How Do You Thank A Good Tenant?

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    When one is a landlord, it is simple to concentrate on the problematic tenants.

    It is only to be expected. For some inexplicable reason, negative experiences, such as a ruined carpet or unpaid rent, have a much greater tendency to stick out in our minds than positive ones do.

    Since this is the case, it makes perfect sense for us to focus on the tenants who are causing problems rather than the ones who are living their lives normally and paying their rent on time every month.

    The unfortunate reality, however, is that problem tenants are the exception rather than the norm in the rental market.

    There are a dozen more tenants who are worth their weight in gold for every one that is a poor tenant that is currently on the market. If it weren't for your tenants, you wouldn't have a business, so it's important to make an effort to show your gratitude to them whenever possible, but especially during the holiday season.

    The good news is that demonstrating gratitude to your tenants doesn't have to be challenging or time-consuming in any way.

    It is not necessary that it be expensive either. Quite frequently, it is the uncomplicated aspects of life that carry the most weight.

    It does not cost anything to express gratitude to tenants for paying the rent, but doing so along with other acts of gratitude can go a long way toward helping to build goodwill between you and your renter.

    And as is common knowledge, having a tenant that is content will make your job as a landlord a lot simpler as well.

    You have probably been given the lecture about how important it is to send thank-you notes to the giver of a gift when you receive one from that person.

    Now think of your tenants as the people who are giving you the gift. Tenants can certainly be a source of frustration at times.

    They are however a reliable source of income, and once you have found a good tenant, you will want to do everything in your power to keep them as a tenant.

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    A thank–you note is a simple way to create a sense of goodwill, which will increase the likelihood that your tenants will be responsive, respectful, and loyal to you as their landlord.

    The following are some suggestions on how to quickly compose notes that will find their way into the hearts of your tenants.

    melbourne tenant dealing

    It's Not Just Your Mother. Science Suggests Thank-you Notes Matter.

    The findings of a study that sought to understand why so few of us write thank-you notes were reported in The New York Times.

    The study was conducted to understand why so few write thank-you notes.

    As a consequence of this, individuals who are interested in writing are under the impression that their notes will be interpreted as being insincere and may even cause the recipients to feel awkward.

    People appreciate the thoughtfulness of the effort, but they do not prioritise the quality of the writing, according to the findings of the researchers, who concluded that the opposite is true: people take pleasure in receiving thank-you notes.

    What Should Your Tenant Thank-you Note Say?

    To get started, keep in mind that you are writing a note and not a letter.

    Because of this, the entire process, from start to finish, should not take you any longer than five minutes.

    A customer thank-you note should have six fundamental parts, including the greeting and the close, according to Hubspot, a company that specializes in marketing software.

    These fundamental parts include the greeting and the close. Include a particular illustration of what it is that you value most about the relationship, as this is the most vital component.

    That could mean keeping the front yard clean for a tenant or calling you for a fix-it job before a situation turns into a disaster. Either way, it's important to provide excellent customer service.

    When Should You Send A Thank-you Note To A Tenant?

    We are taught to send notes of gratitude as soon as possible.

    A mentor, a colleague, or a tenant who calls your investment home are examples of people who may benefit from your waiting a few weeks or months before reaching out to them, according to the argument of a professor of business administration at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Still, Stumped For Words? 

    The Instructions You can order a booklet titled "How to Write Letters" from the columnist by using the regular mail.

    People who don't write thank-you notes because they don't know what to say or are afraid of making a mistake in what they write were the inspiration for this piece.

    There are examples of letters included that you can modify to fit your needs. And according to Dear Abby, a thank-you note that is emailed is perfectly acceptable.

    In order to establish this kind of relationship and minimize a significant number of the challenges and difficulties associated with investing in real estate.

    Tips For Keeping Your Tenants Happy

     Establish a good relationship from the start

    Having a clear rental or lease agreement can help landlords and tenants get along well. Your agreement should detail not just the rent and utilities, but also the rules, regulations, and procedures that tenants are expected to follow and the things that they can anticipate from you. They should know what to anticipate from you after reading it. The foundation of a productive landlord-tenant relationship is communication that is timely, clear, and concise.

    Have a comprehensive move-in package

    This should include a description of the kind of issues for which renters can contact you (or your property manager) outside of emergency situations and when they can expect to hear back from you (or your property management).

