How Can I Dry Out The House During Construction?

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    In most cases, dehumidification is performed as soon as possible after water damage has occurred. However, due to the multiplicity of water damage manifestations and their gradations in severity, it is crucial to adapt one's approach to each individual incident.

    The amount of time water has to penetrate the building's structure, furnishings, etc., is a major issue to consider in assessing the extent of water damage. It is important to keep the air change rate as low as reasonably achievable so as to avoid damp air from entering the area. In the appendix, you'll find a rule of thumb that provides some directional empirical evidence. Determining how much dehumidification will be needed in the event of water damage is extremely challenging, if not impossible.

    The water content of the various materials used is the most important factor to consider while drying out a newly constructed building, but little air change is also recommended throughout this process. There will be times when you must work under pressure to complete a task in a short amount of time because of an impending deadline.

    Allowing water damage to persist for too long can be hazardous to your health in addition to being an eyesore. The best course of action to take in the event of water damage is to get in touch with professionals. Professionals in the field of water damage restoration have access to the tools and methods generally accepted in their industry, allowing them to take care of the situation effectively.

    Following an incident that produces water damage, it is critical to begin drying out your property as soon as possible, whether you want to do so on your own or call in professionals as soon as they are available. Here are some ideas for getting a house that's been flooded back to normal as quickly as possible. Putting up a house in your future? When you hire MJS Construction Group, your construction project will come to life.

    Remove Water To Prevent Contamination

    You should get rid of any running water and pools of water that might be lurking around your house. Mould, bacteria, and other unsavoury growths could set up if you didn't clean up after the flood. Avoiding this situation is a must. The water leak has caused you to have to empty your kitchen, bathroom, and possibly other rooms.

    Air Out Your Home

    It's a good idea to let some fresh air into your home by leaving all the windows wide open. Throw them wide open so that they get enough of light from the sun yet are protected from the wind and rain outside. Moreover, it will aid in the removal of any remaining moisture in your house, making it easier for qualified specialists like us to dry out the afflicted areas utilising dehumidifiers (if needed).

    Save Your Belongings

    Get rid of everything of value and any furnishings that might be ruined by water. The mattress, box springs, pillows, couch cushions, papers, and electronics are all examples of this. Not thoroughly disinfecting items that have been exposed to water can promote the growth of mould and bacteria.

    Cleaning chemicals designed for absorbing liquids should be used to swiftly remove the water and restore the affected areas.

    Use plastic bags or other watertight containers to store anything you don't want to get wet. No more damage will be possible as a result of this.

    Clean Your Walls

    You may discover that a solution of bleach and water is the most efficient approach to clean your walls if the water damage is of the category 1 sort. Depending on the nature of the wall and the extent of the water damage, the appropriate cleaning solution may vary. When applying this solution, use a sponge or towel to avoid getting any bleach on the walls. Then, wipe everything off with a clean cloth to remove any remaining moisture.

    Use Fans

    If there is still remaining water in your home after you have removed the other sources of moisture, using fans will help speed up the drying process. If you don't have any fans, opening the windows will help a little.

    Use Dehumidifiers

    beautiful view residential building (2)

    Dehumidify the air in your home, especially in the basement, bathrooms, and kitchens, to get rid of any remaining moisture.

    A dehumidifier may be rented or purchased online for as low as $20 per month or less. Dehumidifiers of this type are useful, but you should only use them as a temporary fix because their benefits wear off quickly.

    The extent of water damage may vary from one occurrence to the next.

    Experts can assess the situation, find long-term solutions to any issues, and use the necessary equipment (such as dehumidifiers) to get the job done right. We'll bring this with us when we visit to clean your house.

    Clean Carpets

    In order to remove excess water from your carpets and upholstery, you should utilise a cleaning machine designed for commercial usage and fitted with the appropriate accessories. The use of this product after water damage has occurred will aid in halting the spread of mould and mildew.

    To speed up the drying process, you may also place fans in each room and leave the power on for a few hours. You'll save time and effort drying out your carpets this way.

    Be Cautious With Chemical Cleaning Solutions

    When providing flood cleanup services, it is imperative that all safety precautions be done before using any chemical cleansers. If your home has been severely damaged by a flood, only then would we suggest these cleaners. Without proper training and safety gear, working with chemical solutions may be extremely hazardous. This holds truer than usual if inadequate safety measures are in place.

