for you to continue forwards with the project.

    In any other case, you should think about postponing it, provided that doing so will not have a detrimental effect on the quality of your life.

    For instance, if you want to knock down a perfectly functional kitchen in favour of an upgraded one, that is certainly something that can wait for a little while longer.

    But if you want to upgrade a heating and cooling system that doesn't perform very well, delaying that project could make life at home uncomfortable, especially when you're locked in the house for an extended period.

    One more point: there is a possibility that, in the not-too-distant future, the value of homes will begin to fall, which is related to the possibility that the economy may take a turn for the worst.

    It is important to keep this in mind if you intend to sell your home soon after undergoing renovations because it is possible that you will not get back as much of your investment as you anticipate.


    Should You Renovate Your Home Right Now? MJS Construction Group provides seven compelling arguments for why now is an excellent time to undertake a home renovation or room addition.

    The inclusion of children and the cost of future modifications top the list of considerations.

    If you don't have enough money to complete your project, you shouldn't give up on it entirely just because of that.

    Your budget might not leave you with enough to cover all your expenses, in which case you should look into borrowing money.

    Before making any final decisions, you should go to seasoned lenders for advice.

    There are several things to think about before beginning a home renovation project.

    It's crucial that you have the appropriate insurance to cover it.

    No matter what disasters may occur throughout the renovation, you must continue working on the project. Any substantial alteration or addition to your property is likely to necessitate some financing.

    It's a great time to get a loan because interest rates are at a record low.

    Prepare ahead of time to avoid the chaos that will ensue once local economies restart. You might expect the project to be finished sooner if you start working on it right away.

    Have a look at our list of recommended Melbourne home builders below to find the one that will help you realise your dream home. Renovating is often a wasteful and harmful endeavour for the environment.

    You should think twice before getting a loan of any kind to fund your upcoming renovation.

    It may be safe to proceed with your home repair project if you have a substantial emergency fund and sufficient funds to cover the costs of the renovations.

    In any other scenario, you may want to consider putting it off, provided that doing so won't significantly diminish your standard of living.

    Content Summary

    • The following is a list of the seven reasons why.
    • After you've worked out any problems with the budget, the next step is to find an architect who can create a design for the project.
    • Having the necessary insurance coverage for it is an absolute necessity.
    • Before you can get a mortgage for your house, you are required to get your property insured and to obtain a warranty from the companies that provide insurance.
    • Whatever it is that you have in mind for your home, now is the time to discuss the inefficiencies that it now possesses with a reputable remodelling contractor.
    • There is a good chance that you will want some finance in order to successfully complete any significant home addition or renovation, and the time to take action is now.
    • It is a good moment to apply for a loan because interest rates are at levels that are very close to all-time lows.
    • You can make this work to your advantage beyond merely avoiding the rush by taking advantage of the fact that there is less demand for remodelling and expansions right now.
    • If you take action right now, you can also anticipate the completion of your project coming about more quickly.
    • Consider the asking prices of other houses in the neighbourhood that are comparable to yours, and work to raise the value of your home so that it is within 10 percent of the average.
    • If the addition of a new bathroom will make your home more liveable and comfortable for you and your family, it may be worthwhile to undertake projects that have a low return on investment, such as those.
    • This could cause your home to languish on the market.
    • If you decide to go through with a renovation, you might want to talk to a LEED consultant about how to make the project as environmentally friendly as possible.
    • Before beginning a renovation job, take into consideration the time of year.
    • Therefore, before you take out a significant amount of money from your savings, you should consider whether you would be better off deferring the completion of that project for one more year.
    • Along similar lines, if you plan to pay for your impending remodelling by taking out a loan of any kind—whether it be a credit card loan, a personal loan, a home equity loan, or a line of credit—you might want to reevaluate your decision.
    • If you have a lot of money stashed away in savings and are able to afford your home improvement project while still having enough money in the bank to cover your costs for at least six months, then it's possible that it's safe for you to continue forwards with the project.
    • It is important to keep this in mind if you intend to sell your home soon after undergoing renovations because it is possible that you will not get back as much of your investment as you anticipate.

    FAQs About Good Time To Renovate

    If you're willing to withstand a few curveballs due to weather, winter is the cheapest time to start a full home renovation. You'll get the lowest prices and the most calls back from contractors. But factoring in weather, fall is the best time of year to renovate.

    Summer is the most popular time of year for home remodels. The long, sunny days are ideal for taking care of big projects, but the high demand makes it harder to find available contractors. Plus, building materials can cost more.

    Exterior renovations can be out of the question in colder months, especially with snow and freezing temperatures. But interior renovations, like painting jobs, are ideal to start during winter. With your heating on full blast, paint can dry quicker than in summer.

    Our outlook continues to be that if you are ready and able to build, now is the best time to do it. It is anticipated that interest rates will be rising throughout 2022, and costs will continue to increase, although the cost increases will be at a more normalised rate.

    If you're unsure, staying put - even if it's just for now - is likely to be the right decision. Conversely, however, if you are certain that you want out, moving home is your only real option.

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