    If your tenants are new to the area, it is in everyone's best interest to include contact information for nearby services like grocery stores and hospitals in the lease.

    Answer the phone

    You should be reachable during the posted business hours and via the provided contact methods.

    When tenants contact, you must either pick up the phone or return their call within 12 to 24 hours.

    Make it clear to any property management business you're considering working with that you require them to be easily reached and responsive to the demands of your renters.

    Be professional, not personal.

    Treating tenants the way you would like to be treated is of highest importance when dealing with them directly. Respect others by being courteous. Listen carefully to what they have to say.

    To them, where they are presently residing is simply home. Keep a cool head and always remember that your tenants are the most important aspect of your business.

    Your renters should be treated with dignity, and you should not insinuate that they are all in it together.

    Respect your tenants' privacy.

    Provide reasonable advance notice if you need to enter the property for a cause that is not an emergency.

    Establishing one or two regular times per year for preventative maintenance checks and other activities of a similar kind is recommended, and your agreement should state that you are authorised to such access. Considering a new project? Then MJS Construction Group builders Melbourne is the answer.

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    Rent out a clean property

    If the rental is clean, well-maintained, up-to-date, and described as "move-in ready," it has a considerably higher chance of being returned in the same condition.

    Consider offering a coupon for a one-time professional cleaning as part of your move-in package.

    Take care of repairs/practice preventive maintenance

    Always be willing to help, and don't hesitate to respond quickly to requests for service. Discuss the best time of year to perform maintenance with your tenant.

    Before rushing to fix a tenant's desired issue, give some thought to whether or not there are any renovations or preventative maintenance that might be performed at the same time.

    You may end up saving both time and money, and your tenant will be grateful for the extra effort on your part.

    Make cosmetic improvements

    It is common practise to perform a number of enhancements and repairs before a new tenant moves in.

    But it's crucial to keep in touch with residents (long-term tenants) and provide them with services like new paint, carpet cleaning, and deep cleaning once every two or three years.

    This is necessary to ensure their continued satisfaction.

    If you're going to invest a lot of money into renovating a few of your properties, you owe it to the people who live there to make those improvements available to them, ideally at a time that works for them.

    Safety first.

    Do not forget to inform your renters that you will be performing safety-related repairs or taking other measures to reduce the likelihood of thefts and break-ins.

    Your renters will be very appreciative of the fact that you are modernising the building and making their safety a top concern.

    Provide supplies and essential equipment

    If the building is not a condo, make sure that occupants have easy access to winter maintenance tools like a salt bucket and shovels.

    Although you should still prepare to clear the walkways and property of snow, providing tenants with these tools will allow them to salt an icy route or pull their car out of the snow on their own.

    Tenants, particularly long-term ones, may appreciate access to basic supplies or equipment, even if you or your property manager normally take care of the property's unique needs.

    Even if you or your property manager usually take care of any necessary upkeep for your rental home, your tenants may find it helpful to be informed of any specifics.

    Deal with disruptive tenants promptly

    Tenants' complaints concerning the actions of other tenants should be addressed without delay.

    You'll need to employ your mediation skills if you don't want to lose your good tenants to the annoyance or disruption of a few.

    Be realistic when raising rents

    Increasing rents to the maximum allowed by law is tempting, but if you have good tenants, keeping your rent at a level that is somewhat lower than the going market rate might help you keep them as long-term residents, saving you money in the long run.

    If the tenant is a good one and you're negotiating an extension, you might want to consider offering them a longer term.

    Tenants like it when landlords show their gratitude for their continuing occupancy with a handwritten note or other token of appreciation.

    Rent increases of up to the maximum percentage permitted by the Tenancy Act in the jurisdiction in which the property is located may be appropriate, but only if accompanied by a rebate for tenants who sign a lease, such as a rebate of half or all of the rent for the first month.

    But this tactic only makes sense if the greatest increment is permitted. This may pique a potential decent tenant's interest in moving in.

    Ask your tenants

    Tenants might be encouraged to help you find new renters by offering them incentives for doing so. In addition to potentially saving you time and money, this strategy also can attract new, high-quality renters by introducing your current tenants to their friends and acquaintances who are also looking to rent in your building.

    An annual survey of your renters is recommended.