    Add A Fresh Coat Of Paint

    After you've completed cleaning up and drying out your property after a flood, a fresh coat of paint on the inside surfaces is typically a smart idea. After we've finished cleaning and drying the building for you, it will prevent any remaining mildew or mould from spreading.

    Seek Professional Assistance

    Before contacting us for flood cleaning services, it is a good idea to have another set of eyes review the results of any water cleanup activity that was done. This is because there is a wide range of possible results for each effort to clean up water. For proper drying after cleaning, it's important that all areas be clean, mold- and germ-free, and devoid of extra moisture.

    The drying out of the damaged area is a crucial part of the repair procedure once water damage has occurred.

    But if you don't take precautions, it might wind up costing you a lot of time and money in the end. Drying out is an important operation that shouldn't be put off because you think you might not have the right equipment or knowledge to do it well.

    A quick call to a specialist to get the drying process started might possibly be in order. Drying out your property and getting it back to normal will take less time if you get started on it right away.

    Heating And Ventilation

    This tactic will help you increase the air temperature on the building site and put into practise rigors ventilation. Environment plays a significant role in how well it works. To generalise, the method works best when the outside temperature is lower and the indoor temperature is higher, such as when a dehumidifier is being used in such a space. The question then becomes, who can produce the best outcomes during the colder months?

    It is recommended that the room temperature not exceed 35 degrees Celsius while dehumidifying damp walls. If the steam pressure within the walls increases too much due to the temperature rise, the walls may become damaged and crack.

    If proper ventilation (air exchange) is not provided, the steam will condense on the drier parts of the walls and ceiling and cause a buildup of moisture. In addition, remember that using gas heaters to warm the air has the opposite effect from what one may expect. Check out our range of builder services melbourne to assist you select the most appropriate one for you.

    Carbon dioxide and steam are created when propane and butane are burned. That means that an increase in air temperature also causes a rise in air humidity!

    Using heating and cooling to reduce humidity at a building site is quite expensive. Reasons for this include poor efficiency (dehumidification takes a long time) and the fact that the best outcomes can only be achieved at very high temperatures (this requires a lot of heating power).

    Condensation Dehumidifying

    The goal of condensation dehumidification is to reduce the air temperature down below the dew point, at which point the water vapour in the air condenses out of the atmosphere. The procedure is explained like this. Condensation air dehumidifiers are dehumidifiers that function by removing moisture from the air through the process of condensation.

    Their design incorporates an extractor fan, compressor, heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser), and an expanding element. The damp air is carefully moved through the heat exchangers by the extractor fan.

    Whenever the evaporator's temperature drops below the dew point, atmospheric moisture condenses. Either the condensate flows into a tank linked to a dehumidifier, or it is drained into the sewage system, or it is released into the environment.

    The air is heated and dried out in the condenser after passing through the evaporator. As a direct result, relative humidity has continued to drop. The air is then reintroduced into the room after being dried.

    Dehumidifiers often increase the air temperature by 3 to 8 degrees Celsius when the air is exhausted. Instead of posing a danger of harm, the technique of heating and ventilation may be replaced by dehumidification due to the higher temperature that may be induced, for example from damp walls.

    The efficiency with which a condensation dehumidifier removes moisture from the air depends on both the operating settings (temperature and humidity) and the device's attributes. Condensation dehumidifiers function most effectively when both the temperature and the relative humidity are over a predetermined limit.

    Instead, this suggests that as the amount of water decreases, the efficiency of this type of gear will increase. Condensation dehumidifiers, in general, shouldn't be used at temperatures below about 5 degrees Celsius.

    When compared to more conventional drying processes like heating and ventilating, condensation dehumidification consumes significantly less energy and yields quicker results. This is due in part to the fact that condensation dehumidification does not include the replacement of air in the space. As a result, it is the technique most commonly advocated and thought to be effective for dehumidifying construction sites.

    Adsorption Dehumidifying

    Adsorption dehumidification is a method used to remove moisture from the air. This includes the use of hygroscopic materials to absorb the moisture. In addition to the rotor, driving unit, extractor fans, air warmer, filter, casing, and connections, a standard adsorption dehumidifier will also contain these parts.