    The survey should not take more than a few minutes to complete and should provide useful information about what tenants like, what they would change, and what is missing from the property. Include a small incentive with the survey, such as a gift card to a local coffee shop.

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    Show appreciation.

    Gifts and public acknowledgement of achievement are always well received. Put forth the effort to show your renters how much you appreciate them.

    Sending a note or card to a coworker on their birthday or during Christmas is a nice way to show you care and will build your working relationship with them.

    Some of the perks, including access to maid services, have already been mentioned.

    However, there are other things that can be used to reinforce the loyalty of tenants or to commemorate an important milestone, such as a gift basket or special discounts with local companies. (Most businesses offer discounts to groups who purchase many things or services at once.)

    If your building has numerous units, a holiday party or open house can be a great way to let the tenants mingle and get to know each other in a less formal atmosphere.

    Ways to Give Thanks to Your Tenants

    Be Responsive

    Having a landlord who is quick to respond is one of the few things that can truly impress a tenant.

    A good landlord will always do their best to get back to a tenant as soon as possible once they contact them by phone or email about a problem.

    Tenants' fears will be eased and you'll earn some good will by responding quickly to their needs. You should never ignore them or make them wait until "sometime in the future."

    Property owners that take the time to hear their tenants out and act on their feedback are highly valued by those renters.

    The tenant's feelings of value and the seriousness with which their complaints are addressed can both benefit greatly from this.

    In a similar vein, if you won't be around to answer messages for a few days due to travel or any other reason, let them know ahead of time so they may make alternate plans.

    Then, provide them with the emergency contact information for each relevant contractor.

    Be Realistic When Raising the Rent

    Although rent increases are inevitable and a standard aspect of being a landlord, it's crucial to use your best judgement when sending out increase notices.

    Although the specific notice period needed to notify tenants of a rent increase varies by state, in most cases, a landlord with a month-to-month lease agreement must give at least a 30-day notice.

    However, most customers are likely to be annoyed by a price hike so close to the holidays.

    Instead of increasing rent around the holidays, when most individuals are likely to be short on cash owing to holiday expenditures, consider waiting until after the new year to apply the increase.

    Reward Them With Rental Work

    You can show your renter some appreciation and their property some TLC by giving them a gift certificate for cleaning services or any other maintenance that will improve the state of the rental property.

    So that they take better care of your rental property, which is also their home, you might consider offering your tenants free carpet cleaning or a fresh coat of paint for a few of the rooms.

    This thoughtful gesture is a wonderful method of showing appreciation, as it will make them feel more at ease and welcome.

    It also sends the message that you're concerned about the property and hopes that the tenants will reciprocate by keeping the rental in good shape.

    All parties involved will benefit from this arrangement.

    Consider a Small Token of Thanks

    Tenants can learn a lot about how much you care from a small act of kindness, especially around the holidays.

    You may send them on their way with a basket of goodies, a gift card to their favourite cafe, or a delicious gourmet treat. The truth is that any of these choices is a good one.

    Another option is to reduce their rent the following month unexpectedly, which is always highly appreciated.

    Respect Their Privacy

    Treating renters' private space with care is one of the kindest things you can do for them.

    This necessitates giving them adequate notice before showing up at the rented property unless it's an emergency.

    Providing the landlord with adequate notice of when you will need access to the rental property is not just the courteous thing to do, but in many jurisdictions, it is also the law.

    The additional mile would be to accommodate the tenant's schedule as much as feasible.

    You'll get a bonus grade if you do it. It's a good idea to check with tenants ahead of time to see when they'd be available for repairs or maintenance if the need arises.

    If the repair isn't an emergency, this is a great approach to show your tenants that you care. See our list of available builder services melbourne to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.

    Consider an Upgrade

    Just because you want to show your thanks doesn't mean you have to gut the house and start over.

    Tenants will be quite grateful if you go out of your way to replace old appliances and make other little upgrades to the property.

    It shows them that they are appreciated as renters in your home.

    Tenants will generally like these renovations and will be especially appreciative if you complete them before or right after the holiday season.

    It's best to avoid performing any substantial improvements around the holidays, when everyone is at home and schedules are likely to be full.

    Keep Your Promises

    As a renter, I can think of few things more frustrating than a landlord who makes one set of promises but then fails to deliver. This is why you should be careful to never make a promise you can't keep.