    Rotor construction typically involves aluminium sheets cut to form (to generate axial capillaries) and coated with a hygroscopic substance.

    The unit's surface area and capacity for absorbing moisture are improved as a result.

    The dehumidifier's design incorporates both dehumidifying and regenerating features.

    To remove moisture from the air before it is discharged into the environment, the rotor is rotated at high speeds, drawing humid hygroscopic material to the regeneration sector.

    The rotor is also self-cleaning, water-cleanable, and may prevent the formation of germs, adding to its already impressive list of features.

    This dehumidifier's ability to remove moisture from the air without the need of chilling or sub-zero temperatures is a major advantage.

    Due to its many advantages, this method is more typically used in industrial settings, such as pharmaceutical, food, and AC systems, than on construction sites.

    Heat Vs Dehumidification: What's The Best Choice?

    Dehumidifiers and heaters are the most common devices used to combat dampness on a construction site. It's clear that dehumidifiers are the superior option when compared to the alternative method.

    Heaters are devices that raise the ambient temperature by forcing air through a heating system.

    Heaters don't have a wicking mechanism, thus this won't function to dehumidify the space. The practise of using heaters to dry out construction zones has been called into question by many.

    When healers raise the temperature, the amount of moisture in the air decreases proportionally. By doing so, circumstances at a location can be enhanced, however somewhat.

    Humidifiers include a mechanism that eliminates moisture from the air, making them ideal for drying out enclosed spaces. It aids in the drying out of the affected regions. There is a one-to-one relationship between the moisture content and vapour pressure of an atmosphere, therefore as moisture is removed from the air, the vapour pressure lowers.

    Other differences between heating and dehumidifying as methods for drying out construction sites can be seen in their respective costs:


    • Dehumidifiers:
    • High start-up costs
    • Significantly lower maintenance costs
    • Low start-up cost
    • High maintenance costs

    Construction Supplies Being Air Dried Although relative humidity is often cited as the most important factor in drying out a construction material, it is not the most important factor by a long by. Take, for example, a psychrometric chart in which temperature and relative humidity are shown (Psychrometrics is defined as studying the dynamic properties of water-air mixture).

    When that occurs, you may determine the relative humidity, or the quantity of moisture in the air, by dividing the relative humidity by the dry air temperature. This data supports the inference that vapour pressure is the driving force behind effective moisture control.

    Water molecules in the air exert a force on items they come into contact with known as vapour pressure in uncontrolled conditions like an interior building space. The bulk of a building's interior is likely to be made up of porous materials, which may absorb water vapour to variable degrees.

    The natural flow of moisture is from high vapour pressure areas to low vapour pressure areas. Envision a scenario in which the vapour pressure in the construction area may be lowered to a level below that of the materials being used.

    After being absorbed or evacuated by these materials, the moisture vapour will be carried out of the room by the prevailing wind.

    Under the right climatic circumstances, you may drive the surplus moisture content out of your building materials until they reach equilibrium moisture content. This occurs when a substance stops giving out or absorbing moisture from the air around it.

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    A Comparison Of Technologies

    Contractors typically use heat or desiccant dehumidifiers to reduce the amount of moisture in building materials during construction. A lot of talk has gone on in the meanwhile about which drying process is best for use in the building industry, but the science is settled. You may use the information in this article to make educated choices about house construction. Our team at MJS Construction Group is dedicated.

    A heater's capacity to remove humidity from the air is inferior to that of a dehumidifier. Even if the temperature within a structure is raised, that won't evaporate the real moisture already there.

    By definition, recirculating a stream of air through a heat-generating system will raise the temperature of that airstream.

    A direct-fired heater, for instance, uses a fan to circulate air directly over a propane or natural gas flame. By passing the supply air through a heat exchanger, the indirect-fired heater keeps it from coming into touch with the flammable elements being released from the fuel source. The use of direct-fired heaters is more frequent.

    One constant holds true in both cases: a heat-only system will not have an internal component that extracts moisture and, by extension, does anything to address vapour pressure.

    Next, you may be wondering why we employed heaters to speed up the drying process at building sites in years past. Although the response is simple, it is often misunderstood. Water vapour in the air drops as the temperature of a room or structure is raised, as the latent heat of condensation is reduced. It's true that raising the temperature has no effect on the amount of moisture in the air, but it does have the opposite effect on humidity. Since this is the case, the building site's environment will (likely) improve.

    A dehumidifier functions similarly to a furnace in that it removes moisture from the air by passing it over desiccant material. Since vapour pressure is proportional to the quantity of moisture in the air, cutting down on the humidity in a given air current has the additional effect of lowering that current's vapour pressure.

    Finally, while comparing heating and dehumidification, it is important to look at the running expenses associated with each technology. A heating system needs a fuel source that is passed over a flame, either directly or indirectly, to produce heat. These systems rely on boilers or heat exchangers that use a great deal of fuel, propane, or natural gas to provide the necessary heat.

    While heat-only systems may demand a smaller outlay of cash up front, they can rack up hefty fuel costs over time. Overall, this adds to the high expense of utilising this technology. And because desiccant dehumidification is so much more sophisticated, it also has more substantial up-front costs.

    While the upfront cost of a dehumidifier is more than that of a heat-only system, dehumidifiers have far lower operational costs because to their much reduced fuel consumption. Recent technological developments, like energy-efficient dehumidification devices and remote monitoring and control of equipment, have also contributed to the lowering of operational costs.


    Please let us know if you were able to put this advice to good use and whether the water in your home has been dried out. Please don't hesitate to get in contact with us if you have any questions or need any more assistance. We appreciate you making our website your go-to source for home renovation advice and information.

    Content Summary

    • In most cases, dehumidification is performed as soon as possible after water damage has occurred.
    • However, due to the multiplicity of water damage manifestations and their gradations in severity, it is crucial to adapt one's approach to each individual incident.
    • The amount of time water has to penetrate the building's structure, furnishings, etc.,
    • is a major issue to consider in assessing the extent of water damage.
    • It is important to keep the air change rate as low as reasonably achievable so as to avoid damp air from entering the area.
    • Determining how much dehumidification will be needed in the event of water damage is extremely challenging, if not impossible.
    • The water content of the various materials used is the most important factor to consider while drying out a newly constructed building, but little air change is also recommended throughout this process.
    • Allowing water damage to persist for too long can be hazardous to your health in addition to being an eyesore.
    • The best course of action to take in the event of water damage is to get in touch with professionals.
    • Professionals in the field of water damage restoration have access to the tools and methods generally accepted in their industry, allowing them to take care of the situation effectively.
    • Following an incident that produces water damage, it is critical to begin drying out your property as soon as possible, whether you want to do so on your own or call in professionals as soon as they are available.
    • Here are some ideas for getting a house that's been flooded back to normal as quickly as possible.
    • Putting up a house in your future?
    • Remove Water To Prevent ContaminationYou should get rid of any running water and pools of water that might be lurking around your house.
    • Mould, bacteria, and other unsavoury growths could set up if you didn't clean up after the flood.
    • Avoiding this situation is a must.
    • It's a good idea to let some fresh air into your home by leaving all the windows wide open.
    • Moreover, it will aid in the removal of any remaining moisture in your house, making it easier for qualified specialists like us to dry out the afflicted areas utilising dehumidifiers (if needed).Save Your BelongingsGet rid of everything of value and any furnishings that might be ruined by water.
    • Clean Your WallsYou may discover that a solution of bleach and water is the most efficient approach to clean your walls if the water damage is of the category 1 sort.
    • Depending on the nature of the wall and the extent of the water damage, the appropriate cleaning solution may vary.
    • When applying this solution, use a sponge or towel to avoid getting any bleach on the walls.
    • Then, wipe everything off with a clean cloth to remove any remaining moisture.
    • Use FansIf there is still remaining water in your home after you have removed the other sources of moisture, using fans will help speed up the drying process.
    • If you don't have any fans, opening the windows will help a little.
    • Use DehumidifiersDehumidify the air in your home, especially in the basement, bathrooms, and kitchens, to get rid of any remaining moisture.
    • Experts can assess the situation, find long-term solutions to any issues, and use the necessary equipment (such as dehumidifiers) to get the job done right.
    • In order to remove excess water from your carpets and upholstery, you should utilise a cleaning machine designed for commercial usage and fitted with the appropriate accessories.
    • The use of this product after water damage has occurred will aid in halting the spread of mould and mildew.
    • To speed up the drying process, you may also place fans in each room and leave the power on for a few hours.