    You must also watch the impressions you give out. Do not even hint at a new outdoor porch or wood flooring throughout until you are completely committed to completing these projects.

    Do not give your tenants false hope by suggesting that you have good things in store for your rental.

    Make a pact with yourself to only make promises you can keep. It's better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.

    Those that rent from you will be eternally thankful.

    Be Thoughtful

    A lot of property managers struggle with empathy, yet making their tenants feel valued through tiny gestures can go a long way.

    You should keep in touch with your renters on a frequent basis to enquire about their experience at the rental and to solicit their opinions.

    In addition to calling them on their birthdays and other important days, you may also consider sending them a card in the mail. Using an automated service like Send Out Cards might help you remember to send greeting cards.

    Another perk of establishing rapport with your renters is that they can let you know about any nagging issues they're experiencing at the rental property before they get out of hand.

    Be Fair

    One method to show your tenants some love is to treat them fairly and never do anything that could be misunderstood as favouritism.

    Because word-of-mouth travels so quickly in multi-unit complexes, this is extremely crucial. If you anticipate all of the tenants to pay their rent on time every month, it is your responsibility as the landlord to ensure that this need is met. Such action may attract charges of favouritism.

    It is imperative in the world of property management to treat tenants fairly at all times. You'll earn more of your tenants' respect and gratitude if you do.

    Establish a Good Relationship From the Start

    Finally, folks with whom you have a cold relationship won't be impressed by your gifts of appreciation.

    It's not enough to give your tenants gift cards just once a year on Thanksgiving if you want to show them how much you appreciate their business all year long.

    What really matters is how you treat them all year long. In order to set the tone for a positive working relationship from the start, it is important to be kind and professional and to let the other person know that they may contact you with any questions or concerns they may have.

    If dealing with tenants' problems isn't your thing, a property manager may do it for you quickly and efficiently.

    This will benefit your tenants in two ways: first, they will receive superior service at all hours, and second, you won't have to work around the clock to supply it.

    Here at MJS Construction Group, we pride ourselves on the wide variety of Melbourne home builders we offer.

    It is not only the polite thing to do for a landlord to provide outstanding service to their renters, but it is also a wise business move that will benefit the landlord and the landlord's real estate investment activities.

    Tenants who feel valued and cared for are more likely to extend their lease and stay in your rental property for an additional term, so cutting down on your property's vacancy rate.

    Keep in mind that being charitable isn't simply a Thanksgiving thing to do, but something you should strive towards all year and put into practise in every interaction you have. It's not easy, but it's worth the effort to get there.

    A landlord's wish for the ideal tenant is a tenant's wish for the ideal landlord. Honest, fair, and appreciative landlords who also follow through on their word are hard to come by.

    Tenants are always disappointed when they are promised improvements like new fencing or wood floors but never see any action taken.

    Fail to keep your word, and you risk losing your tenant and incurring additional expenditures.

    It's safe to assume that your tenants will appreciate if you fulfil your obligations to them.

    how to deal with tenant melbourne

    Keep in mind that treating tenants like family will make them feel respected, appreciated, and unique, which in turn will encourage them to treat the home with care, pay rent on time, and possibly become your best tenants.


    As a landlord, it's easy to focus on the troublemakers among the renters. In the rental market, problem tenants are more of an anomaly than a rule.

    You owe your success to your tenants, so be sure to thank them often.

    There are six essential components to a customer thank-you note, beginning with the greeting and ending with a closing. If you want to show how much you appreciate the relationship, give an example.

    Maintaining a high level of customer service for both landlords and tenants is crucial. There is a booklet available from Dear Abby titled "How to Write Letters."

    This work was inspired by people who avoid writing thank-you notes because they feel awkward or unsure of what to say. Landlord and tenant relationships can benefit from a well-defined rental or lease agreement.

    As a part of your move-in package, you can think about include a coupon for a one-time professional cleaning.

    Maintain a helpful attitude at all times and act promptly when asked for assistance.

    Ensure that items like a salt bin and shovels, necessary for winter upkeep if your building is not a condo, are conveniently located.

    A longer lease term could be offered to a good tenant during lease renewal negotiations. Try not to go too crazy with rent increases.

    One approach to demonstrate your gratitude to your tenant is to conduct a survey.