    • You'll save time and effort drying out your carpets this way.
    • Be Cautious With Chemical Cleaning SolutionsWhen providing flood cleanup services, it is imperative that all safety precautions be done before using any chemical cleansers.
    • Without proper training and safety gear, working with chemical solutions may be extremely hazardous.
    • This holds truer than usual if inadequate safety measures are in place.
    • Add A Fresh Coat Of PaintAfter you've completed cleaning up and drying out your property after a flood, a fresh coat of paint on the inside surfaces is typically a smart idea.
    • Seek Professional AssistanceBefore contacting us for flood cleaning services, it is a good idea to have another set of eyes review the results of any water cleanup activity that was done.
    • For proper drying after cleaning, it's important that all areas be clean, mold- and germ-free, and devoid of extra moisture.
    • The drying out of the damaged area is a crucial part of the repair procedure once water damage has occurred.
    • A quick call to a specialist to get the drying process started might possibly be in order.
    • Drying out your property and getting it back to normal will take less time if you get started on it right away.
    • Heating And Ventilation
    • This tactic will help you increase the air temperature on the building site and put into practise rigors ventilation.
    • Environment plays a significant role in how well it works.
    • To generalise, the method works best when the outside temperature is lower and the indoor temperature is higher, such as when a dehumidifier is being used in such a space.
    • The question then becomes, who can produce the best outcomes during the colder months?It is recommended that the room temperature not exceed 35 degrees Celsius while dehumidifying damp walls.
    • If the steam pressure within the walls increases too much due to the temperature rise, the walls may become damaged and crack.
    • If proper ventilation (air exchange) is not provided, the steam will condense on the drier parts of the walls and ceiling and cause a buildup of moisture.
    • In addition, remember that using gas heaters to warm the air has the opposite effect from what one may expect.
    • Check out our range of builder services melbourne to assist you select the most appropriate one for you.
    • That means that an increase in air temperature also causes a rise in air humidity!Using heating and cooling to reduce humidity at a building site is quite expensive.
    • Reasons for this include poor efficiency (dehumidification takes a long time) and the fact that the best outcomes can only be achieved at very high temperatures (this requires a lot of heating power).Condensation DehumidifyingThe goal of condensation dehumidification is to reduce the air temperature down below the dew point, at which point the water vapour in the air condenses out of the atmosphere.
    • Condensation air dehumidifiers are dehumidifiers that function by removing moisture from the air through the process of condensation.
    • Either the condensate flows into a tank linked to a dehumidifier, or it is drained into the sewage system, or it is released into the environment.
    • The air is heated and dried out in the condenser after passing through the evaporator.
    • Dehumidifiers often increase the air temperature by 3 to 8 degrees Celsius when the air is exhausted.
    • Instead of posing a danger of harm, the technique of heating and ventilation may be replaced by dehumidification due to the higher temperature that may be induced, for example from damp walls.
    • The efficiency with which a condensation dehumidifier removes moisture from the air depends on both the operating settings (temperature and humidity) and the device's attributes.
    • Condensation dehumidifiers function most effectively when both the temperature and the relative humidity are over a predetermined limit.
    • Instead, this suggests that as the amount of water decreases, the efficiency of this type of gear will increase.
    • Condensation dehumidifiers, in general, shouldn't be used at temperatures below about 5 degrees Celsius.
    • When compared to more conventional drying processes like heating and ventilating, condensation dehumidification consumes significantly less energy and yields quicker results.
    • This is due in part to the fact that condensation dehumidification does not include the replacement of air in the space.
    • As a result, it is the technique most commonly advocated and thought to be effective for dehumidifying construction sites.
    • Adsorption DehumidifyingAdsorption dehumidification is a method used to remove moisture from the air.
    • This includes the use of hygroscopic materials to absorb the moisture.
    • In addition to the rotor, driving unit, extractor fans, air warmer, filter, casing, and connections, a standard adsorption dehumidifier will also contain these parts.
    • The dehumidifier's design incorporates both dehumidifying and regenerating features.
    • To remove moisture from the air before it is discharged into the environment, the rotor is rotated at high speeds, drawing humid hygroscopic material to the regeneration sector.
    • Heat Vs Dehumidification: What's The Best Choice?Dehumidifiers and heaters are the most common devices used to combat dampness on a construction site.