    It's hard to go wrong with giving someone presents and praising their accomplishments publicly.

    Having a holiday party or open house for the tenants is a terrific way to break the ice and allow everyone meet each other. Sending out notices of rent increases requires the exercise of sound judgement.

    A price increase right before the holidays is sure to irritate the majority of customers. It's not simply good manners to give your landlord advance notice of when you'll require access to the rental property; it's the law.

    Tenants would appreciate it if you modernise the property by replacing obsolete appliances and making other minor improvements.

    Tenants should be asked in advance if and when they will be available for maintenance and repairs. Do not even drop a hint about installing a wood floor or revamping your outside porch until you are ready to go all in on these endeavours.

    Many landlords have difficulty feeling compassion for their renters, yet even small acts of kindness can go a long way towards fostering positive relationships.

    It's important to check in with tenants on a regular basis to see how things are doing at the rental.

    Don't do anything that could be interpreted as favouritism, and treat them fairly.

    If your tenants are happy and satisfied with your service, they are more likely to sign an extension.

    Finding a landlord who lives up to their promise while still being honest, fair, and thankful is not easy. Being generous isn't just something to do on Thanksgiving; it's a goal you should work towards all year.

    Content Summary

    • When one is a landlord, it is simple to concentrate on the problematic tenants.
    • A thank–you note is a simple way to create a sense of goodwill, which will increase the likelihood that your tenants will be responsive, respectful, and loyal to you as their landlord.
    • The following are some suggestions on how to quickly compose notes that will find their way into the hearts of your tenants.
    • The study was conducted to understand why so few of us write thank-you notes.
    • These fundamental parts include the greeting and the close.
    • And according to Dear Abby, a thank-you note that is emailed is perfectly acceptable.
    • Establish a good relationship from the start.
    • Having a clear rental or lease agreement can help landlords and tenants get along well.
    • Respect your tenants' privacy.
    • Rent out a clean property.
    • Discuss the best time of year to perform maintenance with your tenant.
    • If the building is not a condo, make sure that occupants have easy access to winter maintenance tools like a salt bucket and shovels.
    • Be realistic when raising rents.
    • Ask your tenants.
    • Include a small incentive with the survey, such as a gift card to a local coffee shop.
    • Put forth the effort to show your renters how much you appreciate them.
    • This is why you should be careful to never make a promise you can't keep.
    • Make a pact with yourself to only make promises you can keep.
    • You should keep in touch with your renters on a frequent basis to enquire about their experience at the rental and to solicit their opinions.
    • It is imperative in the world of property management to treat tenants fairly at all times.
    • A landlord's wish for the ideal tenant is a tenant's wish for the ideal landlord.
    • It's safe to assume that your tenants will be appreciative if you fulfil your obligations to them.

    FAQs About Tenant

    The following are some examples of situations in which it was determined that the level of filth was so severe that it violated the health, safety, and welfare clause of rental agreements, allowing landlords to successfully evict tenants: Walls covered in mold growth. Any signs of vermin, such as mice or cockroaches (live, dead, or fecal) Urine or feces from a pet that is not contained in a litterbox.

    What options do I have if a tenant won't vacate the premises? Eviction proceedings could be initiated in the event that the tenant does not comply with the legal grounds and continues to refuse to vacate the property. Both failure to pay rent and refusal to move outpost at the end of the lease period qualify as valid grounds for moving the court for eviction proceedings.

    What options do I have if a tenant won't vacate the premises? Eviction proceedings could be initiated in the event that the tenant does not comply with the legal grounds and continues to refuse to vacate the property. Both failure to pay rent and refusal to move outpost at the end of the lease period qualify as valid grounds for moving the court for eviction proceedings.

    • Follow the Law.
    • Choose a Tenant With Good Credit.
    • Perform a Criminal Background Check.
    • Look at the Tenant's Rental History.
    • Choose a Tenant Who Is Stable.
    • Maximum of Two People Per Bedroom.
    • Trust Your Instincts
    • Provides a Good Detailed Application.
    • Has a Good Record.
    • Easy to Communicate with and are Respectful.
    • Pay Rent Timely.
    • Accommodating.
    • Cares for the Property.
    • Maintenance Issues are Communicated.
    • Adheres to legislation and terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
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