    • It's clear that dehumidifiers are the superior option when compared to the alternative method.
    • The practise of using heaters to dry out construction zones has been called into question by many.
    • There is a one-to-one relationship between the moisture content and vapour pressure of an atmosphere, therefore as moisture is removed from the air, the vapour pressure lowers.
    • Other differences between heating and dehumidifying as methods for drying out construction sites can be seen in their respective costs:Heaters:Dehumidifiers: High start-up costs Significantly lower maintenance costs Low start-up cost High maintenance costsConstruction Supplies Being Air Dried Although relative humidity is often cited as the most important factor in drying out a construction material, it is not the most important factor by a long by.
    • Take, for example, a psychrometric chart in which temperature and relative humidity are shown (Psychrometrics is defined as studying the dynamic properties of water-air mixture).When that occurs, you may determine the relative humidity, or the quantity of moisture in the air, by dividing the relative humidity by the dry air temperature.
    • This data supports the inference that vapour pressure is the driving force behind effective moisture control.
    • The natural flow of moisture is from high vapour pressure areas to low vapour pressure areas.
    • Under the right climatic circumstances, you may drive the surplus moisture content out of your building materials until they reach equilibrium moisture content.
    • This occurs when a substance stops giving out or absorbing moisture from the air around it.
    • A Comparison Of TechnologiesContractors typically use heat or desiccant dehumidifiers to reduce the amount of moisture in building materials during construction.
    • A lot of talk has gone on in the meanwhile about which drying process is best for use in the building industry, but the science is settled.
    • You may use the information in this article to make educated choices about house construction.
    • A heater's capacity to remove humidity from the air is inferior to that of a dehumidifier.
    • By definition, recirculating a stream of air through a heat-generating system will raise the temperature of that airstream.
    • A direct-fired heater, for instance, uses a fan to circulate air directly over a propane or natural gas flame.
    • The use of direct-fired heaters is more frequent.
    • Next, you may be wondering why we employed heaters to speed up the drying process at building sites in years past.
    • Water vapour in the air drops as the temperature of a room or structure is raised, as the latent heat of condensation is reduced.
    • It's true that raising the temperature has no effect on the amount of moisture in the air, but it does have the opposite effect on humidity.
    • Since this is the case, the building site's environment will (likely) improve.
    • A dehumidifier functions similarly to a furnace in that it removes moisture from the air by passing it over desiccant material.
    • Finally, while comparing heating and dehumidification, it is important to look at the running expenses associated with each technology.
    • A heating system needs a fuel source that is passed over a flame, either directly or indirectly, to produce heat.
    • These systems rely on boilers or heat exchangers that use a great deal of fuel, propane, or natural gas to provide the necessary heat.
    • While heat-only systems may demand a smaller outlay of cash up front, they can rack up hefty fuel costs over time.
    • Overall, this adds to the high expense of utilising this technology.
    • And because desiccant dehumidification is so much more sophisticated, it also has more substantial up-front costs.
    • While the upfront cost of a dehumidifier is more than that of a heat-only system, dehumidifiers have far lower operational costs because to their much reduced fuel consumption.
    • ConclusionPlease let us know if you were able to put this advice to good use and whether the water in your home has been dried out.
    • We appreciate you making our website your go-to source for home renovation advice and information.


    Frequently Asked Questions About Home Building

    Rock Salt. Rock salt is a natural hygroscopic material that absorbs moisture and stores it — similarly to dehumidifiers. However, rock salt is completely natural, non-toxic and requires no electricity. Rock salt is a crystal mined from underground and taken to a special facility.

    If left untreated, dampness can pose several risks, including structural timber decay, damage to plaster, corrosion, health issues for those with asthma and respiratory problems, unsightly staining and mould growth.


    Indeed, the damp-proofing industry's Code of Practice states that "walls will take at least 6 to 12 months to dry out. The presence of paints or renders will substantially extend the drying period".

    Ideally buildings should be dried out by the central heating system where possible, with the thermostat at 22°C or above. If possible use heaters, fans and dehumidifiers to aid the process. Good ventilation of the building will aid the drying out process, open as many doors and windows as possible.

    Over time this moisture will gradually disappear and, as shown in the diagram below, you should expect your new home to reach a moisture- balanced state within 18 months to 2 years.

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